<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >Quickstart to Using Privoxy</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.79"><LINK REL="HOME" TITLE="Privoxy 3.0.12 User Manual" HREF="index.html"><LINK REL="PREVIOUS" TITLE="What's New in this Release" HREF="whatsnew.html"><LINK REL="NEXT" TITLE="Starting Privoxy" HREF="startup.html"><LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../p_doc.css"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="p_doc.css"> </head ><BODY CLASS="SECT1" BGCOLOR="#EEEEEE" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#840084" ALINK="#0000FF" ><DIV CLASS="NAVHEADER" ><TABLE SUMMARY="Header navigation table" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center" >Privoxy 3.0.12 User Manual</TH ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="10%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="bottom" ><A HREF="whatsnew.html" ACCESSKEY="P" >Prev</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="bottom" ></TD ><TD WIDTH="10%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="bottom" ><A HREF="startup.html" ACCESSKEY="N" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"></DIV ><DIV CLASS="SECT1" ><H1 CLASS="SECT1" ><A NAME="QUICKSTART" >4. Quickstart to Using Privoxy</A ></H1 ><P > <P ></P ><UL ><LI ><P > Install <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN >. See the <A HREF="installation.html" >Installation Section</A > below for platform specific information. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Advanced users and those who want to offer <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > service to more than just their local machine should check the <A HREF="config.html" >main config file</A >, especially the <A HREF="config.html#ACCESS-CONTROL" >security-relevant</A > options. These are off by default. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Start <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN >, if the installation program has not done this already (may vary according to platform). See the section <A HREF="startup.html" >Starting <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN ></A >. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Set your browser to use <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > as HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server" TARGET="_top" >proxy</A > by setting the proxy configuration for address of <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ></TT > and port <TT CLASS="LITERAL" >8118</TT >. <SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >DO NOT</I ></SPAN > activate proxying for <TT CLASS="LITERAL" >FTP</TT > or any protocols besides HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) unless you intend to prevent your browser from using these protocols. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Flush your browser's disk and memory caches, to remove any cached ad images. If using <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > to manage <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_cookie" TARGET="_top" >cookies</A >, you should remove any currently stored cookies too. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > A default installation should provide a reasonable starting point for most. There will undoubtedly be occasions where you will want to adjust the configuration, but that can be dealt with as the need arises. Little to no initial configuration is required in most cases, you may want to enable the <A HREF="config.html#ENABLE-EDIT-ACTIONS" TARGET="_top" >web-based action editor</A > though. Be sure to read the warnings first. </P ><P > See the <A HREF="configuration.html" >Configuration section</A > for more configuration options, and how to customize your installation. You might also want to look at the <A HREF="quickstart.html#QUICKSTART-AD-BLOCKING" >next section</A > for a quick introduction to how <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > blocks ads and banners.</P ></LI ><LI ><P > If you experience ads that slip through, innocent images that are blocked, or otherwise feel the need to fine-tune <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > behavior, take a look at the <A HREF="actions-file.html" >actions files</A >. As a quick start, you might find the <A HREF="actions-file.html#ACT-EXAMPLES" >richly commented examples</A > helpful. You can also view and edit the actions files through the <A HREF="http://config.privoxy.org" TARGET="_top" >web-based user interface</A >. The Appendix <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<A HREF="appendix.html#ACTIONSANAT" >Troubleshooting: Anatomy of an Action</A >"</SPAN > has hints on how to understand and debug actions that <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"misbehave"</SPAN >. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Please see the section <A HREF="contact.html" >Contacting the Developers</A > on how to report bugs, problems with websites or to get help. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Now enjoy surfing with enhanced control, comfort and privacy! </P ></LI ></UL ></P ><DIV CLASS="SECT2" ><H2 CLASS="SECT2" ><A NAME="QUICKSTART-AD-BLOCKING" >4.1. Quickstart to Ad Blocking</A ></H2 ><P > Ad blocking is but one of <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > array of features. Many of these features are for the technically minded advanced user. But, ad and banner blocking is surely common ground for everybody.</P ><P > This section will provide a quick summary of ad blocking so you can get up to speed quickly without having to read the more extensive information provided below, though this is highly recommended.</P ><P > First a bit of a warning ... blocking ads is much like blocking SPAM: the more aggressive you are about it, the more likely you are to block things that were not intended. And the more likely that some things may not work as intended. So there is a trade off here. If you want extreme ad free browsing, be prepared to deal with more <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"problem"</SPAN > sites, and to spend more time adjusting the configuration to solve these unintended consequences. In short, there is not an easy way to eliminate <SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >all</I ></SPAN > ads. Either take the easy way and settle for <SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >most</I ></SPAN > ads blocked with the default configuration, or jump in and tweak it for your personal surfing habits and preferences.</P ><P > Secondly, a brief explanation of <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's </SPAN > <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"actions"</SPAN >. <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"Actions"</SPAN > in this context, are the directives we use to tell <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > to perform some task relating to HTTP transactions (i.e. web browsing). We tell <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > to take some <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"action"</SPAN >. Each action has a unique name and function. While there are many potential <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >actions</SPAN > in <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > arsenal, only a few are used for ad blocking. <A HREF="actions-file.html#ACTIONS" >Actions</A >, and <A HREF="actions-file.html" >action configuration files</A >, are explained in depth below.</P ><P > Actions are specified in <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > configuration, followed by one or more URLs to which the action should apply. URLs can actually be URL type <A HREF="actions-file.html#AF-PATTERNS" >patterns</A > that use wildcards so they can apply potentially to a range of similar URLs. The actions, together with the URL patterns are called a section.</P ><P > When you connect to a website, the full URL will either match one or more of the sections as defined in <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > configuration, or not. If so, then <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > will perform the respective actions. If not, then nothing special happens. Furthermore, web pages may contain embedded, secondary URLs that your web browser will use to load additional components of the page, as it parses the original page's HTML content. An ad image for instance, is just an URL embedded in the page somewhere. The image itself may be on the same server, or a server somewhere else on the Internet. Complex web pages will have many such embedded URLs. <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > can deal with each URL individually, so, for instance, the main page text is not touched, but images from such-and-such server are blocked.</P ><P > The most important actions for basic ad blocking are: <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT >, <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-IMAGE" >handle-as-image</A ></TT >, <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-EMPTY-DOCUMENT" >handle-as-empty-document</A ></TT >,and <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#SET-IMAGE-BLOCKER" >set-image-blocker</A ></TT >:</P ><P > <P ></P ><UL ><LI ><P > <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT > - this is perhaps the single most used action, and is particularly important for ad blocking. This action stops any contact between your browser and any URL patterns that match this action's configuration. It can be used for blocking ads, but also anything that is determined to be unwanted. By itself, it simply stops any communication with the remote server and sends <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN >'s own built-in BLOCKED page instead to let you now what has happened (with some exceptions, see below). </P ></LI ><LI ><P > <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-IMAGE" >handle-as-image</A ></TT > - tells <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > to treat this URL as an image. <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN >'s default configuration already does this for all common image types (e.g. GIF), but there are many situations where this is not so easy to determine. So we'll force it in these cases. This is particularly important for ad blocking, since only if we know that it's an image of some kind, can we replace it with an image of our choosing, instead of the <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > BLOCKED page (which would only result in a <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"broken image"</SPAN > icon). There are some limitations to this though. For instance, you can't just brute-force an image substitution for an entire HTML page in most situations. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-EMPTY-DOCUMENT" >handle-as-empty-document</A ></TT > - sends an empty document instead of <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy's</SPAN > normal BLOCKED HTML page. This is useful for file types that are neither HTML nor images, such as blocking JavaScript files. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#SET-IMAGE-BLOCKER" >set-image-blocker</A ></TT > - tells <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > what to display in place of an ad image that has hit a block rule. For this to come into play, the URL must match a <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT > action somewhere in the configuration, <SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >and</I ></SPAN >, it must also match an <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#HANDLE-AS-IMAGE" >handle-as-image</A ></TT > action. </P ><P > The configuration options on what to display instead of the ad are: </P ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD > ���<SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >pattern</I ></SPAN > - a checkerboard pattern, so that an ad replacement is obvious. This is the default. </TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD > ���<SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >blank</I ></SPAN > - A very small empty GIF image is displayed. This is the so-called <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"invisible"</SPAN > configuration option. </TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD > ���<SPAN CLASS="emphasis" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >http://<URL></I ></SPAN > - A redirect to any image anywhere of the user's choosing (advanced usage). </TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></LI ></UL ></P ><P > Advanced users will eventually want to explore <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#FILTER" >filters</A ></TT > as well. Filters are very different from <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >blocks</A ></TT >. A <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"block"</SPAN > blocks a site, page, or unwanted contented. Filters are a way of filtering or modifying what is actually on the page. An example filter usage: a text replacement of <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"no-no"</SPAN > for <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"nasty-word"</SPAN >. That is a very simple example. This process can be used for ad blocking, but it is more in the realm of advanced usage and has some pitfalls to be wary off.</P ><P > The quickest way to adjust any of these settings is with your browser through the special <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > editor at <A HREF="http://config.privoxy.org/show-status" TARGET="_top" >http://config.privoxy.org/show-status</A > (shortcut: <A HREF="http://p.p/" TARGET="_top" >http://p.p/show-status</A >). This is an internal page, and does not require Internet access.</P ><P > Note that as of <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > 3.0.7 beta the action editor is disabled by default. Check the <A HREF="config.html#ENABLE-EDIT-ACTIONS" TARGET="_top" >enable-edit-actions section in the configuration file</A > to learn why and in which cases it's safe to enable again.</P ><P > If you decided to enable the action editor, select the appropriate <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"actions"</SPAN > file, and click <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Edit</SPAN >"</SPAN >. It is best to put personal or local preferences in <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >user.action</TT > since this is not meant to be overwritten during upgrades, and will over-ride the settings in other files. Here you can insert new <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"actions"</SPAN >, and URLs for ad blocking or other purposes, and make other adjustments to the configuration. <SPAN CLASS="APPLICATION" >Privoxy</SPAN > will detect these changes automatically.</P ><P > A quick and simple step by step example:</P ><P > <P ></P ><UL ><LI ><P > Right click on the ad image to be blocked, then select <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIMENUITEM" >Copy Link Location</SPAN >"</SPAN > from the pop-up menu. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Set your browser to <A HREF="http://config.privoxy.org/show-status" TARGET="_top" >http://config.privoxy.org/show-status</A > </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Find <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >user.action</TT > in the top section, and click on <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Edit</SPAN >"</SPAN >: </P ><P > <DIV CLASS="FIGURE" ><A NAME="AEN530" ></A ><P ><B >Figure 1. Actions Files in Use</B ></P ><DIV CLASS="MEDIAOBJECT" ><P ><IMG SRC="files-in-use.jpg"></P ></DIV ></DIV > </P ></LI ><LI ><P > You should have a section with only <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT > listed under <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"Actions:"</SPAN >. If not, click a <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Insert new section below</SPAN >"</SPAN > button, and in the new section that just appeared, click the <SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Edit</SPAN > button right under the word <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"Actions:"</SPAN >. This will bring up a list of all actions. Find <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT > near the top, and click in the <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"Enabled"</SPAN > column, then <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Submit</SPAN >"</SPAN > just below the list. </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Now, in the <TT CLASS="LITERAL" ><A HREF="actions-file.html#BLOCK" >block</A ></TT > actions section, click the <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Add</SPAN >"</SPAN > button, and paste the URL the browser got from <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIMENUITEM" >Copy Link Location</SPAN >"</SPAN >. Remove the <TT CLASS="LITERAL" >http://</TT > at the beginning of the URL. Then, click <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >Submit</SPAN >"</SPAN > (or <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"<SPAN CLASS="GUIBUTTON" >OK</SPAN >"</SPAN > if in a pop-up window). </P ></LI ><LI ><P > Now go back to the original page, and press <B CLASS="KEYCAP" >SHIFT-Reload</B > (or flush all browser caches). The image should be gone now. </P ></LI ></UL ></P ><P > This is a very crude and simple example. There might be good reasons to use a wildcard pattern match to include potentially similar images from the same site. For a more extensive explanation of <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"patterns"</SPAN >, and the entire actions concept, see <A HREF="actions-file.html" >the Actions section</A >.</P ><P > For advanced users who want to hand edit their config files, you might want to now go to the <A HREF="actions-file.html#ACT-EXAMPLES" >Actions Files Tutorial</A >. The ideas explained therein also apply to the web-based editor.</P ><P > There are also various <A HREF="actions-file.html#FILTER" >filters</A > that can be used for ad blocking (filters are a special subset of actions). These fall into the <SPAN CLASS="QUOTE" >"advanced"</SPAN > usage category, and are explained in depth in later sections. </P ></DIV ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="NAVFOOTER" ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"><TABLE SUMMARY="Footer navigation table" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="whatsnew.html" ACCESSKEY="P" >Prev</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="index.html" ACCESSKEY="H" >Home</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="startup.html" ACCESSKEY="N" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" >What's New in this Release</TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" >Starting Privoxy</TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ></BODY ></HTML >