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<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff version="1.2">
<file datatype="plaintext" original="source.xlf" source-language="en" target-language="hr">
<note from="developer">Google places strick character limits on the various text fields in Google Play. The title is 30 characters, the short description is 80 characters, and the rest of the strings, which all go together in the description, are limited to 4000 characters.</note>
<trans-unit id="title" maxwidth="30" size-unit="char">
<note from="developer">This is limited by Google to 30 characters</note>
<trans-unit id="shortdescription" maxwidth="80" size-unit="char">
<source>Protect your privacy with this proxy with Tor</source>
<target>Zaštite svoju privatnost s ovim proxy-em i Tor-om</target>
<note from="developer">This is limited by Google to 80 characters</note>
<trans-unit id="intro">
<source>Orbot is a free proxy app that empowers other apps to use the internet more securely. Orbot uses Tor to encrypt your Internet traffic and then hides it by bouncing through a series of computers around the world. Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.</source>
<target>Orbot je besplatna proxy aplikacija koja omogućuje ostalim aplikacijama da koriste internet sigurnije. Orbot koristi Tor za enkripciju Vašeg Internet prometa, a zatim ga skriva šaljući ga kroz seriju računala diljem svijeta. Tor je besplatan software i otvorena mreža koja pomaže u borbi protiv nadzora mreže koji ugrožava osobne slobode i privatnost, povjerljive poslovne aktivnosti i odnose, te pomaže u borbi protiv analize prometa.</target>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>Orbot is the only app that creates a truly private internet connection. As the New York Times writes, “when a communication arrives from Tor, you can never know where or whom its from.” Tor won the 2012 Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Pioneer Award.</source>
<target>Orbot je jedina aplikacija koja stvara uistinu privatnu internet vezu. Kao što New York Times piše, &quot;kad komunikacija dođe iz Tor-a, nikad ne možete znati od kud ili od kog je.&quot; Tor je osvojio 2012 Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Pioneer nagradu.</target>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES: Orbot is the safest way to use the Internet on Android. Period. Orbot bounces your encrypted traffic several times through computers around the world, instead of connecting you directly like VPNs and proxies. This process takes a little longer, but the strongest privacy and identity protection available is worth the wait.</source>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>PRIVATE WEB SURFING: Use with Orweb, the most anonymous way to access any website, even if its normally blocked, monitored, or on the hidden web. Get Orweb:</source>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>PRIVATE CHAT MESSAGING: Use Gibberbot with Orbot to chat confidentially with anyone, anywhere for free. Get Gibberbot:</source>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>PRIVACY FOR APPS: Any installed app can use Tor if it has a proxy feature, using the settings found here: Use Orbot with Twitter, or try private web searching with DuckDuckGo:</source>
<trans-unit id="intro2">
<source>PRIVACY FOR EVERYONE: Tor can help you confidentially research a competitor, get around the Facebook block at school, or circumvent a firewall to watch sports at work.
PRIVACY MADE EASY: Check out our fun, interactive walkthrough:
ITS OFFICIAL: This is the official version of the Tor onion routing service for Android.</source>
<trans-unit id="expertrootmode">
<source>***Expert Root Mode***</source>
<target>***Stručni root način rada***</target>
<trans-unit id="universalmode">
<source>UNIVERSAL MODE: Orbot can be configured to transparently proxy all of your Internet traffic through Tor. You can also choose which specific apps you want to use through Tor.</source>
<target>UNIVERZALNI NAČIN RADA: Orbot može biti konfiguriran da transparentno proxy-a sav Vaš internet promet kroz Tor. Također možete odabrati koje aplikacije želite da koriste Tor.</target>
<trans-unit id="wespeakyourlanguage">
<source>★ WE SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE: Orbot is available for friends who speak:</source>
<target>★ GOVORIMO VAŠ JEZIK: Orbot je dostupan za prijatelje koji govore:</target>
<trans-unit id="languagelist" translate="no">
<source>العربية, azərbaycanca, български, català, Čeština, dansk, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, English, español, eesti, euskara, فارسی, suomi, français, galego, hrvatski, magyar, עברית, íslenska, italiano, 日本語, 한국어, lietuvių, latviešu, Македонци, Bahasa Melayu, Nederlands, norsk, polski, português, Русский, slovenčina, slovenščina, српски, svenska, Türkçe, українська, Tagalog, Tiếng Việt, 中文(简体), 中文(台灣)</source>
<target>العربية, azərbaycanca, български, català, Čeština, dansk, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, English, español, eesti, euskara, فارسی, suomi, français, galego, hrvatski, magyar, עברית, íslenska, italiano, 日本語, 한국어, lietuvių, latviešu, Македонци, Bahasa Melayu, Nederlands, norsk, polski, português, Русский, slovenčina, slovenščina, српски, svenska, Türkçe, українська, Tagalog, Tiếng Việt, 中文(简体), 中文(台灣)</target>
<note from="developer">Do not translate the names of the languages, leave them just like this.</note>
<trans-unit id="helptranslate">
<source>Dont see your language? Join us and help translate the app:</source>
<target>Ne viditie svoj jezik? Pridružite nam se i pomozite nam prevesti aplikaciju:</target>
<trans-unit id="helptranslateurl" translate="no">
<note from="developer">Do not translate this.</note>
<trans-unit id="learnmore">
<source>***Learn More***</source>
<target>***Nauči više***</target>
<trans-unit id="aboutus">
<source>★ ABOUT US: Guardian Project is a group of developers that make secure mobile apps and open-source code for a better tomorrow</source>
<target>★ O NAMA: Guardian Project je grupa developera koji rade sigurne mobilne aplikacije i otvoreni kod za bolje sutra</target>
<trans-unit id="ourwebsite">
<source>★ OUR WEBSITE:</source>
<target>★ NAŠA WEB STRANICA:</target>
<trans-unit id="abouttor">
<source>★ ABOUT TOR:</source>
<target>★ O TOR-u:</target>
<trans-unit id="ontwitter">
<source>★ ON TWITTER:</source>
<target>★ NA TWITTER-u:</target>
<trans-unit id="freesoftware">
<source>★ FREE SOFTWARE: Orbot is free software. Take a look at our source code, or join the community to make it better:</source>
<target>★ BESPLATAN SOFTWARE: Orbot je besplatan software. Pogledajte naš izvorni kod ili se pridružite zajednici da ga učinite boljim:</target>
<trans-unit id="gitrepo" translate="no">
<note from="developer">Do not translate this.</note>
<trans-unit id="messageus">
<source>★ MESSAGE US: Are we missing your favorite feature? Found an annoying bug? Please tell us! Wed love to hear from you. Send us an email: or find us in our chat room</source>
<target>★ POŠALJITE NAM PORUKU: Nedostaje nam Vaša omiljena značajka? Pronašli ste grešku? Recite nam! Voljeli bi Vas čuti. Pošaljite nam email: ili nas nađite u našoj chat sobi:</target>