refactor engine and renderer, now life is a drop in engine

This commit is contained in:
Dan Ballard 2021-01-04 23:13:08 -08:00
parent 4da6c7caa6
commit 6381d02fb9
3 changed files with 149 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
use sdl2::render::Canvas;
use sdl2::pixels::Color;
use sdl2::video::Window;
use sdl2::rect::Rect;
use std::cmp;
pub mod life;
pub const BLACK: Color = Color::RGB(0, 0, 0);
pub const WHITE: Color = Color::RGB(255, 255, 255);
pub struct Cell {
pub color: Color,
pub trait Engine {
fn evolve(&mut self) -> Vec<Vec<Cell>>;
pub struct Renderer {
pub px_size: i32,
pub canvas: Canvas<Window>,
impl Renderer {
pub fn new(px_size: i32, canvas: Canvas<Window>) -> Renderer {
Renderer { px_size: px_size, canvas: canvas }
pub fn render(&mut self, grid: &Vec<Vec<Cell>>) {
for y in 0..grid.len() {
for x in 0..grid[y].len() {
//if grid[y][x].alive {
self.canvas.fill_rect(Rect::new(x as i32 * self.px_size, y as i32 * self.px_size, self.px_size as u32, self.px_size as u32));
for (y, row) in grid.iter().enumerate() {
for (x, cell) in row.iter().enumerate() {
rectangle( cell.color, rectangle::square((x as u32 * px_size) as f64, (y as u32 * px_size) as f64, px_size as f64), c.transform, gl)

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
use std::cmp;
use super::{Cell, Engine, WHITE, BLACK};
pub struct LifeEngine {
grid: Vec<Vec<bool>>,
pub fn new(size: usize) -> LifeEngine {
let mut life = LifeEngine{grid: vec![vec![false; size]; size]};
// r pemento
let centery = size/2;
let centerx = size/2;
life.grid[centery][centerx] = true;
life.grid[centery+1][centerx] = true;
life.grid[centery-1][centerx] = true;
life.grid[centery-1][centerx-1] = true;
life.grid[centery][centerx+1] = true;
impl Engine for LifeEngine {
fn evolve(&mut self) -> Vec<Vec<Cell>> {
let mut new_render_grid = vec![vec![Cell{color: BLACK}; self.grid.len()]; self.grid.len()];
let mut new_life_grid = vec![vec![false; self.grid.len()]; self.grid.len()];
for y in 0..self.grid.len() {
for x in 0..self.grid[y].len() {
let mut nalive = 0;
let mut ylow = 0;
if y > 1 {
ylow = y-1;
let yhigh = cmp::min(self.grid.len()-1, y+1);
let mut xlow = 0;
if x > 1 {
xlow = x-1;
let xhigh = cmp::min(self.grid.len()-1, x+1);
for i in ylow..yhigh+1 {
for j in xlow..xhigh+1 {
if i == y && j == x {
if self.grid[i][j] {
nalive += 1;
if self.grid[y][x] {
if nalive == 2 || nalive == 3 {
new_render_grid[y][x] = Cell{color: WHITE};
new_life_grid[y][x] = true;
} else if nalive == 3 {
new_render_grid[y][x] = Cell{color: WHITE};
new_life_grid[y][x] = true;
self.grid = new_life_grid;

View File

@ -1,134 +1,26 @@
use sdl2::render::Canvas;
use sdl2::pixels::Color;
use sdl2::video::Window;
use sdl2::rect::Rect;
use std::cmp;
use std::{thread, time};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use std::time::{SystemTime};
use microworlds::Engine;
pub const SCREEN_SIZE: u32 = 800;
pub const PX_SIZE: u32 = 2;
pub const BLACK: Color = Color::RGB(0, 0, 0);
pub const WHITE: Color = Color::RGB(255, 255, 255);
pub trait Cell {
fn color(&self) -> [f32; 4];
pub struct ConwayCell {
color: Color,
alive: bool,
impl Cell {
pub fn clone(&self) -> Cell {
Cell{color: self.color}
pub struct App {
steps_per_sec: u64,
px_size: i32,
grid: Vec<Vec<ConwayCell>>,
canvas: Canvas<Window>,
impl App {
fn render (&mut self) {
self.canvas.set_draw_color(Color::RGB(0, 0, 0));
for y in 0..self.grid.len() {
for x in 0..self.grid[y].len() {
if self.grid[y][x].alive {
self.canvas.fill_rect(Rect::new(x as i32 * self.px_size , y as i32 * self.px_size, self.px_size as u32, self.px_size as u32));
for (y, row) in grid.iter().enumerate() {
for (x, cell) in row.iter().enumerate() {
rectangle( cell.color, rectangle::square((x as u32 * px_size) as f64, (y as u32 * px_size) as f64, px_size as f64), c.transform, gl)
fn evolve(&mut self) {
let mut new_grid = vec![vec![ConwayCell{color: BLACK, alive: false}; self.grid.len()]; self.grid.len()];
for y in 0..self.grid.len() {
for x in 0..self.grid[y].len() {
let mut nalive = 0;
let mut ylow = 0;
if y > 1 {
ylow = y-1;
let yhigh = cmp::min(self.grid.len()-1, y+1);
let mut xlow = 0;
if x > 1 {
xlow = x-1;
let xhigh = cmp::min(self.grid.len()-1, x+1);
for i in ylow..yhigh+1 {
for j in xlow..xhigh+1 {
if i == y && j == x {
if self.grid[i][j].alive {
nalive += 1;
if self.grid[y][x].alive {
if nalive == 2 || nalive == 3 {
new_grid[y][x] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true}
} else if nalive == 3 {
new_grid[y][x] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true}
self.grid = new_grid;
pub const STEPS_PER_SEC: u64 = 8;
fn main() {
let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap();
let video_subsystem =;
let window = video_subsystem.window("Microworlds", SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE).build().unwrap();
println!("Window: {}x{} at {} px per cell", SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE, PX_SIZE);
let size: usize = (SCREEN_SIZE/PX_SIZE) as usize;
let mut grid = vec![vec![ConwayCell{color: BLACK, alive: false}; size]; size];
println!("size:{}", size);
let mut grid = vec![vec![microworlds::Cell{color: microworlds::BLACK}; size]; size];
// r pemento
let centery = size/2;
let centerx = size/2;
println!("centery:{} centerx:{}", centery, centerx);
grid[centery][centerx] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true};
grid[centery+1][centerx] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true};
grid[centery-1][centerx] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true};
println!("cell grid: {}x{} ({} cells) - {} steps per sec", size, size, (size*size), STEPS_PER_SEC);
grid[centery-1][centerx-1] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true};
grid[centery][centerx+1] = ConwayCell{color: WHITE, alive: true};
let mut engine = microworlds::life::new(size);
// Let's create a Canvas which we will use to draw in our Window
let canvas : Canvas<Window> = window.into_canvas()
@ -136,17 +28,13 @@ fn main() {
// render faster than your display rate (usually 60Hz or 144Hz)
let mut app = App {
steps_per_sec: 32,
px_size: PX_SIZE as i32,
grid: grid,
canvas: canvas,
let mut renderer= microworlds::Renderer::new( PX_SIZE as i32, canvas);
let mut frame = 0;
let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap();
let period = time::Duration::from_millis(1000 / STEPS_PER_SEC);
'main: loop {
for event in event_pump.poll_iter() {
match event {
@ -156,16 +44,17 @@ fn main() {
let start_rend = SystemTime::now();
let render_time = start_rend.elapsed().unwrap();
let start_evo = SystemTime::now();
grid = engine.evolve();
let evo_time = start_evo.elapsed().unwrap();
let total_time = start_rend.elapsed().unwrap();
frame += 1;
println!("frame: {} - render time: {:?} | evolve time: {:?} | total time: {:?}", frame, render_time, evo_time, total_time);
thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(1000 / app.steps_per_sec));
if total_time < period {
thread::sleep(period - total_time);