
60 lines
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package warren
import (
type ICommand interface {
GetName() string
GetSummary() string
var commands map[string]ICommand = make(map[string]ICommand)
// shamelessly snagged from the go tool
// each command gets its own set of args,
// defines its own entry point, and provides its own help
type Command struct {
Run func(cmd *Command, args ...string)
Flag flag.FlagSet
Name string
Usage string // multiline doc about using cmd
Summary string // one line info about cmd
func (c *Command) GetName() string {
return c.Name
func (c *Command) GetSummary() string {
return c.Summary
func (c *Command) Exec(args []string) {
c.Flag.Usage = func() {
// helpFunc(c, c.Name)
c.Run(c, c.Flag.Args()...)
func RegisterCommand(c ICommand) {
commands[c.GetName()] = c
func GetCommand(name string) ICommand {
return commands[name]
var usageTmpl = template.Must(template.New("usage").Parse(`
Commands:{{range $k, $v := .}}
{{$v.GetName| printf "%-10s"}} {{$v.GetSummary}}{{end}}
func PrintCommandUsage() {
usageTmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, commands)