const char urlmatch_rcs[] = "$Id: urlmatch.c,v 1.65 2011/11/06 11:41:34 fabiankeil Exp $"; /********************************************************************* * * File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/urlmatch.c,v $ * * Purpose : Declares functions to match URLs against URL * patterns. * * Copyright : Written by and Copyright (C) 2001-2011 * the Privoxy team. * * Based on the Internet Junkbuster originally written * by and Copyright (C) 1997 Anonymous Coders and * Junkbusters Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * License for more details. * * The GNU General Public License should be included with * this file. If not, you can view it at * * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * *********************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__OS2__) #include #endif #include "project.h" #include "urlmatch.h" #include "ssplit.h" #include "miscutil.h" #include "errlog.h" const char urlmatch_h_rcs[] = URLMATCH_H_VERSION; enum regex_anchoring { NO_ANCHORING, LEFT_ANCHORED, RIGHT_ANCHORED, RIGHT_ANCHORED_HOST }; static jb_err compile_host_pattern(struct url_spec *url, const char *host_pattern); /********************************************************************* * * Function : free_http_request * * Description : Freez a http_request structure * * Parameters : * 1 : http = points to a http_request structure to free * * Returns : N/A * *********************************************************************/ void free_http_request(struct http_request *http) { assert(http); freez(http->cmd); freez(http->ocmd); freez(http->gpc); freez(http->host); freez(http->url); freez(http->hostport); freez(http->path); freez(http->ver); freez(http->host_ip_addr_str); #ifndef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS freez(http->dbuffer); freez(http->dvec); http->dcount = 0; #endif } #ifndef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS /********************************************************************* * * Function : init_domain_components * * Description : Splits the domain name so we can compare it * against wildcards. It used to be part of * parse_http_url, but was separated because the * same code is required in chat in case of * intercepted requests. * * Parameters : * 1 : http = pointer to the http structure to hold elements. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success * JB_ERR_MEMORY on out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE on malformed command/URL * or >100 domains deep. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err init_domain_components(struct http_request *http) { char *vec[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t size; char *p; http->dbuffer = strdup(http->host); if (NULL == http->dbuffer) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* map to lower case */ for (p = http->dbuffer; *p ; p++) { *p = (char)tolower((int)(unsigned char)*p); } /* split the domain name into components */ http->dcount = ssplit(http->dbuffer, ".", vec, SZ(vec), 1, 1); if (http->dcount <= 0) { /* * Error: More than SZ(vec) components in domain * or: no components in domain */ log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "More than SZ(vec) components in domain or none at all."); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } /* save a copy of the pointers in dvec */ size = (size_t)http->dcount * sizeof(*http->dvec); http->dvec = (char **)malloc(size); if (NULL == http->dvec) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } memcpy(http->dvec, vec, size); return JB_ERR_OK; } #endif /* ndef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS */ /********************************************************************* * * Function : url_requires_percent_encoding * * Description : Checks if an URL contains invalid characters * according to RFC 3986 that should be percent-encoded. * Does not verify whether or not the passed string * actually is a valid URL. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = URL to check * * Returns : True in case of valid URLs, false otherwise * *********************************************************************/ int url_requires_percent_encoding(const char *url) { static const char allowed_characters[128] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '!', '\0', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '\0', '=', '\0', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\0', ']', '\0', '_', '\0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '\0', '\0', '\0', '~', '\0' }; while (*url != '\0') { const unsigned int i = (unsigned char)*url++; if (i >= sizeof(allowed_characters) || '\0' == allowed_characters[i]) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : parse_http_url * * Description : Parse out the host and port from the URL. Find the * hostname & path, port (if ':'), and/or password (if '@') * * Parameters : * 1 : url = URL (or is it URI?) to break down * 2 : http = pointer to the http structure to hold elements. * Must be initialized with valid values (like NULLs). * 3 : require_protocol = Whether or not URLs without * protocol are acceptable. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success * JB_ERR_MEMORY on out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE on malformed command/URL * or >100 domains deep. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err parse_http_url(const char *url, struct http_request *http, int require_protocol) { int host_available = 1; /* A proxy can dream. */ /* * Save our initial URL */ http->url = strdup(url); if (http->url == NULL) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* * Check for * URI. If found, we're done. */ if (*http->url == '*') { if ( NULL == (http->path = strdup("*")) || NULL == (http->hostport = strdup("")) ) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } if (http->url[1] != '\0') { return JB_ERR_PARSE; } return JB_ERR_OK; } /* * Split URL into protocol,hostport,path. */ { char *buf; char *url_noproto; char *url_path; buf = strdup(url); if (buf == NULL) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* Find the start of the URL in our scratch space */ url_noproto = buf; if (strncmpic(url_noproto, "http://", 7) == 0) { url_noproto += 7; } else if (strncmpic(url_noproto, "https://", 8) == 0) { /* * Should only happen when called from cgi_show_url_info(). */ url_noproto += 8; http->ssl = 1; } else if (*url_noproto == '/') { /* * Short request line without protocol and host. * Most likely because the client's request * was intercepted and redirected into Privoxy. */ http->host = NULL; host_available = 0; } else if (require_protocol) { freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } url_path = strchr(url_noproto, '/'); if (url_path != NULL) { /* * Got a path. * * NOTE: The following line ignores the path for HTTPS URLS. * This means that you get consistent behaviour if you type a * https URL in and it's parsed by the function. (When the * URL is actually retrieved, SSL hides the path part). */ http->path = strdup(http->ssl ? "/" : url_path); *url_path = '\0'; http->hostport = strdup(url_noproto); } else { /* * Repair broken HTTP requests that don't contain a path, * or CONNECT requests */ http->path = strdup("/"); http->hostport = strdup(url_noproto); } freez(buf); if ( (http->path == NULL) || (http->hostport == NULL)) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } } if (!host_available) { /* Without host, there is nothing left to do here */ return JB_ERR_OK; } /* * Split hostport into user/password (ignored), host, port. */ { char *buf; char *host; char *port; buf = strdup(http->hostport); if (buf == NULL) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* check if url contains username and/or password */ host = strchr(buf, '@'); if (host != NULL) { /* Contains username/password, skip it and the @ sign. */ host++; } else { /* No username or password. */ host = buf; } /* Move after hostname before port number */ if (*host == '[') { /* Numeric IPv6 address delimited by brackets */ host++; port = strchr(host, ']'); if (port == NULL) { /* Missing closing bracket */ freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } *port++ = '\0'; if (*port == '\0') { port = NULL; } else if (*port != ':') { /* Garbage after closing bracket */ freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } } else { /* Plain non-escaped hostname */ port = strchr(host, ':'); } /* check if url contains port */ if (port != NULL) { /* Contains port */ /* Terminate hostname and point to start of port string */ *port++ = '\0'; http->port = atoi(port); } else { /* No port specified. */ http->port = (http->ssl ? 443 : 80); } http->host = strdup(host); freez(buf); if (http->host == NULL) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } } #ifdef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS return JB_ERR_OK; #else /* Split domain name so we can compare it against wildcards */ return init_domain_components(http); #endif /* def FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS */ } /********************************************************************* * * Function : unknown_method * * Description : Checks whether a method is unknown. * * Parameters : * 1 : method = points to a http method * * Returns : TRUE if it's unknown, FALSE otherwise. * *********************************************************************/ static int unknown_method(const char *method) { static const char * const known_http_methods[] = { /* Basic HTTP request type */ "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "CONNECT", /* webDAV extensions (RFC2518) */ "PROPFIND", "PROPPATCH", "MOVE", "COPY", "MKCOL", "LOCK", "UNLOCK", /* * Microsoft webDAV extension for Exchange 2000. See: * * */ "BCOPY", "BMOVE", "BDELETE", "BPROPFIND", "BPROPPATCH", /* * Another Microsoft webDAV extension for Exchange 2000. See: * * * */ "SUBSCRIBE", "UNSUBSCRIBE", "NOTIFY", "POLL", /* * Yet another WebDAV extension, this time for * Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (RFC3253) */ "VERSION-CONTROL", "REPORT", "CHECKOUT", "CHECKIN", "UNCHECKOUT", "MKWORKSPACE", "UPDATE", "LABEL", "MERGE", "BASELINE-CONTROL", "MKACTIVITY", }; int i; for (i = 0; i < SZ(known_http_methods); i++) { if (0 == strcmpic(method, known_http_methods[i])) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : parse_http_request * * Description : Parse out the host and port from the URL. Find the * hostname & path, port (if ':'), and/or password (if '@') * * Parameters : * 1 : req = HTTP request line to break down * 2 : http = pointer to the http structure to hold elements * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success * JB_ERR_MEMORY on out of memory * JB_ERR_CGI_PARAMS on malformed command/URL * or >100 domains deep. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err parse_http_request(const char *req, struct http_request *http) { char *buf; char *v[10]; /* XXX: Why 10? We should only need three. */ int n; jb_err err; memset(http, '\0', sizeof(*http)); buf = strdup(req); if (buf == NULL) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } n = ssplit(buf, " \r\n", v, SZ(v), 1, 1); if (n != 3) { freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } /* * Fail in case of unknown methods * which we might not handle correctly. * * XXX: There should be a config option * to forward requests with unknown methods * anyway. Most of them don't need special * steps. */ if (unknown_method(v[0])) { log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unknown HTTP method detected: %s", v[0]); freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } if (strcmpic(v[2], "HTTP/1.1") && strcmpic(v[2], "HTTP/1.0")) { log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "The only supported HTTP " "versions are 1.0 and 1.1. This rules out: %s", v[2]); freez(buf); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } http->ssl = !strcmpic(v[0], "CONNECT"); err = parse_http_url(v[1], http, !http->ssl); if (err) { freez(buf); return err; } /* * Copy the details into the structure */ http->cmd = strdup(req); http->gpc = strdup(v[0]); http->ver = strdup(v[2]); freez(buf); if ( (http->cmd == NULL) || (http->gpc == NULL) || (http->ver == NULL) ) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } return JB_ERR_OK; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : compile_pattern * * Description : Compiles a host, domain or TAG pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : pattern = The pattern to compile. * 2 : anchoring = How the regex should be modified * before compilation. Can be either * one of NO_ANCHORING, LEFT_ANCHORED, * RIGHT_ANCHORED or RIGHT_ANCHORED_HOST. * 3 : url = In case of failures, the spec member is * logged and the structure freed. * 4 : regex = Where the compiled regex should be stored. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK - Success * JB_ERR_MEMORY - Out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE - Cannot parse regex * *********************************************************************/ static jb_err compile_pattern(const char *pattern, enum regex_anchoring anchoring, struct url_spec *url, regex_t **regex) { int errcode; char rebuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; const char *fmt = NULL; assert(pattern); assert(strlen(pattern) < sizeof(rebuf) - 2); if (pattern[0] == '\0') { *regex = NULL; return JB_ERR_OK; } switch (anchoring) { case NO_ANCHORING: fmt = "%s"; break; case RIGHT_ANCHORED: fmt = "%s$"; break; case RIGHT_ANCHORED_HOST: fmt = "%s\\.?$"; break; case LEFT_ANCHORED: fmt = "^%s"; break; default: log_error(LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, "Invalid anchoring in compile_pattern %d", anchoring); } *regex = zalloc(sizeof(**regex)); if (NULL == *regex) { free_url_spec(url); return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } snprintf(rebuf, sizeof(rebuf), fmt, pattern); errcode = regcomp(*regex, rebuf, (REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB|REG_ICASE)); if (errcode) { size_t errlen = regerror(errcode, *regex, rebuf, sizeof(rebuf)); if (errlen > (sizeof(rebuf) - (size_t)1)) { errlen = sizeof(rebuf) - (size_t)1; } rebuf[errlen] = '\0'; log_error(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "error compiling %s from %s: %s", pattern, url->spec, rebuf); free_url_spec(url); return JB_ERR_PARSE; } return JB_ERR_OK; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : compile_url_pattern * * Description : Compiles the three parts of an URL pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = Target url_spec to be filled in. * 2 : buf = The url pattern to compile. Will be messed up. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK - Success * JB_ERR_MEMORY - Out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE - Cannot parse regex * *********************************************************************/ static jb_err compile_url_pattern(struct url_spec *url, char *buf) { char *p; p = strchr(buf, '/'); if (NULL != p) { /* * Only compile the regex if it consists of more than * a single slash, otherwise it wouldn't affect the result. */ if (p[1] != '\0') { /* * XXX: does it make sense to compile the slash at the beginning? */ jb_err err = compile_pattern(p, LEFT_ANCHORED, url, &url->preg); if (JB_ERR_OK != err) { return err; } } *p = '\0'; } /* * IPv6 numeric hostnames can contain colons, thus we need * to delimit the hostname before the real port separator. * As brackets are already used in the hostname pattern, * we use angle brackets ('<', '>') instead. */ if ((buf[0] == '<') && (NULL != (p = strchr(buf + 1, '>')))) { *p++ = '\0'; buf++; if (*p == '\0') { /* IPv6 address without port number */ p = NULL; } else if (*p != ':') { /* Garbage after address delimiter */ return JB_ERR_PARSE; } } else { p = strchr(buf, ':'); } if (NULL != p) { *p++ = '\0'; url->port_list = strdup(p); if (NULL == url->port_list) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } } else { url->port_list = NULL; } if (buf[0] != '\0') { return compile_host_pattern(url, buf); } return JB_ERR_OK; } #ifdef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS /********************************************************************* * * Function : compile_host_pattern * * Description : Parses and compiles a host pattern.. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = Target url_spec to be filled in. * 2 : host_pattern = Host pattern to compile. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK - Success * JB_ERR_MEMORY - Out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE - Cannot parse regex * *********************************************************************/ static jb_err compile_host_pattern(struct url_spec *url, const char *host_pattern) { return compile_pattern(host_pattern, RIGHT_ANCHORED_HOST, url, &url->host_regex); } #else /********************************************************************* * * Function : compile_host_pattern * * Description : Parses and "compiles" an old-school host pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = Target url_spec to be filled in. * 2 : host_pattern = Host pattern to parse. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK - Success * JB_ERR_MEMORY - Out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE - Cannot parse regex * *********************************************************************/ static jb_err compile_host_pattern(struct url_spec *url, const char *host_pattern) { char *v[150]; size_t size; char *p; /* * Parse domain part */ if (host_pattern[strlen(host_pattern) - 1] == '.') { url->unanchored |= ANCHOR_RIGHT; } if (host_pattern[0] == '.') { url->unanchored |= ANCHOR_LEFT; } /* * Split domain into components */ url->dbuffer = strdup(host_pattern); if (NULL == url->dbuffer) { free_url_spec(url); return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* * Map to lower case */ for (p = url->dbuffer; *p ; p++) { *p = (char)tolower((int)(unsigned char)*p); } /* * Split the domain name into components */ url->dcount = ssplit(url->dbuffer, ".", v, SZ(v), 1, 1); if (url->dcount < 0) { free_url_spec(url); return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } else if (url->dcount != 0) { /* * Save a copy of the pointers in dvec */ size = (size_t)url->dcount * sizeof(*url->dvec); url->dvec = (char **)malloc(size); if (NULL == url->dvec) { free_url_spec(url); return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } memcpy(url->dvec, v, size); } /* * else dcount == 0 in which case we needn't do anything, * since dvec will never be accessed and the pattern will * match all domains. */ return JB_ERR_OK; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : simplematch * * Description : String matching, with a (greedy) '*' wildcard that * stands for zero or more arbitrary characters and * character classes in [], which take both enumerations * and ranges. * * Parameters : * 1 : pattern = pattern for matching * 2 : text = text to be matched * * Returns : 0 if match, else nonzero * *********************************************************************/ static int simplematch(const char *pattern, const char *text) { const unsigned char *pat = (const unsigned char *)pattern; const unsigned char *txt = (const unsigned char *)text; const unsigned char *fallback = pat; int wildcard = 0; unsigned char lastchar = 'a'; unsigned i; unsigned char charmap[32]; while (*txt) { /* EOF pattern but !EOF text? */ if (*pat == '\0') { if (wildcard) { pat = fallback; } else { return 1; } } /* '*' in the pattern? */ if (*pat == '*') { /* The pattern ends afterwards? Speed up the return. */ if (*++pat == '\0') { return 0; } /* Else, set wildcard mode and remember position after '*' */ wildcard = 1; fallback = pat; } /* Character range specification? */ if (*pat == '[') { memset(charmap, '\0', sizeof(charmap)); while (*++pat != ']') { if (!*pat) { return 1; } else if (*pat == '-') { if ((*++pat == ']') || *pat == '\0') { return(1); } for (i = lastchar; i <= *pat; i++) { charmap[i / 8] |= (unsigned char)(1 << (i % 8)); } } else { charmap[*pat / 8] |= (unsigned char)(1 << (*pat % 8)); lastchar = *pat; } } } /* -END- if Character range specification */ /* * Char match, or char range match? */ if ( (*pat == *txt) || (*pat == '?') || ((*pat == ']') && (charmap[*txt / 8] & (1 << (*txt % 8)))) ) { /* * Success: Go ahead */ pat++; } else if (!wildcard) { /* * No match && no wildcard: No luck */ return 1; } else if (pat != fallback) { /* * Increment text pointer if in char range matching */ if (*pat == ']') { txt++; } /* * Wildcard mode && nonmatch beyond fallback: Rewind pattern */ pat = fallback; /* * Restart matching from current text pointer */ continue; } txt++; } /* Cut off extra '*'s */ if(*pat == '*') pat++; /* If this is the pattern's end, fine! */ return(*pat); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : simple_domaincmp * * Description : Domain-wise Compare fqdn's. The comparison is * both left- and right-anchored. The individual * domain names are compared with simplematch(). * This is only used by domain_match. * * Parameters : * 1 : pv = array of patterns to compare * 2 : fv = array of domain components to compare * 3 : len = length of the arrays (both arrays are the * same length - if they weren't, it couldn't * possibly be a match). * * Returns : 0 => domains are equivalent, else no match. * *********************************************************************/ static int simple_domaincmp(char **pv, char **fv, int len) { int n; for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { if (simplematch(pv[n], fv[n])) { return 1; } } return 0; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : domain_match * * Description : Domain-wise Compare fqdn's. Governed by the bimap in * pattern->unachored, the comparison is un-, left-, * right-anchored, or both. * The individual domain names are compared with * simplematch(). * * Parameters : * 1 : pattern = a domain that may contain a '*' as a wildcard. * 2 : fqdn = domain name against which the patterns are compared. * * Returns : 0 => domains are equivalent, else no match. * *********************************************************************/ static int domain_match(const struct url_spec *pattern, const struct http_request *fqdn) { char **pv, **fv; /* vectors */ int plen, flen; int unanchored = pattern->unanchored & (ANCHOR_RIGHT | ANCHOR_LEFT); plen = pattern->dcount; flen = fqdn->dcount; if (flen < plen) { /* fqdn is too short to match this pattern */ return 1; } pv = pattern->dvec; fv = fqdn->dvec; if (unanchored == ANCHOR_LEFT) { /* * Right anchored. * * Convert this into a fully anchored pattern with * the fqdn and pattern the same length */ fv += (flen - plen); /* flen - plen >= 0 due to check above */ return simple_domaincmp(pv, fv, plen); } else if (unanchored == 0) { /* Fully anchored, check length */ if (flen != plen) { return 1; } return simple_domaincmp(pv, fv, plen); } else if (unanchored == ANCHOR_RIGHT) { /* Left anchored, ignore all extra in fqdn */ return simple_domaincmp(pv, fv, plen); } else { /* Unanchored */ int n; int maxn = flen - plen; for (n = 0; n <= maxn; n++) { if (!simple_domaincmp(pv, fv, plen)) { return 0; } /* * Doesn't match from start of fqdn * Try skipping first part of fqdn */ fv++; } return 1; } } #endif /* def FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS */ /********************************************************************* * * Function : create_url_spec * * Description : Creates a "url_spec" structure from a string. * When finished, free with free_url_spec(). * * Parameters : * 1 : url = Target url_spec to be filled in. Will be * zeroed before use. * 2 : buf = Source pattern, null terminated. NOTE: The * contents of this buffer are destroyed by this * function. If this function succeeds, the * buffer is copied to url->spec. If this * function fails, the contents of the buffer * are lost forever. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK - Success * JB_ERR_MEMORY - Out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE - Cannot parse regex (Detailed message * written to system log) * *********************************************************************/ jb_err create_url_spec(struct url_spec *url, char *buf) { assert(url); assert(buf); memset(url, '\0', sizeof(*url)); /* Remember the original specification for the CGI pages. */ url->spec = strdup(buf); if (NULL == url->spec) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } /* Is it a tag pattern? */ if (0 == strncmpic(url->spec, "TAG:", 4)) { /* The pattern starts with the first character after "TAG:" */ const char *tag_pattern = buf + 4; return compile_pattern(tag_pattern, NO_ANCHORING, url, &url->tag_regex); } /* If it isn't a tag pattern it must be an URL pattern. */ return compile_url_pattern(url, buf); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : free_url_spec * * Description : Called from the "unloaders". Freez the url * structure elements. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = pointer to a url_spec structure. * * Returns : N/A * *********************************************************************/ void free_url_spec(struct url_spec *url) { if (url == NULL) return; freez(url->spec); #ifdef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS if (url->host_regex) { regfree(url->host_regex); freez(url->host_regex); } #else freez(url->dbuffer); freez(url->dvec); url->dcount = 0; #endif /* ndef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS */ freez(url->port_list); if (url->preg) { regfree(url->preg); freez(url->preg); } if (url->tag_regex) { regfree(url->tag_regex); freez(url->tag_regex); } } /********************************************************************* * * Function : port_matches * * Description : Compares a port against a port list. * * Parameters : * 1 : port = The port to check. * 2 : port_list = The list of port to compare with. * * Returns : TRUE for yes, FALSE otherwise. * *********************************************************************/ static int port_matches(const int port, const char *port_list) { return ((NULL == port_list) || match_portlist(port_list, port)); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : host_matches * * Description : Compares a host against a host pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : url = The URL to match * 2 : pattern = The URL pattern * * Returns : TRUE for yes, FALSE otherwise. * *********************************************************************/ static int host_matches(const struct http_request *http, const struct url_spec *pattern) { #ifdef FEATURE_EXTENDED_HOST_PATTERNS return ((NULL == pattern->host_regex) || (0 == regexec(pattern->host_regex, http->host, 0, NULL, 0))); #else return ((NULL == pattern->dbuffer) || (0 == domain_match(pattern, http))); #endif } /********************************************************************* * * Function : path_matches * * Description : Compares a path against a path pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : path = The path to match * 2 : pattern = The URL pattern * * Returns : TRUE for yes, FALSE otherwise. * *********************************************************************/ static int path_matches(const char *path, const struct url_spec *pattern) { return ((NULL == pattern->preg) || (0 == regexec(pattern->preg, path, 0, NULL, 0))); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : url_match * * Description : Compare a URL against a URL pattern. * * Parameters : * 1 : pattern = a URL pattern * 2 : url = URL to match * * Returns : Nonzero if the URL matches the pattern, else 0. * *********************************************************************/ int url_match(const struct url_spec *pattern, const struct http_request *http) { if (pattern->tag_regex != NULL) { /* It's a tag pattern and shouldn't be matched against URLs */ return 0; } return (port_matches(http->port, pattern->port_list) && host_matches(http, pattern) && path_matches(http->path, pattern)); } /********************************************************************* * * Function : match_portlist * * Description : Check if a given number is covered by a comma * separated list of numbers and ranges (a,b-c,d,..) * * Parameters : * 1 : portlist = String with list * 2 : port = port to check * * Returns : 0 => no match * 1 => match * *********************************************************************/ int match_portlist(const char *portlist, int port) { char *min, *max, *next, *portlist_copy; min = portlist_copy = strdup(portlist); /* * Zero-terminate first item and remember offset for next */ if (NULL != (next = strchr(portlist_copy, (int) ','))) { *next++ = '\0'; } /* * Loop through all items, checking for match */ while (NULL != min) { if (NULL == (max = strchr(min, (int) '-'))) { /* * No dash, check for equality */ if (port == atoi(min)) { freez(portlist_copy); return(1); } } else { /* * This is a range, so check if between min and max, * or, if max was omitted, between min and 65K */ *max++ = '\0'; if(port >= atoi(min) && port <= (atoi(max) ? atoi(max) : 65535)) { freez(portlist_copy); return(1); } } /* * Jump to next item */ min = next; /* * Zero-terminate next item and remember offset for n+1 */ if ((NULL != next) && (NULL != (next = strchr(next, (int) ',')))) { *next++ = '\0'; } } freez(portlist_copy); return 0; } /********************************************************************* * * Function : parse_forwarder_address * * Description : Parse out the host and port from a forwarder address. * * Parameters : * 1 : address = The forwarder address to parse. * 2 : hostname = Used to return the hostname. NULL on error. * 3 : port = Used to return the port. Untouched if no port * is specified. * * Returns : JB_ERR_OK on success * JB_ERR_MEMORY on out of memory * JB_ERR_PARSE on malformed address. * *********************************************************************/ jb_err parse_forwarder_address(char *address, char **hostname, int *port) { char *p = address; if ((*address == '[') && (NULL == strchr(address, ']'))) { /* XXX: Should do some more validity checks here. */ return JB_ERR_PARSE; } *hostname = strdup(address); if (NULL == *hostname) { return JB_ERR_MEMORY; } if ((**hostname == '[') && (NULL != (p = strchr(*hostname, ']')))) { *p++ = '\0'; memmove(*hostname, (*hostname + 1), (size_t)(p - *hostname)); if (*p == ':') { *port = (int)strtol(++p, NULL, 0); } } else if (NULL != (p = strchr(*hostname, ':'))) { *p++ = '\0'; *port = (int)strtol(p, NULL, 0); } return JB_ERR_OK; } /* Local Variables: tab-width: 3 end: */