privoxy   [--help   ]  [--version   ]  [--no-daemon  ] [--pidfile pidfile ]
       [--user user[.group] ] [--chroot    ]  [--pre-chroot-nslookup  hostname  ]
       [configfile ]


       Privoxy may be invoked with the following command line options:

       --help Print brief usage  info and exit.

          Print version info and exit.

          Don't   become   a  daemon,  i.e.  don't fork and become process
          group leader, don't detach from controlling tty, and do all log-
          ging there.

       --pidfile pidfile
          On startup, write the process ID to pidfile.  Delete the pidfile
          on exit.  Failure to create or delete the pidfile  is  non-fatal.
          If no --pidfile option is  given, no PID file will be used.

       --user user[.group]
          After  (optionally)  writing the PID file, assume the user ID of
          user and the GID of group, or, if   the  optional  group  was  not
          given, the default group of user.  Exit if the privileges are not
          sufficient to do so.

          Before changing to the user  ID  given  in  the  --user  option,
          chroot  to that user's home directory, i.e. make the kernel pre-
          tend to the Privoxy  process  that  the  directory  tree   starts
          there.  If set up carefully, this can limit the impact of possi-
          ble vulnerabilities in Privoxy to  the files  contained  in  that

       --pre-chroot-nslookup hostname
          Initialize   the   resolver   library   using   hostname   before
          chroot'ing. On some systems this reduces  the  number  of  files
          that must be copied into the chroot tree.

       If  the  configfile  is   not  specified on  the  command  line, Privoxy
       will  look for a file named config in the current directory. If no con-
       figfile is found, Privoxy will fail to start.


       Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
       for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP  headers,  con-
       trolling  access,  and  removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk.
       Privoxy has a flexible configuration and  can  be  customized  to  suit


       Browsers can either be individually configured to use Privoxy as  a HTTP
       proxy (recommended), or Privoxy can be combined with a packet filter to
       build  an intercepting proxy (see config).  The default setting is  for
       localhost,  on port  8118 (configurable in the main config  file).   To
       set  the  HTTP  proxy  in Firefox, go through: Tools; Options; General;
       Connection Settings; Manual Proxy Configuration.

       For Internet Explorer, go through: Tools; Internet Properties;  Connec-
       tions; LAN Settings.

       The Secure (SSL) Proxy should also be set to the same values, otherwise
       https: URLs will not be proxied. Note: Privoxy can only proxy HTTP  and
       HTTPS  traffic.  Do  not  try  it  with  FTP or other protocols.  HTTPS
       presents some limitations, and not all features will  work  with  HTTPS

       For other browsers, check the documentation.


       Privoxy   can  be  configured  with the various configuration files. The
       default configuration files are: config,  default.filter,  default.action
       and  default.action.  user.action  should  be  used for locally defined
       exceptions to the default rules in match-all.action and default.action,
       and  user.filter  for locally defined filters. These are well commented.
       On Unix and Unix-like systems, these are located  in  /etc/privoxy/  by

       Privoxy   uses  the  concept  of actions in order  to manipulate the data
       stream between the browser and remote sites.  There are various actions
       available  with  specific  functions  for  such  things as blocking web
       sites, managing cookies, etc. These actions can be invoked individually
       or  combined,  and used against individual URLs, or groups of URLs that
       can be defined using wildcards and regular expressions. The  result  is
       that the user has greatly enhanced control and freedom.

       The  actions list (ad blocks, etc) can also be configured with your web
       browser  at  (assuming  the   configuration
       allows it).  Privoxy's configuration parameters   can also  be viewed at
       the same page. In addition, Privoxy can be toggled on/off.  This  is  an
       internal page, and does not require Internet access.

       See the User Manual for a detailed explanation of installation, general
       usage, all configuration options, new features and notes on  upgrading.


       detect them automatically.


       This  is  a  UNRELEASED  version  of Privoxy. Not all features are well

       Please see the User Manual on how to contact the   developers,  for  fea-
       ture requests, reporting problems, and other questions.


       Other references and sites of interest to Privoxy users:, the Privoxy Home page., the Privoxy  FAQ., the Privoxy developer manual., the Project Page for  Privoxy
       on SourceForge.,  the web-based user interface. Privoxy must
       be running for this to work. Shortcut: http://p.p/, to  submit
       ``misses''  and other configuration related suggestions to the develop-


    Fabian Keil, lead developer
    David Schmidt, developer

    Hal Burgiss
    Lee Rian
    Roland Rosenfeld


       Copyright  (C)  2001-2011  by   Privoxy   Developers   <ijbswa-develop->

       Some  source  code  is  based  on  code Copyright (C) 1997 by Anonymous
       Coders and Junkbusters, Inc. and licensed under the GNU General    Public

       Privoxy   is  free  software;  you  can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,  as  pub-
       lished by the Free Software Foundation.