/** * @file value.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @section DESCRIPTION * * Synopsis: * value(value) * value value::get(where) * value value::try_get(where) * value value::getpath(list path) * value value::insert(where, what) * value value::insert(what) * value value::replace(where, what) * value value::replace_this(value) * value value::insert_undo(where, what) * value value::insert_undo(what) * value value::replace_undo(where, what) * value value::replace_this_undo(value) * * Description: * Value objects allow examining and manipulating values. * These value objects are actually references to internal value structures, which * may be shared between value objects. * * value(value) constructs a new value object from the given value. * * value::get(where) constructs a value object for the element at position 'where' * (for a list), or the value corresponding to key 'where' (for a map). It is an * error if the base value is not a list or a map, the index is out of bounds of * the list, or the key does not exist in the map. * The resulting value object is NOT a copy, and shares (part of) the same * underlying value structure as the base value object. Deleting it will remove * it from the list or map it is part of. * * value::try_get(where) is like get(), except that if any restriction on 'where' * is violated, no error is triggered; instead, the value object is constructed * as being deleted; this state is exposed via the 'exists' variable. * This can be used to check for the presence of a key in a map, and in case it * exists, allow access to the corresponding value without another get() statement. * * value::getpath(path) is like get(), except that it performs multiple * consecutive resolutions. Also, if the path is an empty list, it performs * no resulution at all. * * value::insert(where, what) constructs a value object by inserting into an * existing value object. * For lists, 'where' is the index of the element to insert before, or the length * of the list to append to it. * For maps, 'where' is the key to insert under. If the key already exists in the * map, its value is replaced; any references to the old value however remain valid. * * value::insert(what) constructs a value object by appending to a list. An error * is triggered if the base value is not a list. Assuming 'list' is a list value, * list->insert(X) is equivalent to list->insert(list.length, X). * * value::replace(where, what) is like insert(), exept that, when inserting into a * list, the value at the specified index is replaced with the new value (unless * the index is equal to the length of the list). * * insert_undo() and replace_undo() are versions of insert() and replace() which * attempt to revert the modifications when they deinitialize. * Specifically, they work like that: * - On initiialization, they take an internal reference to the value being replaced * (if any; note that insert_undo() into a list never replaces a value). * - On deinitialization, they remove the the inserted value from its parent (if there * is one), and insert the old replaced value (to which a reference was kept) in that * place (if any, and assuming it has not been deleted). * Note that if the inserted value changes parents in between init and deinit, the * result of undoing may be unexpected. * * Variables: * (empty) - the value stored in the value object * type - type of the value; "string", "list" or "map" * length - number of elements in the list or map, or the number of bytes in a * string * keys - a list of keys in the map (only if the value is a map) * exists - "true" or "false", reflecting whether the value object holds a value * (is not in deleted state) * * Synopsis: * value::remove(where) * value::delete() * * Description: * value::remove(where) removes from an existing value object. * For lists, 'where' is the index of the element to remove, and must be in range. * For maps, 'where' is the key to remove, and must be an existing key. * In any case, any references to the removed value remain valid. * * value::delete() deletes the underlying value data of this value object. * After delection, the value object enters a deleted state, which will cause any * operation on it to fail. Any other value objects which referred to the same value * or parts of it will too enter deleted state. If the value was an element * in a list or map, is is removed from it. * * Synopsis: * value value::substr(string start [, string length]) * * Description: * Constructs a string value by extracting a part of a string. * 'start' specifies the index of the character (from zero) where the substring to * extract starts, and must be <= the length of the string. * 'length' specifies the maximum number of characters to extract, if given. * The newly constructed value is a copy of the extracted substring. * The value must be a string value. * * Synopsis: * value::reset(what) * * Description: * Effectively deconstructs and reconstructs the value object. More precisely, * it builds a new value structure from 'what', possibly invokes a scheduled undo * operation (as scheduled by insert_undo() and replace_undo()), sets up this * value object to reference the newly built value structure, without any scheduled * undo operation. * * Synopsis: * value::append(append_val) * * Description: * Only defined when the existing value object is a string or list. If it is a string, * appends the string 'append_val' to this string value; 'append_val' must be a string. * If is is a list, inserts 'append_val' to the end of this list value. Unlike insert(), * the resulting append() object is not itself a value object (which in case of insert() * serves as a reference to the new value). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ModuleLog(i, ...) NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log((i), BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, __VA_ARGS__) #define ModuleString(i, id) ((i)->m->group->strings[(id)]) #define STOREDSTRING_TYPE (NCDVAL_STRING | (0 << 3)) #define IDSTRING_TYPE (NCDVAL_STRING | (1 << 3)) #define EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE (NCDVAL_STRING | (2 << 3)) #define COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE (NCDVAL_STRING | (3 << 3)) struct value; #include "value_maptree.h" #include struct valref { struct value *v; LinkedList0Node refs_list_node; }; typedef void (*value_deinit_func) (void *deinit_data, NCDModuleInst *i); struct instance { NCDModuleInst *i; struct valref ref; value_deinit_func deinit_func; void *deinit_data; }; struct value { LinkedList0 refs_list; struct value *parent; union { struct { IndexedListNode list_contents_il_node; } list_parent; struct { NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValRef key; MapTreeNode maptree_node; } map_parent; }; int type; union { struct { char *data; size_t length; } storedstring; struct { NCD_string_id_t id; NCDStringIndex *string_index; } idstring; struct { const char *data; size_t length; BRefTarget *ref_target; } externalstring; struct { NCDValComposedStringResource resource; size_t offset; size_t length; } composedstring; struct { IndexedList list_contents_il; } list; struct { MapTree map_tree; } map; }; }; static const char * get_type_str (int type); static void value_cleanup (struct value *v); static void value_delete (struct value *v); static struct value * value_init_storedstring (NCDModuleInst *i, const char *str, size_t len); static struct value * value_init_idstring (NCDModuleInst *i, NCD_string_id_t id, NCDStringIndex *string_index); static struct value * value_init_externalstring (NCDModuleInst *i, const char *data, size_t length, BRefTarget *ref_target); static struct value * value_init_composedstring (NCDModuleInst *i, NCDValComposedStringResource resource, size_t offset, size_t length); static int value_is_string (struct value *v); static size_t value_string_length (struct value *v); static void value_string_copy_out (struct value *v, char *dest); static void value_string_set_allocd (struct value *v, char *data, size_t length); static struct value * value_init_list (NCDModuleInst *i); static size_t value_list_len (struct value *v); static struct value * value_list_at (struct value *v, size_t index); static size_t value_list_indexof (struct value *v, struct value *ev); static int value_list_insert (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *list, struct value *v, size_t index); static void value_list_remove (struct value *list, struct value *v); static struct value * value_init_map (NCDModuleInst *i); static size_t value_map_len (struct value *map); static struct value * value_map_at (struct value *map, size_t index); static struct value * value_map_find (struct value *map, NCDValRef key); static int value_map_insert (struct value *map, struct value *v, NCDValMem mem, NCDValSafeRef key, NCDModuleInst *i); static void value_map_remove (struct value *map, struct value *v); static void value_map_remove2 (struct value *map, struct value *v, NCDValMem *out_mem, NCDValSafeRef *out_key); static struct value * value_init_fromvalue (NCDModuleInst *i, NCDValRef value); static int value_to_value (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out_value); static struct value * value_get (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where, int no_error); static struct value * value_get_path (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef path); static struct value * value_insert (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where, NCDValRef what, int is_replace, struct value **out_oldv); static struct value * value_insert_simple (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef what); static int value_remove (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where); static int value_append (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef data); static void valref_init (struct valref *r, struct value *v); static void valref_free (struct valref *r); static struct value * valref_val (struct valref *r); static void valref_break (struct valref *r); enum {STRING_EXISTS, STRING_KEYS}; static const char *strings[] = { "exists", "keys", NULL }; #include "value_maptree.h" #include static const char * get_type_str (int type) { switch (type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: return "string"; case NCDVAL_LIST: return "list"; case NCDVAL_MAP: return "map"; } ASSERT(0) return NULL; } static void value_cleanup (struct value *v) { if (v->parent || !LinkedList0_IsEmpty(&v->refs_list)) { return; } switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { BFree(v->storedstring.data); } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: { } break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->externalstring.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->externalstring.ref_target); } } break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->composedstring.resource.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->composedstring.resource.ref_target); } } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { while (value_list_len(v) > 0) { struct value *ev = value_list_at(v, 0); value_list_remove(v, ev); value_cleanup(ev); } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { while (value_map_len(v) > 0) { struct value *ev = value_map_at(v, 0); value_map_remove(v, ev); value_cleanup(ev); } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } free(v); } static void value_delete (struct value *v) { if (v->parent) { switch (v->parent->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: { value_list_remove(v->parent, v); } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { value_map_remove(v->parent, v); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } LinkedList0Node *ln; while (ln = LinkedList0_GetFirst(&v->refs_list)) { struct valref *r = UPPER_OBJECT(ln, struct valref, refs_list_node); ASSERT(r->v == v) valref_break(r); } switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { BFree(v->storedstring.data); } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: { } break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->externalstring.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->externalstring.ref_target); } } break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->composedstring.resource.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->composedstring.resource.ref_target); } } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { while (value_list_len(v) > 0) { struct value *ev = value_list_at(v, 0); value_delete(ev); } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { while (value_map_len(v) > 0) { struct value *ev = value_map_at(v, 0); value_delete(ev); } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } free(v); } static struct value * value_init_storedstring (NCDModuleInst *i, const char *str, size_t len) { struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = STOREDSTRING_TYPE; if (!(v->storedstring.data = BAlloc(len))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BAlloc failed"); goto fail1; } if (str) { memcpy(v->storedstring.data, str, len); } v->storedstring.length = len; return v; fail1: free(v); fail0: return NULL; } static struct value * value_init_idstring (NCDModuleInst *i, NCD_string_id_t id, NCDStringIndex *string_index) { ASSERT(string_index == i->params->iparams->string_index) struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = IDSTRING_TYPE; v->idstring.id = id; v->idstring.string_index = string_index; return v; fail0: return NULL; } static struct value * value_init_externalstring (NCDModuleInst *i, const char *data, size_t length, BRefTarget *ref_target) { struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } if (ref_target) { if (!BRefTarget_Ref(ref_target)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BRefTarget_Ref failed"); goto fail1; } } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE; v->externalstring.data = data; v->externalstring.length = length; v->externalstring.ref_target = ref_target; return v; fail1: free(v); fail0: return NULL; } static struct value * value_init_composedstring (NCDModuleInst *i, NCDValComposedStringResource resource, size_t offset, size_t length) { struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } if (resource.ref_target) { if (!BRefTarget_Ref(resource.ref_target)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BRefTarget_Ref failed"); goto fail1; } } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE; v->composedstring.resource = resource; v->composedstring.offset = offset; v->composedstring.length = length; return v; fail1: free(v); fail0: return NULL; } static int value_is_string (struct value *v) { switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: return 1; default: return 0; } } static size_t value_string_length (struct value *v) { ASSERT(value_is_string(v)) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: return v->storedstring.length; case IDSTRING_TYPE: return NCDStringIndex_Length(v->idstring.string_index, v->idstring.id); case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: return v->externalstring.length; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: return v->composedstring.length; default: ASSERT(0); return 0; } } static void value_string_copy_out (struct value *v, char *dest) { ASSERT(value_is_string(v)) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: memcpy(dest, v->storedstring.data, v->storedstring.length); break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: memcpy(dest, NCDStringIndex_Value(v->idstring.string_index, v->idstring.id), NCDStringIndex_Length(v->idstring.string_index, v->idstring.id)); break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: memcpy(dest, v->externalstring.data, v->externalstring.length); break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { b_cstring cstr = NCDValComposedStringResource_Cstring(v->composedstring.resource, v->composedstring.offset, v->composedstring.length); b_cstring_copy_to_buf(cstr, 0, cstr.length, dest); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } static void value_string_set_allocd (struct value *v, char *data, size_t length) { ASSERT(value_is_string(v)) ASSERT(data) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { BFree(v->storedstring.data); } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: { } break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->externalstring.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->externalstring.ref_target); } } break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { if (v->composedstring.resource.ref_target) { BRefTarget_Deref(v->composedstring.resource.ref_target); } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } v->type = STOREDSTRING_TYPE; v->storedstring.data = data; v->storedstring.length = length; } static struct value * value_init_list (NCDModuleInst *i) { struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = NCDVAL_LIST; IndexedList_Init(&v->list.list_contents_il); return v; } static size_t value_list_len (struct value *v) { ASSERT(v->type == NCDVAL_LIST) return IndexedList_Count(&v->list.list_contents_il); } static struct value * value_list_at (struct value *v, size_t index) { ASSERT(v->type == NCDVAL_LIST) ASSERT(index < value_list_len(v)) IndexedListNode *iln = IndexedList_GetAt(&v->list.list_contents_il, index); ASSERT(iln) struct value *e = UPPER_OBJECT(iln, struct value, list_parent.list_contents_il_node); ASSERT(e->parent == v) return e; } static size_t value_list_indexof (struct value *v, struct value *ev) { ASSERT(v->type == NCDVAL_LIST) ASSERT(ev->parent == v) uint64_t index = IndexedList_IndexOf(&v->list.list_contents_il, &ev->list_parent.list_contents_il_node); ASSERT(index < value_list_len(v)) return index; } static int value_list_insert (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *list, struct value *v, size_t index) { ASSERT(list->type == NCDVAL_LIST) ASSERT(!v->parent) ASSERT(index <= value_list_len(list)) if (value_list_len(list) == SIZE_MAX) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "list has too many elements"); return 0; } IndexedList_InsertAt(&list->list.list_contents_il, &v->list_parent.list_contents_il_node, index); v->parent = list; return 1; } static void value_list_remove (struct value *list, struct value *v) { ASSERT(list->type == NCDVAL_LIST) ASSERT(v->parent == list) IndexedList_Remove(&list->list.list_contents_il, &v->list_parent.list_contents_il_node); v->parent = NULL; } static struct value * value_init_map (NCDModuleInst *i) { struct value *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if (!v) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); return NULL; } LinkedList0_Init(&v->refs_list); v->parent = NULL; v->type = NCDVAL_MAP; MapTree_Init(&v->map.map_tree); return v; } static size_t value_map_len (struct value *map) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) return MapTree_Count(&map->map.map_tree, 0); } static struct value * value_map_at (struct value *map, size_t index) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) ASSERT(index < value_map_len(map)) struct value *e = MapTree_GetAt(&map->map.map_tree, 0, index); ASSERT(e) ASSERT(e->parent == map) return e; } static struct value * value_map_find (struct value *map, NCDValRef key) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) ASSERT(NCDVal_Type(key)) struct value *e = MapTree_LookupExact(&map->map.map_tree, 0, key); ASSERT(!e || e->parent == map) return e; } static int value_map_insert (struct value *map, struct value *v, NCDValMem mem, NCDValSafeRef key, NCDModuleInst *i) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) ASSERT(!v->parent) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(NCDVal_FromSafe(&mem, key)), 1)) ASSERT(!value_map_find(map, NCDVal_FromSafe(&mem, key))) if (value_map_len(map) == SIZE_MAX) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "map has too many elements"); return 0; } v->map_parent.key_mem = mem; v->map_parent.key = NCDVal_FromSafe(&v->map_parent.key_mem, key); int res = MapTree_Insert(&map->map.map_tree, 0, v, NULL); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) v->parent = map; return 1; } static void value_map_remove (struct value *map, struct value *v) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) ASSERT(v->parent == map) MapTree_Remove(&map->map.map_tree, 0, v); NCDValMem_Free(&v->map_parent.key_mem); v->parent = NULL; } static void value_map_remove2 (struct value *map, struct value *v, NCDValMem *out_mem, NCDValSafeRef *out_key) { ASSERT(map->type == NCDVAL_MAP) ASSERT(v->parent == map) ASSERT(out_mem) ASSERT(out_key) MapTree_Remove(&map->map.map_tree, 0, v); *out_mem = v->map_parent.key_mem; *out_key = NCDVal_ToSafe(v->map_parent.key); v->parent = NULL; } static struct value * value_init_fromvalue (NCDModuleInst *i, NCDValRef value) { ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(value), 1)) struct value *v; switch (NCDVal_Type(value)) { case NCDVAL_STRING: { if (NCDVal_IsStoredString(value)) { v = value_init_storedstring(i, NCDVal_StringData(value), NCDVal_StringLength(value)); } else if (NCDVal_IsIdString(value)) { v = value_init_idstring(i, NCDVal_IdStringId(value), NCDVal_IdStringStringIndex(value)); } else if (NCDVal_IsExternalString(value)) { v = value_init_externalstring(i, NCDVal_StringData(value), NCDVal_StringLength(value), NCDVal_ExternalStringTarget(value)); } else if (NCDVal_IsComposedString(value)) { v = value_init_composedstring(i, NCDVal_ComposedStringResource(value), NCDVal_ComposedStringOffset(value), NCDVal_StringLength(value)); } else { size_t length = NCDVal_StringLength(value); v = value_init_storedstring(i, NULL, length); if (v) { NCDVal_StringCopyOut(value, 0, length, v->storedstring.data); } } if (!v) { goto fail0; } } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { if (!(v = value_init_list(i))) { goto fail0; } size_t count = NCDVal_ListCount(value); for (size_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { struct value *ev = value_init_fromvalue(i, NCDVal_ListGet(value, j)); if (!ev) { goto fail1; } if (!value_list_insert(i, v, ev, value_list_len(v))) { value_cleanup(ev); goto fail1; } } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { if (!(v = value_init_map(i))) { goto fail0; } for (NCDValMapElem e = NCDVal_MapFirst(value); !NCDVal_MapElemInvalid(e); e = NCDVal_MapNext(value, e)) { NCDValRef ekey = NCDVal_MapElemKey(value, e); NCDValRef eval = NCDVal_MapElemVal(value, e); NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValMem_Init(&key_mem); NCDValRef key = NCDVal_NewCopy(&key_mem, ekey); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(key)) { NCDValMem_Free(&key_mem); goto fail1; } struct value *ev = value_init_fromvalue(i, eval); if (!ev) { NCDValMem_Free(&key_mem); goto fail1; } if (!value_map_insert(v, ev, key_mem, NCDVal_ToSafe(key), i)) { NCDValMem_Free(&key_mem); value_cleanup(ev); goto fail1; } } } break; default: ASSERT(0); return NULL; } return v; fail1: value_cleanup(v); fail0: return NULL; } static int value_to_value (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out_value) { ASSERT(mem) ASSERT(out_value) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewStringBin(mem, (const uint8_t *)v->storedstring.data, v->storedstring.length); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewIdString(mem, v->idstring.id, v->idstring.string_index); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } } break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewExternalString(mem, v->externalstring.data, v->externalstring.length, v->externalstring.ref_target); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } } break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewComposedString(mem, v->composedstring.resource, v->composedstring.offset, v->composedstring.length); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewList(mem, value_list_len(v)); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } for (size_t index = 0; index < value_list_len(v); index++) { NCDValRef eval; if (!value_to_value(i, value_list_at(v, index), mem, &eval)) { goto fail; } if (!NCDVal_ListAppend(*out_value, eval)) { goto fail; } } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { *out_value = NCDVal_NewMap(mem, value_map_len(v)); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out_value)) { goto fail; } for (size_t index = 0; index < value_map_len(v); index++) { struct value *ev = value_map_at(v, index); NCDValRef key = NCDVal_NewCopy(mem, ev->map_parent.key); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(key)) { goto fail; } NCDValRef val; if (!value_to_value(i, ev, mem, &val)) { goto fail; } int inserted; if (!NCDVal_MapInsert(*out_value, key, val, &inserted)) { goto fail; } ASSERT_EXECUTE(inserted) } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return 1; fail: return 0; } static struct value * value_get (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where, int no_error) { ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(where), 1)) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { if (!no_error) ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "cannot resolve into a string"); goto fail; } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { uintmax_t index; if (!NCDVal_IsString(where) || !ncd_read_uintmax(where, &index)) { if (!no_error) ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is not a valid number (resolving into list)"); goto fail; } if (index >= value_list_len(v)) { if (!no_error) ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is out of bounds (resolving into list)"); goto fail; } v = value_list_at(v, index); } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { v = value_map_find(v, where); if (!v) { if (!no_error) ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "key does not exist (resolving into map)"); goto fail; } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return v; fail: return NULL; } static struct value * value_get_path (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef path) { ASSERT(NCDVal_IsList(path)) size_t count = NCDVal_ListCount(path); for (size_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (!(v = value_get(i, v, NCDVal_ListGet(path, j), 0))) { goto fail; } } return v; fail: return NULL; } static struct value * value_insert (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where, NCDValRef what, int is_replace, struct value **out_oldv) { ASSERT(v) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(where), 1)) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(what), 1)) ASSERT(is_replace == !!is_replace) struct value *nv = value_init_fromvalue(i, what); if (!nv) { goto fail0; } struct value *oldv = NULL; switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "cannot insert into a string"); goto fail1; } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { uintmax_t index; if (!NCDVal_IsString(where) || !ncd_read_uintmax(where, &index)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is not a valid number (inserting into list)"); goto fail1; } if (index > value_list_len(v)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is out of bounds (inserting into list)"); goto fail1; } if (is_replace && index < value_list_len(v)) { oldv = value_list_at(v, index); value_list_remove(v, oldv); int res = value_list_insert(i, v, nv, index); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } else { if (!value_list_insert(i, v, nv, index)) { goto fail1; } } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { oldv = value_map_find(v, where); if (!oldv && value_map_len(v) == SIZE_MAX) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "map has too many elements"); goto fail1; } NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValMem_Init(&key_mem); NCDValRef key = NCDVal_NewCopy(&key_mem, where); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(key)) { NCDValMem_Free(&key_mem); goto fail1; } if (oldv) { value_map_remove(v, oldv); } int res = value_map_insert(v, nv, key_mem, NCDVal_ToSafe(key), i); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } break; default: ASSERT(0); } if (out_oldv) { *out_oldv = oldv; } else if (oldv) { value_cleanup(oldv); } return nv; fail1: value_cleanup(nv); fail0: return NULL; } static struct value * value_insert_simple (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef what) { ASSERT(v) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(what), 1)) struct value *nv = value_init_fromvalue(i, what); if (!nv) { goto fail0; } switch (v->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: { if (!value_list_insert(i, v, nv, value_list_len(v))) { goto fail1; } } break; default: ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "one-argument insert is only defined for lists"); return NULL; } return nv; fail1: value_cleanup(nv); fail0: return NULL; } static int value_remove (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef where) { ASSERT(v) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(where), 1)) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "cannot remove from a string"); goto fail; } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { uintmax_t index; if (!NCDVal_IsString(where) || !ncd_read_uintmax(where, &index)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is not a valid number (removing from list)"); goto fail; } if (index >= value_list_len(v)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "index is out of bounds (removing from list)"); goto fail; } struct value *ov = value_list_at(v, index); value_list_remove(v, ov); value_cleanup(ov); } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { struct value *ov = value_map_find(v, where); if (!ov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "key does not exist (removing from map)"); goto fail; } value_map_remove(v, ov); value_cleanup(ov); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return 1; fail: return 0; } static int value_append (NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, NCDValRef data) { ASSERT(v) ASSERT((NCDVal_Type(data), 1)) switch (v->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { if (!NCDVal_IsString(data)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "cannot append non-string to string"); return 0; } size_t append_length = NCDVal_StringLength(data); if (append_length > SIZE_MAX - v->storedstring.length) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "too much data to append"); return 0; } size_t new_length = v->storedstring.length + append_length; char *new_string = BRealloc(v->storedstring.data, new_length); if (!new_string) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BRealloc failed"); return 0; } NCDVal_StringCopyOut(data, 0, append_length, new_string + v->storedstring.length); v->storedstring.data = new_string; v->storedstring.length = new_length; } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { if (!NCDVal_IsString(data)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "cannot append non-string to string"); return 0; } size_t length = value_string_length(v); size_t append_length = NCDVal_StringLength(data); if (append_length > SIZE_MAX - length) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "too much data to append"); return 0; } size_t new_length = length + append_length; char *new_string = BAlloc(new_length); if (!new_string) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BAlloc failed"); return 0; } value_string_copy_out(v, new_string); NCDVal_StringCopyOut(data, 0, append_length, new_string + length); value_string_set_allocd(v, new_string, new_length); } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { struct value *nv = value_init_fromvalue(i, data); if (!nv) { return 0; } if (!value_list_insert(i, v, nv, value_list_len(v))) { value_cleanup(nv); return 0; } } break; default: ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "append is only defined for strings and lists"); return 0; } return 1; } static void valref_init (struct valref *r, struct value *v) { r->v = v; if (v) { LinkedList0_Prepend(&v->refs_list, &r->refs_list_node); } } static void valref_free (struct valref *r) { if (r->v) { LinkedList0_Remove(&r->v->refs_list, &r->refs_list_node); value_cleanup(r->v); } } static struct value * valref_val (struct valref *r) { return r->v; } static void valref_break (struct valref *r) { ASSERT(r->v) LinkedList0_Remove(&r->v->refs_list, &r->refs_list_node); r->v = NULL; } static void func_new_common (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, struct value *v, value_deinit_func deinit_func, void *deinit_data) { struct instance *o = vo; o->i = i; // init value references valref_init(&o->ref, v); // remember deinit o->deinit_func = deinit_func; o->deinit_data = deinit_data; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; } static void func_die (void *vo) { struct instance *o = vo; // deinit if (o->deinit_func) { o->deinit_func(o->deinit_data, o->i); } // free value reference valref_free(&o->ref); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static int func_getvar2 (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct instance *o = vo; struct value *v = valref_val(&o->ref); if (name == ModuleString(o->i, STRING_EXISTS)) { *out = ncd_make_boolean(mem, !!v, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); return 1; } if (name != NCD_STRING_TYPE && name != NCD_STRING_LENGTH && name != ModuleString(o->i, STRING_KEYS) && name != NCD_STRING_EMPTY) { return 0; } if (!v) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); return 0; } if (name == NCD_STRING_TYPE) { *out = NCDVal_NewString(mem, get_type_str(v->type)); } else if (name == NCD_STRING_LENGTH) { size_t len = 0; // to remove warning switch (v->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: len = value_list_len(v); break; case NCDVAL_MAP: len = value_map_len(v); break; default: ASSERT(value_is_string(v)) len = value_string_length(v); break; } *out = ncd_make_uintmax(mem, len); } else if (name == ModuleString(o->i, STRING_KEYS)) { if (v->type != NCDVAL_MAP) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "value is not a map (reading keys variable)"); return 0; } *out = NCDVal_NewList(mem, value_map_len(v)); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(*out)) { goto fail; } for (size_t j = 0; j < value_map_len(v); j++) { struct value *ev = value_map_at(v, j); NCDValRef key = NCDVal_NewCopy(mem, ev->map_parent.key); if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(key)) { goto fail; } if (!NCDVal_ListAppend(*out, key)) { goto fail; } } } else if (name == NCD_STRING_EMPTY) { if (!value_to_value(o->i, v, mem, out)) { return 0; } } else { ASSERT(0); } return 1; fail: *out = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); return 1; } static void func_new_value (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef value_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &value_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_init_fromvalue(i, value_arg); if (!v) { goto fail0; } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_get (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef where_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &where_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_get(i, mov, where_arg, 0); if (!v) { goto fail0; } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_try_get (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef where_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &where_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_get(i, mov, where_arg, 1); func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_getpath (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef path_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &path_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsList(path_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_get_path(i, mov, path_arg); if (!v) { goto fail0; } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_insert_replace_common (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params, int is_replace) { NCDValRef where_arg = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); NCDValRef what_arg; if (!(!is_replace && NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &what_arg)) && !NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 2, &where_arg, &what_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v; if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(where_arg)) { v = value_insert_simple(i, mov, what_arg); } else { v = value_insert(i, mov, where_arg, what_arg, is_replace, NULL); } if (!v) { goto fail0; } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_insert (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { func_new_insert_replace_common(vo, i, params, 0); } static void func_new_replace (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { func_new_insert_replace_common(vo, i, params, 1); } struct insert_undo_deinit_data { struct valref val_ref; struct valref oldval_ref; }; static void undo_deinit_func (struct insert_undo_deinit_data *data, NCDModuleInst *i) { struct value *val = valref_val(&data->val_ref); struct value *oldval = valref_val(&data->oldval_ref); if (val && val->parent && (!oldval || !oldval->parent)) { // get parent struct value *parent = val->parent; // remove this value from parent and restore saved one (or none) switch (parent->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: { size_t index = value_list_indexof(parent, val); value_list_remove(parent, val); if (oldval) { int res = value_list_insert(i, parent, oldval, index); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValSafeRef key; value_map_remove2(parent, val, &key_mem, &key); if (oldval) { int res = value_map_insert(parent, oldval, key_mem, key, i); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } else { NCDValMem_Free(&key_mem); } } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } valref_free(&data->oldval_ref); valref_free(&data->val_ref); free(data); } static void func_new_insert_replace_undo_common (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params, int is_replace) { NCDValRef where_arg = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); NCDValRef what_arg; if (!(!is_replace && NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &what_arg)) && !NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 2, &where_arg, &what_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct insert_undo_deinit_data *data = malloc(sizeof(*data)); if (!data) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } struct value *oldv; struct value *v; if (NCDVal_IsInvalid(where_arg)) { oldv = NULL; v = value_insert_simple(i, mov, what_arg); } else { v = value_insert(i, mov, where_arg, what_arg, is_replace, &oldv); } if (!v) { goto fail1; } valref_init(&data->val_ref, v); valref_init(&data->oldval_ref, oldv); func_new_common(vo, i, v, (value_deinit_func)undo_deinit_func, data); return; fail1: free(data); fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_insert_undo (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { func_new_insert_replace_undo_common(vo, i, params, 0); } static void func_new_replace_undo (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { func_new_insert_replace_undo_common(vo, i, params, 1); } static void func_new_replace_this (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef value_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &value_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_init_fromvalue(i, value_arg); if (!v) { goto fail0; } if (mov->parent) { struct value *parent = mov->parent; switch (parent->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: { size_t index = value_list_indexof(parent, mov); value_list_remove(parent, mov); int res = value_list_insert(i, parent, v, index); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValSafeRef key; value_map_remove2(parent, mov, &key_mem, &key); int res = value_map_insert(parent, v, key_mem, key, i); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } break; default: ASSERT(0); } value_cleanup(mov); } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_replace_this_undo (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef value_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &value_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } struct value *v = value_init_fromvalue(i, value_arg); if (!v) { goto fail0; } struct insert_undo_deinit_data *data = malloc(sizeof(*data)); if (!data) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail1; } valref_init(&data->val_ref, v); valref_init(&data->oldval_ref, mov); if (mov->parent) { struct value *parent = mov->parent; switch (parent->type) { case NCDVAL_LIST: { size_t index = value_list_indexof(parent, mov); value_list_remove(parent, mov); int res = value_list_insert(i, parent, v, index); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { NCDValMem key_mem; NCDValSafeRef key; value_map_remove2(parent, mov, &key_mem, &key); int res = value_map_insert(parent, v, key_mem, key, i); ASSERT_EXECUTE(res) } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } func_new_common(vo, i, v, (value_deinit_func)undo_deinit_func, data); return; fail1: value_cleanup(v); fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void func_new_substr (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef start_arg; NCDValRef length_arg = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &start_arg) && !NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 2, &start_arg, &length_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsString(start_arg) || (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(length_arg) && !NCDVal_IsString(length_arg))) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } uintmax_t start; if (!ncd_read_uintmax(start_arg, &start)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "start is not a number"); goto fail0; } uintmax_t length = UINTMAX_MAX; if (!NCDVal_IsInvalid(length_arg) && !ncd_read_uintmax(length_arg, &length)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "length is not a number"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } if (!value_is_string(mov)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value is not a string"); goto fail0; } size_t string_len = value_string_length(mov); if (start > string_len) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "start is out of range"); goto fail0; } size_t remain = string_len - start; size_t amount = length < remain ? length : remain; struct value *v = NULL; switch (mov->type) { case STOREDSTRING_TYPE: { v = value_init_storedstring(i, mov->storedstring.data + start, amount); } break; case IDSTRING_TYPE: { v = value_init_storedstring(i, NCDStringIndex_Value(mov->idstring.string_index, mov->idstring.id) + start, amount); } break; case EXTERNALSTRING_TYPE: { v = value_init_externalstring(i, mov->externalstring.data + start, amount, mov->externalstring.ref_target); } break; case COMPOSEDSTRING_TYPE: { v = value_init_composedstring(i, mov->composedstring.resource, mov->composedstring.offset + start, amount); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } if (!v) { goto fail0; } func_new_common(vo, i, v, NULL, NULL); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void remove_func_new (void *unused, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef where_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &where_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } if (!value_remove(i, mov, where_arg)) { goto fail0; } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void delete_func_new (void *unused, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } value_delete(mov); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void reset_func_new (void *unused, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef what_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &what_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); // build value from argument struct value *newv = value_init_fromvalue(i, what_arg); if (!newv) { goto fail0; } // deinit if (mo->deinit_func) { mo->deinit_func(mo->deinit_data, i); } // free value reference valref_free(&mo->ref); // set up value reference valref_init(&mo->ref, newv); // set no deinit function mo->deinit_func = NULL; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void append_func_new (void *unused, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { NCDValRef data_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &data_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); struct value *mov = valref_val(&mo->ref); if (!mov) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "value was deleted"); goto fail0; } if (!value_append(i, mov, data_arg)) { goto fail0; } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static struct NCDModule modules[] = { { .type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_value, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::get", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_get, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::try_get", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_try_get, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::getpath", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_getpath, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::insert", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_insert, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::replace", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_replace, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::replace_this", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_replace_this, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::insert_undo", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_insert_undo, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::replace_undo", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_replace_undo, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::replace_this_undo", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_replace_this_undo, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::remove", .func_new2 = remove_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::delete", .func_new2 = delete_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::reset", .func_new2 = reset_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::substr", .base_type = "value", .func_new2 = func_new_substr, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar2 = func_getvar2, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "value::append", .func_new2 = append_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = NULL } }; const struct NCDModuleGroup ncdmodule_value = { .modules = modules, .strings = strings };