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pdnsd Download Page

The original author of pdnsd is Thomas Moestl, but since 2003, he no longer maintains pdnsd. However, Paul A. Rombouts has extensively revised the code and maintains a version with many fixes and improvements at http://members.home.nl/p.a.rombouts/pdnsd.html.
He has pre-patched tarballs and RPM packages available for download at this site.

If you are interested in the very latest code or if you want to participate in pdnsd development, checkout the pdnsd git repository at gitorious.org.

The most recent tarball is pdnsd-$version.tar.gz (GPG signature).
The most recent RPM packages are:
Package Name Size Description
pdnsd-$version.src.rpm $sizeof("$HOME/rpmbuild/SRPMS/pdnsd-$version.src.rpm") Source RPM (binary packages can also be built directly from the tarball).
pdnsd-${version}${extver}.${arch}.rpm $sizeof("$HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/pdnsd-${version}${extver}.${arch}.rpm") ${arch} binary built on a $system.
pdnsd-${version}${extver}.${arch2}.rpm $sizeof("$HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/pdnsd-${version}${extver}.${arch2}.rpm") ${arch2} binary built on a $system.
If you want to check the signatures on these packages you will need a copy of my GPG key which you can get here or from a public key server.

There are also Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Mandriva and FreeBSD packages, but these may not include the latest version.
If you are looking for other versions released by Paul Rombouts, visit this download directory.

Last revised: $date by Paul A. Rombouts