/** * @file cstring.h * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef BADVPN_COMPOSED_STRING_H #define BADVPN_COMPOSED_STRING_H #include #include #include #include #include struct b_cstring_s; /** * Callback function which is called by {@link b_cstring_get} to access the underlying resource. * \a cstr points to the cstring being accessed, and the callback can use the userN members to * retrieve any state information. * \a offset is the offset from the beginning of the string; offset < cstr->length. * This callback must set *\a out_length and return a pointer, representing a continuous * region of the string that starts at the byte at index \a offset. Returning a region that * spans past the end of the string is allowed. */ typedef const char * (*b_cstring_func) (const struct b_cstring_s *cstr, size_t offset, size_t *out_length); /** * An abstract string which is not necessarily continuous. Given a cstring, its length * can be determined by reading the 'length' member, and its data can be read using * {@link b_cstring_get} (which internally invokes the {@link b_cstring_func} callback). */ typedef struct b_cstring_s { size_t length; b_cstring_func func; union { size_t size; void *ptr; void (*fptr) (void); } user1; union { size_t size; void *ptr; void (*fptr) (void); } user2; union { size_t size; void *ptr; void (*fptr) (void); } user3; } b_cstring; /** * Makes a cstring pointing to a buffer. * \a data may be NULL if \a length is 0. */ static b_cstring b_cstring_make_buf (const char *data, size_t length); /** * Makes a cstring which represents an empty string. */ static b_cstring b_cstring_make_empty (void); /** * Retrieves a pointer to a continuous region of the string. * \a offset specifies the starting offset of the region to retrieve, and must be < cstr.length. * \a maxlen specifies the maximum length of the returned region, and must be > 0. * The length of the region will be stored in *\a out_chunk_len, and it will always be > 0. * It is possible that the returned region spans past the end of the string, unless limited * by \a maxlen. The pointer to the region will be returned; it will point to the byte * at offset exactly \a offset into the string. */ static const char * b_cstring_get (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t maxlen, size_t *out_chunk_len); /** * Retrieves the byte in the string at position \a pos. */ static char b_cstring_at (b_cstring cstr, size_t pos); /** * Asserts that the range given by \a offset and \a length is valid for the string. */ static void b_cstring_assert_range (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length); /** * Copies a range to an external buffer. */ static void b_cstring_copy_to_buf (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, char *dest); /** * Performs a memcmp-like operation on the given ranges of two cstrings. */ static int b_cstring_memcmp (b_cstring cstr1, b_cstring cstr2, size_t offset1, size_t offset2, size_t length); /** * Determines if a range within a string is equal to the bytes in an external buffer. */ static int b_cstring_equals_buffer (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, const char *data); /** * Determines if a range within a string contains the byte \a ch. * Returns 1 if it does, and 0 if it does not. If it does contain it, and \a out_pos is not * NULL, *\a out_pos is set to the index of the first matching byte in the range, relative * to the beginning of the range \a offset. */ static int b_cstring_memchr (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, char ch, size_t *out_pos); /** * Allocates a buffer for a range and copies it. The buffer is allocated using {@link BAlloc}. * An extra null byte will be appended. On failure, returns NULL. */ static char * b_cstring_strdup (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length); /** * Macro which iterates the continuous regions of a range within a cstring. * For reach region, the statements in \a body are executed, in order. * \a cstr is the string to be iterated. * \a offset and \a length specify the range of the string to iterate; they must * refer to a valid range for the string. * \a rel_pos_var, \a chunk_data_var and \a chunk_length_var specify names of variables * which will be available in \a body. * \a rel_pos_var will hold the offset (size_t) of the current continuous region, relative * to \a offset. * \a chunk_data_var will hold a pointer (const char *) to the beginning of the region, and * \a chunk_length_var will hold its length (size_t). * * Note: \a cstr, \a offset and \a length may be evaluated multiple times, or not at all. * Note: do not use 'continue' or 'break' from inside the body, their behavior depends * on the internal implementation of this macro. * * See the implementation of {@link b_cstring_copy_to_buf} for a usage example. */ #define B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, rel_pos_var, chunk_data_var, chunk_length_var, body) \ { \ size_t rel_pos_var = 0; \ while (rel_pos_var < (length)) { \ size_t chunk_length_var; \ const char *chunk_data_var = b_cstring_get((cstr), (offset) + rel_pos_var, (length) - rel_pos_var, &chunk_length_var); \ { body } \ rel_pos_var += chunk_length_var; \ } \ } /** * Like {@link B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE}, but iterates the entire string, * i.e. offset==0 and length==cstr.length. */ #define B_CSTRING_LOOP(cstr, rel_pos_var, chunk_data_var, chunk_length_var, body) B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr, 0, (cstr).length, rel_pos_var, chunk_data_var, chunk_length_var, body) /** * Macro which iterates the characters of a range within a cstring. * For each character, the statements in \a body are executed, in order. * \a cstr is the string to be iterated. * \a offset and \a length specify the range of the string to iterate; they must * refer to a valid range for the string. * \a char_rel_pos_var and \a char_var specify names of variables which will be * available in \a body. * \a char_rel_pos_var will hold the position (size_t) of the current character * relative to \a offset. * \a char_var will hold the current character (char). * * Note: \a cstr, \a offset and \a length may be evaluated multiple times, or not at all. * Note: do not use 'continue' or 'break' from inside the body, their behavior depends * on the internal implementation of this macro. */ #define B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, char_rel_pos_var, char_var, body) \ B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, b_cstring_loop_chars_pos, b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_data, b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_length, { \ for (size_t b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_pos = 0; b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_pos < b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_length; b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_pos++) { \ char char_rel_pos_var = b_cstring_loop_chars_pos + b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_pos; \ B_USE(char_rel_pos_var) \ char char_var = b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_data[b_cstring_loop_chars_chunk_pos]; \ { body } \ } \ }) /** * Like {@link B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS_RANGE}, but iterates the entire string, * i.e. offset==0 and length==cstr.length. */ #define B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS(cstr, char_rel_pos_var, char_var, body) B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS_RANGE(cstr, 0, (cstr).length, char_rel_pos_var, char_var, body) static const char * b_cstring__buf_func (const b_cstring *cstr, size_t offset, size_t *out_length) { ASSERT(offset < cstr->length) ASSERT(out_length) ASSERT(cstr->func == b_cstring__buf_func) ASSERT(cstr->user1.ptr) *out_length = cstr->length - offset; return (const char *)cstr->user1.ptr + offset; } static b_cstring b_cstring_make_buf (const char *data, size_t length) { ASSERT(length == 0 || data) b_cstring cstr; cstr.length = length; cstr.func = b_cstring__buf_func; cstr.user1.ptr = (void *)data; return cstr; } static b_cstring b_cstring_make_empty (void) { b_cstring cstr; cstr.length = 0; cstr.func = NULL; return cstr; } static const char * b_cstring_get (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t maxlen, size_t *out_chunk_len) { ASSERT(offset < cstr.length) ASSERT(maxlen > 0) ASSERT(out_chunk_len) ASSERT(cstr.func) const char *data = cstr.func(&cstr, offset, out_chunk_len); ASSERT(data) ASSERT(*out_chunk_len > 0) if (*out_chunk_len > maxlen) { *out_chunk_len = maxlen; } return data; } static char b_cstring_at (b_cstring cstr, size_t pos) { ASSERT(pos < cstr.length) ASSERT(cstr.func) size_t chunk_len; const char *data = cstr.func(&cstr, pos, &chunk_len); ASSERT(data) ASSERT(chunk_len > 0) return *data; } static void b_cstring_assert_range (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length) { ASSERT(offset <= cstr.length) ASSERT(length <= cstr.length - offset) } static void b_cstring_copy_to_buf (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, char *dest) { b_cstring_assert_range(cstr, offset, length); ASSERT(length == 0 || dest) B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, pos, chunk_data, chunk_length, { memcpy(dest + pos, chunk_data, chunk_length); }) } static int b_cstring_memcmp (b_cstring cstr1, b_cstring cstr2, size_t offset1, size_t offset2, size_t length) { b_cstring_assert_range(cstr1, offset1, length); b_cstring_assert_range(cstr2, offset2, length); B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr1, offset1, length, pos1, chunk_data1, chunk_len1, { B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr2, offset2 + pos1, chunk_len1, pos2, chunk_data2, chunk_len2, { int cmp = memcmp(chunk_data1 + pos2, chunk_data2, chunk_len2); if (cmp) { return cmp; } }) }) return 0; } static int b_cstring_equals_buffer (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, const char *data) { b_cstring_assert_range(cstr, offset, length); B_CSTRING_LOOP_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, pos, chunk_data, chunk_len, { if (memcmp(chunk_data, data + pos, chunk_len)) { return 0; } }) return 1; } static int b_cstring_memchr (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length, char ch, size_t *out_pos) { b_cstring_assert_range(cstr, offset, length); B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS_RANGE(cstr, offset, length, cur_ch_pos, cur_ch, { if (cur_ch == ch) { if (out_pos) { *out_pos = cur_ch_pos; } return 1; } }) return 0; } static char * b_cstring_strdup (b_cstring cstr, size_t offset, size_t length) { b_cstring_assert_range(cstr, offset, length); if (length == SIZE_MAX) { return NULL; } char *buf = (char *)BAlloc(length + 1); if (buf) { b_cstring_copy_to_buf(cstr, offset, length, buf); buf[length] = '\0'; } return buf; } #endif