/** * @file sys_start_process.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak <ambrop7@gmail.com> * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @section DESCRIPTION * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process(list command, string mode [, map options]) * * Options: * "keep_stdout":"true" - Start the program with the same stdout as the NCD process. * Must not be present if the process is being opened for reading. * "keep_stderr":true" - Start the program with the same stderr as the NCD process. * "do_setsid":"true" - Call setsid() in the child before exec. This is needed to * start the 'agetty' program. * "username":username_string - Start the process under the permissions of the * specified user. * "term_on_deinit":"false" - do not send SIGTERM to the process when this statement * is requested to terminate * "deinit_kill_time":milliseconds - how long to wait for the process to terminate * after this statement is requested to terminate until we send SIGKILL. If this option * is not present or is "never", SIGKILL will not be sent. If this option is empty, the * process will be sent SIGKILL immediately when the statement is requested to terminate. * * Variables: * is_error - "true" if there was an error starting the process, "false" if the process * has been started successfully * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::wait() * * Variables: * exit_status - the exit code if the process terminated normally, -1 if it terminated * with a signal * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::terminate() * sys.start_process::kill() * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::read_pipe() * * Description: * Creates a read interface to the process's standard output. Data is read using the * read() method on this object. Read errors are reported implicitly by this statement * going down and the 'is_error' variable changing to "true". * When read_pipe() is initialized for a process, it takes ownership of the read pipe * to the process. When read_pipe() is requested to terminate, it will close the pipe. * Attempting to initialize read_pipe() on a process which was not started with 'r' * in the mode argument, or where another read_pipe() object has already taken ownership * of the read pipe, will result in throwing an error to the interpreter. * * Variables: * string is_error - "true" if there was a read error, "false" if not * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::read_pipe::read() * * Description: * Reads some data. If a read error occurs, it is reported implicitly via the * read_pipe() object going down. If end of file is reached, this and any future read() * operations will indicate that via the 'not_eof' variable. It is guaranteed that after * EOF is reached, the read_pipe() object will not go down to report any errors. * WARNING: if a read() is requested to terminate before it has completed, the * read_pipe() will become unusable and any read() invocation after that will * throw an error to the interpreter. * * Variables: * string (empty) - data that was read, or an empty string on EOF * string not_eof - "true" is EOF was not reached, "false" if it was * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::write_pipe() * * Description: * Creates a write interface to the process's standard input. Data is written using the * write() method on this object. Write errors are reported implicitly by this statement * going down and the ''is_error variable changing to "true". * When write_pipe() is initialized for a process, it takes ownership of the write pipe * to the process. When write_pipe() is requested to terminate, it will close the pipe * (unless the close() has been used). * Attempting to initialize write_pipe() on a process which was not started with 'w' * in the mode argument, or where another write_pipe() object has already taken ownership * of the write pope, will result in throwing an error to the interpreter. * * Variables: * string is_error - "true" if there was a write error, "false" if not * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::write_pipe::write(string data) * * Description: * Writes the given data. If a write error occurs, it is reported implicitly via the * write_pipe() object going down. * WARNING: if a write() is requested to terminate before it has completed, the * write_pipe() will become unusable and any write() or close() invocation after * that will throw an error to the interpreter. * * Synopsis: * sys.start_process::write_pipe::close(string data) * * Description: * Closes the write pipe. This will make whatever is reading the other end of the pipe * encounter EOF after it has read any pending data. It is guaranteed that after the * pipe is closed, the write_pipe() object will not go down to report any errors. * After close() is performed, any further write() or close() calls are disallowed and * will throw errors to the interpreter. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <limits.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <misc/offset.h> #include <structure/LinkedList0.h> #include <system/BProcess.h> #include <system/BConnection.h> #include <ncd/NCDModule.h> #include <ncd/static_strings.h> #include <ncd/extra/NCDBuf.h> #include <ncd/extra/value_utils.h> #include <ncd/extra/build_cmdline.h> #include <ncd/extra/NCDBProcessOpts.h> #include <generated/blog_channel_ncd_sys_start_process.h> #define ModuleLog(i, ...) NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log((i), BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, __VA_ARGS__) #define READ_BUF_SIZE 8192 #define PROCESS_STATE_ERROR 1 #define PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING 2 #define PROCESS_STATE_TERMINATED 3 #define PROCESS_STATE_DYING 4 #define READER_STATE_RUNNING 1 #define READER_STATE_EOF 2 #define READER_STATE_ERROR 3 #define READER_STATE_ABORTED 4 #define WRITER_STATE_RUNNING 1 #define WRITER_STATE_CLOSED 2 #define WRITER_STATE_ERROR 3 #define WRITER_STATE_ABORTED 4 struct process_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; BProcess process; BSmallTimer kill_timer; LinkedList0 waits_list; btime_t deinit_kill_time; int term_on_deinit; int read_fd; int write_fd; int exit_status; int state; }; struct wait_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; struct process_instance *pinst; LinkedList0Node waits_list_node; int exit_status; }; struct read_pipe_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; int state; int read_fd; BConnection connection; NCDBufStore store; struct read_instance *read_inst; }; struct read_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; struct read_pipe_instance *read_pipe_inst; NCDBuf *buf; size_t read_size; }; struct write_pipe_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; int state; int write_fd; BConnection connection; struct write_instance *write_inst; }; struct write_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; struct write_pipe_instance *write_pipe_inst; b_cstring cstr; size_t pos; }; static int parse_mode (NCDModuleInst *i, NCDValRef mode_arg, int *out_read, int *out_write) { if (!NCDVal_IsString(mode_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "mode argument must be a string"); return 0; } *out_read = 0; *out_write = 0; b_cstring cstr = NCDVal_StringCstring(mode_arg); B_CSTRING_LOOP_CHARS(cstr, char_pos, ch, { if (ch == 'r') { *out_read = 1; } else if (ch == 'w') { *out_write = 1; } else { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "invalid character in mode argument"); return 0; } }) return 1; } static void process_free (struct process_instance *o) { // close write fd if (o->write_fd != -1) { if (close(o->write_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } // close read fd if (o->read_fd != -1) { if (close(o->read_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static void process_handler (void *vo, int normally, uint8_t normally_exit_status) { struct process_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state == PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING || o->state == PROCESS_STATE_DYING) ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_INFO, "process terminated"); // free kill timer BReactor_RemoveSmallTimer(o->i->params->iparams->reactor, &o->kill_timer); // free process BProcess_Free(&o->process); // remember exit code o->exit_status = (!normally ? -1 : normally_exit_status); // finish waits LinkedList0Node *ln; while ((ln = LinkedList0_GetFirst(&o->waits_list))) { struct wait_instance *winst = UPPER_OBJECT(ln, struct wait_instance, waits_list_node); ASSERT(winst->pinst == o) LinkedList0_Remove(&o->waits_list, &winst->waits_list_node); winst->pinst = NULL; winst->exit_status = o->exit_status; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(winst->i); } // if we have been requested to die, then die now if (o->state == PROCESS_STATE_DYING) { process_free(o); return; } // set state o->state = PROCESS_STATE_TERMINATED; } static void process_kill_timer_handler (BSmallTimer *kill_timer) { struct process_instance *o = UPPER_OBJECT(kill_timer, struct process_instance, kill_timer); ASSERT(o->state == PROCESS_STATE_DYING) ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_INFO, "killing process after timeout"); BProcess_Kill(&o->process); } static int opts_func_unknown (void *user, NCDValRef key, NCDValRef val) { struct process_instance *o = user; if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "term_on_deinit")) { o->term_on_deinit = ncd_read_boolean(val); return 1; } if (NCDVal_IsString(key) && NCDVal_StringEquals(key, "deinit_kill_time")) { if (NCDVal_StringEquals(val, "never")) { o->deinit_kill_time = -2; } else if (NCDVal_StringEqualsId(val, NCD_STRING_EMPTY, o->i->params->iparams->string_index)) { o->deinit_kill_time = -1; } else if (!ncd_read_time(val, &o->deinit_kill_time)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong value for deinit_kill_time option"); return 0; } return 1; } return 0; } static void process_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct process_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; NCDModuleInst_Backend_PassMemToMethods(i); // check arguments NCDValRef command_arg; NCDValRef mode_arg; NCDValRef options_arg = NCDVal_NewInvalid(); if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 2, &command_arg, &mode_arg) && !NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 3, &command_arg, &mode_arg, &options_arg) ) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } // parse mode int is_read; int is_write; if (!parse_mode(i, mode_arg, &is_read, &is_write)) { goto fail0; } // parse options NCDBProcessOpts opts; int keep_stdout; int keep_stderr; o->deinit_kill_time = -2; o->term_on_deinit = 1; if (!NCDBProcessOpts_Init2(&opts, options_arg, opts_func_unknown, o, i, BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, &keep_stdout, &keep_stderr)) { goto fail0; } // keep-stdout option and read mode are not compatible if (keep_stdout && is_read) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "keep-stdout and read mode are not compatible"); goto fail1; } // prepare for creating pipes int fds[4]; int fds_map[3]; int start_num_fds = opts.nfds; int num_fds = start_num_fds; memcpy(fds, opts.fds, num_fds * sizeof(int)); memcpy(fds_map, opts.fds_map, num_fds * sizeof(int)); int read_fd = -1; int write_fd = -1; // create read pipe if (is_read) { int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "pipe failed"); goto error1; } read_fd = pipefd[0]; fds[num_fds] = pipefd[1]; fds_map[num_fds++] = STDOUT_FILENO; } // create write pipe if (is_write) { int pipefd[2]; if (pipe(pipefd) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "pipe failed"); goto error1; } write_fd = pipefd[1]; fds[num_fds] = pipefd[0]; fds_map[num_fds++] = STDIN_FILENO; } // terminate fds array fds[num_fds] = -1; // build process parameters struct struct BProcess_params p_params = {}; p_params.fds = fds; p_params.fds_map = fds_map; p_params.do_setsid = opts.do_setsid; p_params.username = opts.username; // build command line char *exec; CmdLine cl; if (!ncd_build_cmdline(i, BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, command_arg, &exec, &cl)) { goto error1; } // start process int res = BProcess_Init2(&o->process, i->params->iparams->manager, process_handler, o, exec, CmdLine_Get(&cl), p_params); CmdLine_Free(&cl); free(exec); if (!res) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BProcess_Init failed"); goto error1; } // init kill timer BSmallTimer_Init(&o->kill_timer, process_kill_timer_handler); // close child fds while (num_fds-- > start_num_fds) { if (close(fds[num_fds]) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } // free opts NCDBProcessOpts_Free(&opts); // init waits list LinkedList0_Init(&o->waits_list); // remember our fds o->read_fd = read_fd; o->write_fd = write_fd; // set state o->state = PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING; // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail1: NCDBProcessOpts_Free(&opts); fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); return; error1: if (write_fd != -1) { if (close(write_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } if (read_fd != -1) { if (close(read_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } while (num_fds-- > start_num_fds) { if (close(fds[num_fds]) < 0) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } NCDBProcessOpts_Free(&opts); o->read_fd = -1; o->write_fd = -1; o->state = PROCESS_STATE_ERROR; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); } static void process_func_die (void *vo) { struct process_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state != PROCESS_STATE_DYING) // if process is not running, die immediately if (o->state != PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING) { process_free(o); return; } if (o->term_on_deinit) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_INFO, "terminating process"); // send termination signal BProcess_Terminate(&o->process); } else { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_INFO, "not terminating process as requested"); } if (o->deinit_kill_time == -1) { // user wants SIGKILL immediately ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_INFO, "killing process immediately"); BProcess_Kill(&o->process); } else if (o->deinit_kill_time >= 0) { // user wants SIGKILL after some time BReactor_SetSmallTimer(o->i->params->iparams->reactor, &o->kill_timer, BTIMER_SET_RELATIVE, o->deinit_kill_time); } // set state o->state = PROCESS_STATE_DYING; } static int process_func_getvar (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct process_instance *o = vo; if (name == NCD_STRING_IS_ERROR) { int is_error = (o->state == PROCESS_STATE_ERROR); *out = ncd_make_boolean(mem, is_error, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); return 1; } return 0; } static void wait_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct wait_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct process_instance *pinst = params->method_user; if (pinst->state == PROCESS_STATE_ERROR) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wait() is disallowed after the process has failed to start"); goto fail0; } if (pinst->state == PROCESS_STATE_TERMINATED) { // not waiting, set no pinst o->pinst = NULL; // remember exit code o->exit_status = pinst->exit_status; // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); } else { // waitint, set pinst o->pinst = pinst; // insert to waits list LinkedList0_Prepend(&pinst->waits_list, &o->waits_list_node); } return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void wait_func_die (void *vo) { struct wait_instance *o = vo; // remove from waits list if (o->pinst) { LinkedList0_Remove(&o->pinst->waits_list, &o->waits_list_node); } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static int wait_func_getvar (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct wait_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(!o->pinst) if (name == NCD_STRING_EXIT_STATUS) { if (o->exit_status == -1) { *out = NCDVal_NewString(mem, "-1"); } else { *out = ncd_make_uintmax(mem, o->exit_status); } return 1; } return 0; } static void terminate_kill_new_common (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params, int is_kill) { if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct process_instance *pinst = params->method_user; if (pinst->state == PROCESS_STATE_ERROR) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "terminate()/kill() is disallowed after the process has failed to start"); goto fail0; } if (pinst->state != PROCESS_STATE_TERMINATED) { if (is_kill) { BProcess_Kill(&pinst->process); } else { BProcess_Terminate(&pinst->process); } } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void terminate_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { terminate_kill_new_common(vo, i, params, 0); } static void kill_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { terminate_kill_new_common(vo, i, params, 1); } static void read_pipe_free_connection (struct read_pipe_instance *o) { // disconnect read instance if (o->read_inst) { ASSERT(o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst == o) o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst = NULL; } // free store NCDBufStore_Free(&o->store); // free connection read interface BConnection_RecvAsync_Free(&o->connection); // free connection BConnection_Free(&o->connection); // close fd if (close(o->read_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } static void read_pipe_abort (struct read_pipe_instance *o) { ASSERT(o->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) // release connection resources read_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state o->state = READER_STATE_ABORTED; } static void read_pipe_connection_handler (void *vo, int event) { struct read_pipe_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) if (event == BCONNECTION_EVENT_RECVCLOSED) { // if we have read operation, make it finish with eof if (o->read_inst) { ASSERT(o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst == o) ASSERT(o->read_inst->buf) o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst = NULL; o->read_inst->read_size = 0; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(o->read_inst->i); o->read_inst = NULL; } // free connection resources read_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state closed o->state = READER_STATE_EOF; return; } ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "read pipe error"); // free connection resources read_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state error o->state = READER_STATE_ERROR; // backtrack NCDModuleInst_Backend_DownUp(o->i); } static void read_pipe_recv_handler_done (void *vo, int data_len) { struct read_pipe_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) ASSERT(o->read_inst) ASSERT(o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst == o) ASSERT(o->read_inst->buf) ASSERT(data_len > 0) ASSERT(data_len <= NCDBufStore_BufSize(&o->store)) // finish read operation o->read_inst->read_pipe_inst = NULL; o->read_inst->read_size = data_len; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(o->read_inst->i); o->read_inst = NULL; } static void read_pipe_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct read_pipe_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; NCDModuleInst_Backend_PassMemToMethods(i); if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct process_instance *pinst = params->method_user; if (pinst->read_fd == -1) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "process did not start successfully, was not opened for reading or a read_pipe was already created"); goto fail0; } // init connection if (!BConnection_Init(&o->connection, BConnection_source_pipe(pinst->read_fd), i->params->iparams->reactor, o, read_pipe_connection_handler)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BConnection_Init failed"); goto fail0; } // init connection read interface BConnection_RecvAsync_Init(&o->connection); // set recv done callback StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Init(BConnection_RecvAsync_GetIf(&o->connection), read_pipe_recv_handler_done, o); // init store NCDBufStore_Init(&o->store, READ_BUF_SIZE); // set variables o->state = READER_STATE_RUNNING; o->read_fd = pinst->read_fd; o->read_inst = NULL; // steal read fd from process instance pinst->read_fd = -1; // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void read_pipe_func_die (void *vo) { struct read_pipe_instance *o = vo; // free connection resources if (o->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) { read_pipe_free_connection(o); } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static int read_pipe_func_getvar (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct read_pipe_instance *o = vo; if (name == NCD_STRING_IS_ERROR) { int is_error = (o->state == READER_STATE_ERROR); *out = ncd_make_boolean(mem, is_error, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); return 1; } return 0; } static void read_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct read_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct read_pipe_instance *read_pipe_inst = params->method_user; // check if a read error has already occured if (read_pipe_inst->state == READER_STATE_ERROR) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "read() is disallowed after a read error has occured"); goto fail0; } // check if the read_pipe has been aborted if (read_pipe_inst->state == READER_STATE_ABORTED) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "read() is disallowed after a read() has been aborted"); goto fail0; } // if EOF has already been encountered, complete the read immediately if (read_pipe_inst->state == READER_STATE_EOF) { o->buf = NULL; o->read_pipe_inst = NULL; o->read_size = 0; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; } ASSERT(read_pipe_inst->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) // check if there's already a read in progress if (read_pipe_inst->read_inst) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "read() is disallowed while another read() is in progress"); goto fail0; } // get buffer o->buf = NCDBufStore_GetBuf(&read_pipe_inst->store); if (!o->buf) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "NCDBufStore_GetBuf failed"); goto fail0; } // set read_pipe o->read_pipe_inst = read_pipe_inst; // register read in read_pipe read_pipe_inst->read_inst = o; // receive size_t buf_size = NCDBufStore_BufSize(&read_pipe_inst->store); int to_read = (buf_size > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : buf_size); StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Recv(BConnection_RecvAsync_GetIf(&read_pipe_inst->connection), (uint8_t *)NCDBuf_Data(o->buf), to_read); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void read_func_die (void *vo) { struct read_instance *o = vo; // if we're receiving, abort read_pipe if (o->read_pipe_inst) { ASSERT(o->read_pipe_inst->state == READER_STATE_RUNNING) ASSERT(o->read_pipe_inst->read_inst == o) ASSERT(o->buf) read_pipe_abort(o->read_pipe_inst); } // release buffer if (o->buf) { BRefTarget_Deref(NCDBuf_RefTarget(o->buf)); } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static int read_func_getvar (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct read_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(!o->read_pipe_inst) ASSERT(!(o->read_size > 0) || o->buf) if (name == NCD_STRING_EMPTY) { if (o->read_size > 0) { *out = NCDVal_NewExternalString(mem, NCDBuf_Data(o->buf), o->read_size, NCDBuf_RefTarget(o->buf)); } else { *out = NCDVal_NewIdString(mem, NCD_STRING_EMPTY, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); } return 1; } if (name == NCD_STRING_NOT_EOF) { int not_eof = (o->read_size > 0); *out = ncd_make_boolean(mem, not_eof, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); return 1; } return 0; } static void write_pipe_free_connection (struct write_pipe_instance *o) { // disconnect write instance if (o->write_inst) { ASSERT(o->write_inst->write_pipe_inst == o) o->write_inst->write_pipe_inst = NULL; } // free connection send interface BConnection_SendAsync_Free(&o->connection); // free connection BConnection_Free(&o->connection); // close fd if (close(o->write_fd) < 0) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "close failed"); } } static void write_pipe_abort (struct write_pipe_instance *o) { ASSERT(o->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) // release connection resources write_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state o->state = WRITER_STATE_ABORTED; } static void write_pipe_close (struct write_pipe_instance *o) { ASSERT(o->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) // release connection resources write_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state o->state = WRITER_STATE_CLOSED; } static void write_pipe_connection_handler (void *vo, int event) { struct write_pipe_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "write pipe error"); // free connection resources write_pipe_free_connection(o); // set state error o->state = WRITER_STATE_ERROR; // backtrack NCDModuleInst_Backend_DownUp(o->i); } static void write_pipe_send_handler_done (void *vo, int data_len) { struct write_pipe_instance *o = vo; ASSERT(o->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) ASSERT(o->write_inst) ASSERT(o->write_inst->write_pipe_inst == o) ASSERT(data_len > 0) ASSERT(data_len <= o->write_inst->cstr.length - o->write_inst->pos) struct write_instance *wr = o->write_inst; // update write progress wr->pos += data_len; // if there is more data, start another write operation if (wr->pos < wr->cstr.length) { size_t chunk_length; const char *chunk_data = b_cstring_get(wr->cstr, wr->pos, wr->cstr.length - wr->pos, &chunk_length); size_t to_send = (chunk_length > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : chunk_length); StreamPassInterface_Sender_Send(BConnection_SendAsync_GetIf(&o->connection), (uint8_t *)chunk_data, to_send); return; } // finish write operation wr->write_pipe_inst = NULL; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(wr->i); o->write_inst = NULL; } static void write_pipe_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct write_pipe_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; NCDModuleInst_Backend_PassMemToMethods(i); if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct process_instance *pinst = params->method_user; if (pinst->write_fd == -1) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "process did not start successfully, was not opened for writing or a write_pipe was already created"); goto fail0; } // init connection if (!BConnection_Init(&o->connection, BConnection_source_pipe(pinst->write_fd), i->params->iparams->reactor, o, write_pipe_connection_handler)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BConnection_Init failed"); goto fail0; } // init connection send interface BConnection_SendAsync_Init(&o->connection); // set send done callback StreamPassInterface_Sender_Init(BConnection_SendAsync_GetIf(&o->connection), write_pipe_send_handler_done, o); // set variables o->state = WRITER_STATE_RUNNING; o->write_fd = pinst->write_fd; o->write_inst = NULL; // steal write fd from process instance pinst->write_fd = -1; // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void write_pipe_func_die (void *vo) { struct write_pipe_instance *o = vo; // free connection resources if (o->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) { write_pipe_free_connection(o); } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static int write_pipe_func_getvar (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct write_pipe_instance *o = vo; if (name == NCD_STRING_IS_ERROR) { int is_error = (o->state == WRITER_STATE_ERROR); *out = ncd_make_boolean(mem, is_error, o->i->params->iparams->string_index); return 1; } return 0; } static void write_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct write_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; NCDValRef data_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &data_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsString(data_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } struct write_pipe_instance *write_pipe_inst = params->method_user; // check if a write error has already occured if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_ERROR) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "write() is disallowed after a write error has occured"); goto fail0; } // check if the write_pipe has been aborted if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_ABORTED) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "write() is disallowed after a write() has been aborted"); goto fail0; } // check if the write_pipe has been aborted if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_CLOSED) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "write() is disallowed after close() has been called"); goto fail0; } ASSERT(write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) // check if there's already a write in progress if (write_pipe_inst->write_inst) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "write() is disallowed while another write() is in progress"); goto fail0; } // initialize write progress state o->cstr = NCDVal_StringCstring(data_arg); o->pos = 0; // if there's nothing to send, go up immediately if (o->cstr.length == 0) { o->write_pipe_inst = NULL; NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; } // set write_pipe o->write_pipe_inst = write_pipe_inst; // register write in write_pipe write_pipe_inst->write_inst = o; // start send operation size_t chunk_length; const char *chunk_data = b_cstring_get(o->cstr, o->pos, o->cstr.length - o->pos, &chunk_length); size_t to_send = (chunk_length > INT_MAX ? INT_MAX : chunk_length); StreamPassInterface_Sender_Send(BConnection_SendAsync_GetIf(&write_pipe_inst->connection), (uint8_t *)chunk_data, to_send); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void write_func_die (void *vo) { struct write_instance *o = vo; // if we're sending, abort write_pipe if (o->write_pipe_inst) { ASSERT(o->write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_RUNNING) ASSERT(o->write_pipe_inst->write_inst == o) write_pipe_abort(o->write_pipe_inst); } NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static void close_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } struct write_pipe_instance *write_pipe_inst = params->method_user; // check if a write error has already occured if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_ERROR) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close() is disallowed after a write error has occured"); goto fail0; } // check if the write_pipe has been aborted if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_ABORTED) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close() is disallowed after a write() has been aborted"); goto fail0; } // check if the write_pipe has been closed if (write_pipe_inst->state == WRITER_STATE_CLOSED) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "close() is disallowed after close() has been called"); goto fail0; } // close write_pipe_close(write_pipe_inst); // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static struct NCDModule modules[] = { { .type = "sys.start_process", .func_new2 = process_func_new, .func_die = process_func_die, .func_getvar2 = process_func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct process_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::wait", .func_new2 = wait_func_new, .func_die = wait_func_die, .func_getvar2 = wait_func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct wait_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::terminate", .func_new2 = terminate_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::kill", .func_new2 = kill_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::read_pipe", .func_new2 = read_pipe_func_new, .func_die = read_pipe_func_die, .func_getvar2 = read_pipe_func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct read_pipe_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::read_pipe::read", .func_new2 = read_func_new, .func_die = read_func_die, .func_getvar2 = read_func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct read_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::write_pipe", .func_new2 = write_pipe_func_new, .func_die = write_pipe_func_die, .func_getvar2 = write_pipe_func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct write_pipe_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::write_pipe::write", .func_new2 = write_func_new, .func_die = write_func_die, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct write_instance), .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = "sys.start_process::write_pipe::close", .func_new2 = close_func_new, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_ACCEPT_NON_CONTINUOUS_STRINGS }, { .type = NULL } }; const struct NCDModuleGroup ncdmodule_sys_start_process = { .modules = modules };