/** * @file BSocksClient.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define STATE_CONNECTING 1 #define STATE_SENDING_HELLO 2 #define STATE_SENT_HELLO 3 #define STATE_SENDING_PASSWORD 10 #define STATE_SENT_PASSWORD 11 #define STATE_SENDING_REQUEST 4 #define STATE_SENT_REQUEST 5 #define STATE_RECEIVED_REPLY_HEADER 6 #define STATE_UP 7 static void report_error (BSocksClient *o, int error); static void init_control_io (BSocksClient *o); static void free_control_io (BSocksClient *o); static void init_up_io (BSocksClient *o); static void free_up_io (BSocksClient *o); static int reserve_buffer (BSocksClient *o, bsize_t size); static void start_receive (BSocksClient *o, uint8_t *dest, int total); static void do_receive (BSocksClient *o); static void connector_handler (BSocksClient* o, int is_error); static void connection_handler (BSocksClient* o, int event); static void recv_handler_done (BSocksClient *o, int data_len); static void send_handler_done (BSocksClient *o); static void auth_finished (BSocksClient *p); void report_error (BSocksClient *o, int error) { DEBUGERROR(&o->d_err, o->handler(o->user, error)) } void init_control_io (BSocksClient *o) { // init receiving BConnection_RecvAsync_Init(&o->con); o->control.recv_if = BConnection_RecvAsync_GetIf(&o->con); StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Init(o->control.recv_if, (StreamRecvInterface_handler_done)recv_handler_done, o); // init sending BConnection_SendAsync_Init(&o->con); PacketStreamSender_Init(&o->control.send_sender, BConnection_SendAsync_GetIf(&o->con), INT_MAX, BReactor_PendingGroup(o->reactor)); o->control.send_if = PacketStreamSender_GetInput(&o->control.send_sender); PacketPassInterface_Sender_Init(o->control.send_if, (PacketPassInterface_handler_done)send_handler_done, o); } void free_control_io (BSocksClient *o) { // free sending PacketStreamSender_Free(&o->control.send_sender); BConnection_SendAsync_Free(&o->con); // free receiving BConnection_RecvAsync_Free(&o->con); } void init_up_io (BSocksClient *o) { // init receiving BConnection_RecvAsync_Init(&o->con); // init sending BConnection_SendAsync_Init(&o->con); } void free_up_io (BSocksClient *o) { // free sending BConnection_SendAsync_Free(&o->con); // free receiving BConnection_RecvAsync_Free(&o->con); } int reserve_buffer (BSocksClient *o, bsize_t size) { if (size.is_overflow) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "size overflow"); return 0; } char *buffer = (char *)BRealloc(o->buffer, size.value); if (!buffer) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BRealloc failed"); return 0; } o->buffer = buffer; return 1; } void start_receive (BSocksClient *o, uint8_t *dest, int total) { ASSERT(total > 0) o->control.recv_dest = dest; o->control.recv_len = 0; o->control.recv_total = total; do_receive(o); } void do_receive (BSocksClient *o) { ASSERT(o->control.recv_len < o->control.recv_total) StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Recv(o->control.recv_if, o->control.recv_dest + o->control.recv_len, o->control.recv_total - o->control.recv_len); } void connector_handler (BSocksClient* o, int is_error) { DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); ASSERT(o->state == STATE_CONNECTING) // check connection result if (is_error) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "connection failed"); goto fail0; } // init connection if (!BConnection_Init(&o->con, BConnection_source_connector(&o->connector), o->reactor, o, (BConnection_handler)connection_handler)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BConnection_Init failed"); goto fail0; } BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "connected"); // init control I/O init_control_io(o); // check number of methods if (o->num_auth_info == 0 || o->num_auth_info > 255) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "invalid number of authentication methods"); goto fail1; } // allocate buffer for sending hello bsize_t size = bsize_add( bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_client_hello_header)), bsize_mul( bsize_fromsize(o->num_auth_info), bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_client_hello_method)) ) ); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail1; } // write hello header struct socks_client_hello_header header; header.ver = hton8(SOCKS_VERSION); header.nmethods = hton8(o->num_auth_info); memcpy(o->buffer, &header, sizeof(header)); // write hello methods for (size_t i = 0; i < o->num_auth_info; i++) { struct socks_client_hello_method method; method.method = hton8(o->auth_info[i].auth_type); memcpy(o->buffer + sizeof(header) + i * sizeof(method), &method, sizeof(method)); } // send PacketPassInterface_Sender_Send(o->control.send_if, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENDING_HELLO; return; fail1: free_control_io(o); BConnection_Free(&o->con); fail0: report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); return; } void connection_handler (BSocksClient* o, int event) { DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); ASSERT(o->state != STATE_CONNECTING) if (o->state == STATE_UP && event == BCONNECTION_EVENT_RECVCLOSED) { report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR_CLOSED); return; } report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); return; } void recv_handler_done (BSocksClient *o, int data_len) { ASSERT(data_len >= 0) ASSERT(data_len <= o->control.recv_total - o->control.recv_len) DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); o->control.recv_len += data_len; if (o->control.recv_len < o->control.recv_total) { do_receive(o); return; } switch (o->state) { case STATE_SENT_HELLO: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received hello"); struct socks_server_hello imsg; memcpy(&imsg, o->buffer, sizeof(imsg)); if (ntoh8(imsg.ver) != SOCKS_VERSION) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "wrong version"); goto fail; } size_t auth_index; for (auth_index = 0; auth_index < o->num_auth_info; auth_index++) { if (o->auth_info[auth_index].auth_type == ntoh8(imsg.method)) { break; } } if (auth_index == o->num_auth_info) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "server didn't accept any authentication method"); goto fail; } const struct BSocksClient_auth_info *ai = &o->auth_info[auth_index]; switch (ai->auth_type) { case SOCKS_METHOD_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "no authentication"); auth_finished(o); } break; case SOCKS_METHOD_USERNAME_PASSWORD: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "password authentication"); if (ai->password.username_len == 0 || ai->password.username_len > 255 || ai->password.password_len == 0 || ai->password.password_len > 255 ) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "invalid username/password length"); goto fail; } // allocate password packet bsize_t size = bsize_fromsize(1 + 1 + ai->password.username_len + 1 + ai->password.password_len); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail; } // write password packet char *ptr = o->buffer; *ptr++ = 1; *ptr++ = ai->password.username_len; memcpy(ptr, ai->password.username, ai->password.username_len); ptr += ai->password.username_len; *ptr++ = ai->password.password_len; memcpy(ptr, ai->password.password, ai->password.password_len); ptr += ai->password.password_len; // start sending PacketPassInterface_Sender_Send(o->control.send_if, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENDING_PASSWORD; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } } break; case STATE_SENT_REQUEST: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received reply header"); struct socks_reply_header imsg; memcpy(&imsg, o->buffer, sizeof(imsg)); if (ntoh8(imsg.ver) != SOCKS_VERSION) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "wrong version"); goto fail; } if (ntoh8(imsg.rep) != SOCKS_REP_SUCCEEDED) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "reply not successful"); goto fail; } int addr_len; switch (ntoh8(imsg.atyp)) { case SOCKS_ATYP_IPV4: addr_len = sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv4); break; case SOCKS_ATYP_IPV6: addr_len = sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv6); break; default: BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "reply has unknown address type"); goto fail; } // receive the rest of the reply start_receive(o, (uint8_t *)o->buffer + sizeof(imsg), addr_len); // set state o->state = STATE_RECEIVED_REPLY_HEADER; } break; case STATE_SENT_PASSWORD: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received password reply"); if (o->buffer[0] != 1) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "password reply has unknown version"); goto fail; } if (o->buffer[1] != 0) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "password reply is negative"); goto fail; } auth_finished(o); } break; case STATE_RECEIVED_REPLY_HEADER: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "received reply rest"); // free buffer BFree(o->buffer); o->buffer = NULL; // free control I/O free_control_io(o); // init up I/O init_up_io(o); // set state o->state = STATE_UP; // call handler o->handler(o->user, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_UP); return; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return; fail: report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); } void send_handler_done (BSocksClient *o) { DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); ASSERT(o->buffer) switch (o->state) { case STATE_SENDING_HELLO: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "sent hello"); // allocate buffer for receiving hello bsize_t size = bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_server_hello)); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail; } // receive hello start_receive(o, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENT_HELLO; } break; case STATE_SENDING_REQUEST: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "sent request"); // allocate buffer for receiving reply bsize_t size = bsize_add( bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_reply_header)), bsize_max(bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv4)), bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv6))) ); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail; } // receive reply header start_receive(o, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, sizeof(struct socks_reply_header)); // set state o->state = STATE_SENT_REQUEST; } break; case STATE_SENDING_PASSWORD: { BLog(BLOG_DEBUG, "send password"); // allocate buffer for receiving reply bsize_t size = bsize_fromsize(2); if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { goto fail; } // receive reply header start_receive(o, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENT_PASSWORD; } break; default: ASSERT(0); } return; fail: report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); } void auth_finished (BSocksClient *o) { // allocate request buffer bsize_t size = bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_request_header)); switch (o->dest_addr.type) { case BADDR_TYPE_IPV4: size = bsize_add(size, bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv4))); break; case BADDR_TYPE_IPV6: size = bsize_add(size, bsize_fromsize(sizeof(struct socks_addr_ipv6))); break; } if (!reserve_buffer(o, size)) { report_error(o, BSOCKSCLIENT_EVENT_ERROR); return; } // write request struct socks_request_header header; header.ver = hton8(SOCKS_VERSION); header.cmd = hton8(SOCKS_CMD_CONNECT); header.rsv = hton8(0); switch (o->dest_addr.type) { case BADDR_TYPE_IPV4: { header.atyp = hton8(SOCKS_ATYP_IPV4); struct socks_addr_ipv4 addr; addr.addr = o->dest_addr.ipv4.ip; addr.port = o->dest_addr.ipv4.port; memcpy(o->buffer + sizeof(header), &addr, sizeof(addr)); } break; case BADDR_TYPE_IPV6: { header.atyp = hton8(SOCKS_ATYP_IPV6); struct socks_addr_ipv6 addr; memcpy(addr.addr, o->dest_addr.ipv6.ip, sizeof(o->dest_addr.ipv6.ip)); addr.port = o->dest_addr.ipv6.port; memcpy(o->buffer + sizeof(header), &addr, sizeof(addr)); } break; default: ASSERT(0); } memcpy(o->buffer, &header, sizeof(header)); // send request PacketPassInterface_Sender_Send(o->control.send_if, (uint8_t *)o->buffer, size.value); // set state o->state = STATE_SENDING_REQUEST; } struct BSocksClient_auth_info BSocksClient_auth_none (void) { struct BSocksClient_auth_info info; info.auth_type = SOCKS_METHOD_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED; return info; } struct BSocksClient_auth_info BSocksClient_auth_password (const char *username, size_t username_len, const char *password, size_t password_len) { struct BSocksClient_auth_info info; info.auth_type = SOCKS_METHOD_USERNAME_PASSWORD; info.password.username = username; info.password.username_len = username_len; info.password.password = password; info.password.password_len = password_len; return info; } int BSocksClient_Init (BSocksClient *o, BAddr server_addr, const struct BSocksClient_auth_info *auth_info, size_t num_auth_info, BAddr dest_addr, BSocksClient_handler handler, void *user, BReactor *reactor) { ASSERT(!BAddr_IsInvalid(&server_addr)) ASSERT(dest_addr.type == BADDR_TYPE_IPV4 || dest_addr.type == BADDR_TYPE_IPV6) #ifndef NDEBUG for (size_t i = 0; i < num_auth_info; i++) { ASSERT(auth_info[i].auth_type == SOCKS_METHOD_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED || auth_info[i].auth_type == SOCKS_METHOD_USERNAME_PASSWORD) } #endif // init arguments o->auth_info = auth_info; o->num_auth_info = num_auth_info; o->dest_addr = dest_addr; o->handler = handler; o->user = user; o->reactor = reactor; // set no buffer o->buffer = NULL; // init connector if (!BConnector_Init(&o->connector, server_addr, o->reactor, o, (BConnector_handler)connector_handler)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BConnector_Init failed"); goto fail0; } // set state o->state = STATE_CONNECTING; DebugError_Init(&o->d_err, BReactor_PendingGroup(o->reactor)); DebugObject_Init(&o->d_obj); return 1; fail0: return 0; } void BSocksClient_Free (BSocksClient *o) { DebugObject_Free(&o->d_obj); DebugError_Free(&o->d_err); if (o->state != STATE_CONNECTING) { if (o->state == STATE_UP) { // free up I/O free_up_io(o); } else { // free control I/O free_control_io(o); } // free connection BConnection_Free(&o->con); } // free connector BConnector_Free(&o->connector); // free buffer if (o->buffer) { BFree(o->buffer); } } StreamPassInterface * BSocksClient_GetSendInterface (BSocksClient *o) { ASSERT(o->state == STATE_UP) DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); return BConnection_SendAsync_GetIf(&o->con); } StreamRecvInterface * BSocksClient_GetRecvInterface (BSocksClient *o) { ASSERT(o->state == STATE_UP) DebugObject_Access(&o->d_obj); return BConnection_RecvAsync_GetIf(&o->con); }