/** * @file depend_scope.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @section DESCRIPTION * * Multiple-option dependencies module. * * Synopsis: * depend_scope() * * Description: * A scope for dependency names. Any dependency names used in provide() and depend() * methods on this object are local to this object. Contrast to the multidepend module, * which provides the same functionality as this module, but with a single global * dependency name scope. * * Synopsis: * depend_scope::provide(name) * * Arguments: * name - provider identifier * * Description: * Satisfies a dependency. * If any depend()'s get immediately bound to this provide(), * the side effects of those first happen, and only then can the process of this * provide() continue. * When provide() is requested to deinitialize, if there are any depend()'s bound, * provide() will not finish deinitializing until all the processes containing the * bound depend()'s have backtracked to the point of the corresponding depend(). * More specifically, when backtracking has finished for the last bound depend(), * first the immediate effects of the provide() finshing deinitialization will happen, * and only then will the depend() attempt to rebind. (If the converse was true, the * depend() could rebind, but when deinitialization of the provide()'s process * continues, lose this binding. See ncd/tests/depend_scope.ncd .) * * Synopsis: * depend_scope::depend(list names) * * Arguments: * names - list of provider identifiers. Names more to the beginning are considered * more desirable. * * Description: * Binds to the provide() providing one of the specified dependency names which is most * desirable. If there is no provide() providing any of the given dependency names, * waits and binds when one becomes available. * If the depend() is bound to a provide(), and the bound provide() is requested to * deinitize, or a more desirable provide() becomes available, the depend() statement * will go down (triggering backtracking), wait for backtracking to finish, and then * try to bind to a provide() again, as if it was just initialized. * When depend() is requested to deinitialize, it deinitializes immediately. * * Attributes: * Exposes objects as seen from the corresponding provide. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ModuleLog(i, ...) NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log((i), BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, __VA_ARGS__) struct scope { BRefTarget ref_target; LinkedList1 provides_list; LinkedList1 depends_list; }; struct scope_instance { NCDModuleInst *i; struct scope *scope; }; struct provide { NCDModuleInst *i; struct scope *scope; NCDValRef name; LinkedList1Node provides_list_node; LinkedList1 depends_list; int dying; }; struct depend { NCDModuleInst *i; struct scope *scope; NCDValRef names; LinkedList1Node depends_list_node; struct provide *provide; LinkedList1Node provide_depends_list_node; int provide_collapsing; }; static struct provide * find_provide (struct scope *o, NCDValRef name) { for (LinkedList1Node *ln = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->provides_list); ln; ln = LinkedList1Node_Next(ln)) { struct provide *provide = UPPER_OBJECT(ln, struct provide, provides_list_node); ASSERT(provide->scope == o) if (NCDVal_Compare(provide->name, name) == 0) { return provide; } } return NULL; } static struct provide * depend_find_best_provide (struct depend *o) { size_t count = NCDVal_ListCount(o->names); for (size_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { NCDValRef name = NCDVal_ListGet(o->names, j); struct provide *provide = find_provide(o->scope, name); if (provide && !provide->dying) { return provide; } } return NULL; } static void depend_update (struct depend *o) { // if we're collapsing, do nothing if (o->provide && o->provide_collapsing) { return; } // find best provide struct provide *best_provide = depend_find_best_provide(o); ASSERT(!best_provide || !best_provide->dying) // has anything changed? if (best_provide == o->provide) { return; } if (o->provide) { // set collapsing o->provide_collapsing = 1; // signal down NCDModuleInst_Backend_Down(o->i); } else { // insert to provide's list LinkedList1_Append(&best_provide->depends_list, &o->provide_depends_list_node); // set not collapsing o->provide_collapsing = 0; // set provide o->provide = best_provide; // signal up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(o->i); } } static void scope_ref_target_func_release (BRefTarget *ref_target) { struct scope *o = UPPER_OBJECT(ref_target, struct scope, ref_target); ASSERT(LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&o->provides_list)) ASSERT(LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&o->depends_list)) BFree(o); } static void scope_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct scope_instance *o = vo; o->i = i; // pass scope instance pointer to methods not NCDModuleInst pointer NCDModuleInst_Backend_PassMemToMethods(i); // read arguments if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } // allocate scope o->scope = BAlloc(sizeof(*o->scope)); if (!o->scope) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "BAlloc failed"); goto fail0; } // init reference target BRefTarget_Init(&o->scope->ref_target, scope_ref_target_func_release); // init provide and depend lists LinkedList1_Init(&o->scope->provides_list); LinkedList1_Init(&o->scope->depends_list); // go up NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void scope_func_die (void *vo) { struct scope_instance *o = vo; // release scope reference BRefTarget_Deref(&o->scope->ref_target); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static void provide_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct provide *o = vo; o->i = i; o->scope = ((struct scope_instance *)params->method_user)->scope; // read arguments NCDValRef name_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &name_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } // remember name o->name = name_arg; // check for existing provide with this name if (find_provide(o->scope, o->name)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "a provide with this name already exists"); goto fail0; } // grab scope reference if (!BRefTarget_Ref(&o->scope->ref_target)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "BRefTarget_Ref failed"); goto fail0; } // insert to provides list LinkedList1_Append(&o->scope->provides_list, &o->provides_list_node); // init depends list LinkedList1_Init(&o->depends_list); // set not dying o->dying = 0; // signal up. // This comes above the loop which follows, so that effects on related depend statements are // computed before this process advances, avoiding problems like failed variable resolutions. NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(o->i); // update depends for (LinkedList1Node *ln = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->scope->depends_list); ln; ln = LinkedList1Node_Next(ln)) { struct depend *depend = UPPER_OBJECT(ln, struct depend, depends_list_node); depend_update(depend); } return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void provide_free (struct provide *o) { ASSERT(LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&o->depends_list)) // remove from provides list LinkedList1_Remove(&o->scope->provides_list, &o->provides_list_node); // release scope reference BRefTarget_Deref(&o->scope->ref_target); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static void provide_func_die (void *vo) { struct provide *o = vo; ASSERT(!o->dying) // if we have no depends, die immediately if (LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&o->depends_list)) { provide_free(o); return; } // set dying o->dying = 1; // start collapsing our depends for (LinkedList1Node *ln = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->depends_list); ln; ln = LinkedList1Node_Next(ln)) { struct depend *depend = UPPER_OBJECT(ln, struct depend, provide_depends_list_node); ASSERT(depend->provide == o) // update depend to make sure it is collapsing depend_update(depend); } } static void depend_func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct depend *o = vo; o->i = i; o->scope = ((struct scope_instance *)params->method_user)->scope; // read arguments NCDValRef names_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &names_arg)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsList(names_arg)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } // remember names o->names = names_arg; // grab scope reference if (!BRefTarget_Ref(&o->scope->ref_target)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "BRefTarget_Ref failed"); goto fail0; } // insert to depends list LinkedList1_Append(&o->scope->depends_list, &o->depends_list_node); // set no provide o->provide = NULL; // update depend_update(o); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void depend_func_die (void *vo) { struct depend *o = vo; if (o->provide) { // remove from provide's list LinkedList1_Remove(&o->provide->depends_list, &o->provide_depends_list_node); // if provide is dying and is empty, let it die if (o->provide->dying && LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&o->provide->depends_list)) { provide_free(o->provide); } } // remove from depends list LinkedList1_Remove(&o->scope->depends_list, &o->depends_list_node); // release scope reference BRefTarget_Deref(&o->scope->ref_target); NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } static void depend_func_clean (void *vo) { struct depend *o = vo; if (!(o->provide && o->provide_collapsing)) { return; } // save provide struct provide *provide = o->provide; // remove from provide's list LinkedList1_Remove(&provide->depends_list, &o->provide_depends_list_node); // set no provide o->provide = NULL; // update depend_update(o); // if provide is dying and is empty, let it die. // This comes after depend_update so that the side effects of the // provide dying have priority over rebinding the depend. if (provide->dying && LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&provide->depends_list)) { provide_free(provide); } } static int depend_func_getobj (void *vo, NCD_string_id_t objname, NCDObject *out_object) { struct depend *o = vo; if (!o->provide) { return 0; } return NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetObj(o->provide->i, objname, out_object); } static struct NCDModule modules[] = { { .type = "depend_scope", .func_new2 = scope_func_new, .func_die = scope_func_die, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct scope_instance) }, { .type = "depend_scope::provide", .func_new2 = provide_func_new, .func_die = provide_func_die, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct provide) }, { .type = "depend_scope::depend", .func_new2 = depend_func_new, .func_die = depend_func_die, .func_clean = depend_func_clean, .func_getobj = depend_func_getobj, .flags = NCDMODULE_FLAG_CAN_RESOLVE_WHEN_DOWN, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct depend) }, { .type = NULL } }; const struct NCDModuleGroup ncdmodule_depend_scope = { .modules = modules };