/** * @file sys_watch_input.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak <ambrop7@gmail.com> * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @section DESCRIPTION * * Input device watcher. * * Synopsis: sys.watch_input(string devnode_type) * Description: reports input device events. Transitions up when an event is detected, and * goes down waiting for the next event when sys.watch_input::nextevent() is called. * On startup, "added" events are reported for existing input devices. * Arguments: * string devnode_type - device node type, for example "event", "mouse" or "js". * Variables: * string event_type - what happened with the input device: "added" or "removed" * string devname - device node path * string device_type - input device type, "tablet", "joystick", "touchscreen", "mouse", * "touchpad", "key", "keyboard" or "unknown" * * Synopsis: sys.watch_input::nextevent() * Description: makes the watch_input module transition down in order to report the next event. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <misc/debug.h> #include <misc/offset.h> #include <structure/LinkedList1.h> #include <udevmonitor/NCDUdevManager.h> #include <ncd/NCDModule.h> #include <ncd/modules/event_template.h> #include <generated/blog_channel_ncd_sys_watch_input.h> #define ModuleLog(i, ...) NCDModuleInst_Backend_Log((i), BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, __VA_ARGS__) struct device { char *devname; char *devpath; BStringMap removed_map; LinkedList1Node devices_list_node; }; struct instance { NCDModuleInst *i; const char *devnode_type; size_t devnode_type_len; NCDUdevClient client; LinkedList1 devices_list; event_template templ; }; static void templ_func_free (struct instance *o, int is_error); static struct device * find_device_by_devname (struct instance *o, const char *devname) { LinkedList1Node *list_node = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->devices_list); while (list_node) { struct device *device = UPPER_OBJECT(list_node, struct device, devices_list_node); if (!strcmp(device->devname, devname)) { return device; } list_node = LinkedList1Node_Next(list_node); } return NULL; } static struct device * find_device_by_devpath (struct instance *o, const char *devpath) { LinkedList1Node *list_node = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->devices_list); while (list_node) { struct device *device = UPPER_OBJECT(list_node, struct device, devices_list_node); if (!strcmp(device->devpath, devpath)) { return device; } list_node = LinkedList1Node_Next(list_node); } return NULL; } static void free_device (struct instance *o, struct device *device, int have_removed_map) { // remove from devices list LinkedList1_Remove(&o->devices_list, &device->devices_list_node); // free removed map if (have_removed_map) { BStringMap_Free(&device->removed_map); } // free devpath free(device->devpath); // free devname free(device->devname); // free structure free(device); } static int make_event_map (struct instance *o, int added, const char *devname, const char *device_type, BStringMap *out_map) { // init map BStringMap map; BStringMap_Init(&map); // set type if (!BStringMap_Set(&map, "event_type", (added ? "added" : "removed"))) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "BStringMap_Set failed"); goto fail1; } // set devname if (!BStringMap_Set(&map, "devname", devname)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "BStringMap_Set failed"); goto fail1; } // set device type if (!BStringMap_Set(&map, "device_type", device_type)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "BStringMap_Set failed"); goto fail1; } *out_map = map; return 1; fail1: BStringMap_Free(&map); return 0; } static int devname_is_type (const char *devname, const char *devname_type, size_t devname_type_len) { // skip digits at the end size_t i; for (i = strlen(devname); i > 0; i--) { if (!isdigit(devname[i - 1])) { break; } } // check if devname_type precedes skipped digits for (size_t j = devname_type_len; j > 0; j--) { if (!(i > 0 && devname[i - 1] == devname_type[j - 1])) { return 0; } i--; } // check if slash precedes devname_type if (!(i > 0 && devname[i - 1] == '/')) { return 0; } return 1; } static void queue_event (struct instance *o, BStringMap map) { // pass event to template int was_empty; event_template_queue(&o->templ, map, &was_empty); // if event queue was empty, stop receiving udev events if (was_empty) { NCDUdevClient_Pause(&o->client); } } static void add_device (struct instance *o, const char *devname, const char *devpath, const char *device_type) { ASSERT(!find_device_by_devname(o, devname)) ASSERT(!find_device_by_devpath(o, devpath)) // allocate structure struct device *device = malloc(sizeof(*device)); if (!device) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } // init devname if (!(device->devname = strdup(devname))) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "strdup failed"); goto fail1; } // init devpath if (!(device->devpath = strdup(devpath))) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "strdup failed"); goto fail2; } // init removed map if (!make_event_map(o, 0, devname, device_type, &device->removed_map)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "make_event_map failed"); goto fail3; } // init added map BStringMap added_map; if (!make_event_map(o, 1, devname, device_type, &added_map)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "make_event_map failed"); goto fail4; } // insert to devices list LinkedList1_Append(&o->devices_list, &device->devices_list_node); // queue event queue_event(o, added_map); return; fail4: BStringMap_Free(&device->removed_map); fail3: free(device->devpath); fail2: free(device->devname); fail1: free(device); fail0: ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "failed to add device %s", devname); } static void remove_device (struct instance *o, struct device *device) { queue_event(o, device->removed_map); free_device(o, device, 0); } static void next_event (struct instance *o) { ASSERT(event_template_is_enabled(&o->templ)) // order template to finish the current event int is_empty; event_template_dequeue(&o->templ, &is_empty); // if template has no events, continue udev events if (is_empty) { NCDUdevClient_Continue(&o->client); } } static void client_handler (struct instance *o, char *devpath, int have_map, BStringMap map) { // lookup existing device with this devpath struct device *ex_device = find_device_by_devpath(o, devpath); // lookup cache entry const BStringMap *cache_map = NCDUdevManager_Query(o->i->params->iparams->umanager, devpath); if (!cache_map) { if (ex_device) { remove_device(o, ex_device); } goto out; } const char *subsystem = BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "SUBSYSTEM"); const char *devname = BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "DEVNAME"); if (!(subsystem && !strcmp(subsystem, "input") && devname && devname_is_type(devname, o->devnode_type, o->devnode_type_len))) { if (ex_device) { remove_device(o, ex_device); } goto out; } if (ex_device && strcmp(ex_device->devname, devname)) { remove_device(o, ex_device); ex_device = NULL; } if (!ex_device) { struct device *ex_devname_device = find_device_by_devname(o, devname); if (ex_devname_device) { remove_device(o, ex_devname_device); } // determine type const char *device_type = "unknown"; if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_TABLET")) { device_type = "tablet"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK")) { device_type = "joystick"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN")) { device_type = "touchscreen"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_MOUSE")) { device_type = "mouse"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD")) { device_type = "touchpad"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_KEY")) { device_type = "key"; } else if (BStringMap_Get(cache_map, "ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD")) { device_type = "keyboard"; } add_device(o, devname, devpath, device_type); } out: free(devpath); if (have_map) { BStringMap_Free(&map); } } static void func_new (void *vo, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { struct instance *o = vo; o->i = i; // check arguments NCDValRef devnode_type_arg; if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 1, &devnode_type_arg)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } if (!NCDVal_IsString(devnode_type_arg)) { ModuleLog(o->i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong type"); goto fail0; } o->devnode_type = NCDVal_StringData(devnode_type_arg); o->devnode_type_len = NCDVal_StringLength(devnode_type_arg); // init client NCDUdevClient_Init(&o->client, o->i->params->iparams->umanager, o, (NCDUdevClient_handler)client_handler); // init devices list LinkedList1_Init(&o->devices_list); event_template_new(&o->templ, o->i, BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, 3, o, (event_template_func_free)templ_func_free); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static void templ_func_free (struct instance *o, int is_error) { // free devices LinkedList1Node *list_node; while (list_node = LinkedList1_GetFirst(&o->devices_list)) { struct device *device = UPPER_OBJECT(list_node, struct device, devices_list_node); free_device(o, device, 1); } // free client NCDUdevClient_Free(&o->client); if (is_error) { NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(o->i); } else { NCDModuleInst_Backend_Dead(o->i); } } static void func_die (void *vo) { struct instance *o = vo; event_template_die(&o->templ); } static int func_getvar (void *vo, const char *name, NCDValMem *mem, NCDValRef *out) { struct instance *o = vo; return event_template_getvar(&o->templ, name, mem, out); } static void nextevent_func_new (void *unused, NCDModuleInst *i, const struct NCDModuleInst_new_params *params) { // check arguments if (!NCDVal_ListRead(params->args, 0)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "wrong arity"); goto fail0; } // get method object struct instance *mo = NCDModuleInst_Backend_GetUser((NCDModuleInst *)params->method_user); // make sure we are currently reporting an event if (!event_template_is_enabled(&mo->templ)) { ModuleLog(i, BLOG_ERROR, "not reporting an event"); goto fail0; } // signal up. // Do it before finishing the event so our process does not advance any further if // we would be killed the event provider going down. NCDModuleInst_Backend_Up(i); // wait for next event next_event(mo); return; fail0: NCDModuleInst_Backend_DeadError(i); } static struct NCDModule modules[] = { { .type = "sys.watch_input", .func_new2 = func_new, .func_die = func_die, .func_getvar = func_getvar, .alloc_size = sizeof(struct instance) }, { .type = "sys.watch_input::nextevent", .func_new2 = nextevent_func_new }, { .type = NULL } }; const struct NCDModuleGroup ncdmodule_sys_watch_input = { .modules = modules };