# - Try to find the NSS library # Once done this will define # # NSS_FOUND - system has the NSS library # NSS_INCLUDE_DIRS - Include paths needed # NSS_LIBRARY_DIRS - Linker paths needed # NSS_LIBRARIES - Libraries needed # Copyright (c) 2010, Ambroz Bizjak, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. include(FindLibraryWithDebug) if (NSS_LIBRARIES) set(NSS_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) endif () set(NSS_FOUND FALSE) if (WIN32) find_path(NSS_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR nss.h) FIND_LIBRARY_WITH_DEBUG(NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SSL WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX d NAMES ssl3) FIND_LIBRARY_WITH_DEBUG(NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SMIME WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX d NAMES smime3) FIND_LIBRARY_WITH_DEBUG(NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_NSS WIN32_DEBUG_POSTFIX d NAMES nss3) if (NSS_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR AND NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SSL AND NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SMIME AND NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_NSS) set(NSS_FOUND TRUE) set(NSS_INCLUDE_DIRS "${NSS_FIND_INCLUDE_DIR}" CACHE STRING "NSS include dirs") set(NSS_LIBRARY_DIRS "" CACHE STRING "NSS library dirs") set(NSS_LIBRARIES "${NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SSL};${NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_SMIME};${NSS_FIND_LIBRARIES_NSS}" CACHE STRING "NSS libraries") endif () else () find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(NSS_PC nss) if (NSS_PC_FOUND) set(NSS_FOUND TRUE) set(NSS_INCLUDE_DIRS "${NSS_PC_INCLUDE_DIRS}" CACHE STRING "NSS include dirs") set(NSS_LIBRARY_DIRS "${NSS_PC_LIBRARY_DIRS}" CACHE STRING "NSS library dirs") set(NSS_LIBRARIES "${NSS_PC_LIBRARIES}" CACHE STRING "NSS libraries") endif () endif () if (NSS_FOUND) if (NOT NSS_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found NSS: ${NSS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${NSS_LIBRARY_DIRS} ${NSS_LIBRARIES}") endif () else () if (NSS_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could NOT find NSS") endif () endif () mark_as_advanced(NSS_INCLUDE_DIRS NSS_LIBRARY_DIRS NSS_LIBRARIES)