include_guard "pppoe" template pppoe { alias("_arg0") dev; alias("_arg1") username; alias("_arg2") password; alias("_arg3") pre_up_template; # Choose which NCD interpreter will be used for the pppd event scripts. var("/usr/local/badvpn/bin/badvpn-ncd") ncd_interpreter_path; # Retry point here. var("false") retrying; backtrack_point() retry_point; If (retrying) { sleep("5000"); }; retrying->set("true"); # Create a temporary directory. concat("/run/ncd-pppoe-", dev) run_dir; run({"/bin/rm", "-rf", run_dir}, {}); run({"/bin/mkdir", run_dir}, {"/bin/rm", "-rf", run_dir}); # Build paths for pppd scripts and other files. concat(run_dir, "/ncd-request.socket") socket_path; concat(run_dir, "/") pppoe_pid_path; concat(run_dir, "/pap-secrets") pap_secrets_path; concat(run_dir, "/chap-secrets") chap_secrets_path; concat(run_dir, "/pppd2.tdb") pppdb_path; concat(run_dir, "/resolv.conf") resolv_conf_path; concat(run_dir, "/script-auth-up") path_auth_up; concat(run_dir, "/script-auth-down") path_auth_down; concat(run_dir, "/script-auth-fail") path_auth_fail; concat(run_dir, "/script-ip-pre-up") path_ip_pre_up; concat(run_dir, "/script-ip-up") path_ip_up; concat(run_dir, "/script-ip-down") path_ip_down; concat(run_dir, "/script-ipv6-up") path_ipv6_up; concat(run_dir, "/script-ipv6-down") path_ipv6_down; concat(run_dir, "/script-ipx-up") path_ipx_up; concat(run_dir, "/script-ipx-down") path_ipx_down; # Write secrets files. call("pppoe__write_secrets", {pap_secrets_path, username, password}); call("pppoe__write_secrets", {chap_secrets_path, username, password}); # Write pppd scripts. These will contact us via the request socket. call("pppoe__write_script", {"ip-pre-up", path_ip_pre_up}); call("pppoe__write_script", {"ip-up", path_ip_up}); call("pppoe__write_script", {"ip-down", path_ip_down}); # Build path arguments for pppd; concat("pid-dir=", run_dir) arg_pid_dir; concat("pap-secrets=", pap_secrets_path) arg_pap_secrets; concat("chap-secrets=", chap_secrets_path) arg_chap_secrets; concat("pppdb=", pppdb_path) arg_pppdb; concat("resolv.conf=", resolv_conf_path) arg_resolv_conf; concat("auth-up=", path_auth_up) arg_auth_up; concat("auth-down=", path_auth_down) arg_auth_down; concat("auth-fail=", path_auth_fail) arg_auth_fail; concat("ip-pre-up=", path_ip_pre_up) arg_ip_pre_up; concat("ip-up=", path_ip_up) arg_ip_up; concat("ip-down=", path_ip_down) arg_ip_down; concat("ipv6-up=", path_ipv6_up) arg_ipv6_up; concat("ipv6-down=", path_ipv6_down) arg_ipv6_down; concat("ipx-up=", path_ipx_up) arg_ipx_up; concat("ipx-down=", path_ipx_down) arg_ipx_down; # Create state variables and blockers. When the request server # receives requests it will update those variables and blockers. var("down") state; var("") current_ifname; var("") current_local_ip; var("") current_remote_ip; value({}) current_dns_servers; blocker() ip_pre_up_blocker; blocker() ip_pre_up_done_blocker; blocker() ip_up_blocker; # Start request server. sys.request_server({"unix", socket_path}, "pppoe__request_handler", {}); # Start pppd. sys.start_process({ "/usr/sbin/pppd", "nodetach", "plugin", "", dev, "noipdefault", "hide-password", "usepeerdns", "user", username, "path", arg_pid_dir, "path", arg_pap_secrets, "path", arg_chap_secrets, "path", arg_pppdb, "path", arg_resolv_conf, "path", arg_auth_up, "path", arg_auth_down, "path", arg_auth_fail, "path", arg_ip_pre_up, "path", arg_ip_up, "path", arg_ip_down, "path", arg_ipv6_up, "path", arg_ipv6_down, "path", arg_ipx_up, "path", arg_ipx_down }, "", ["deinit_kill_time":"2000"]) pppd; # Start a process which will cause retrying when pppd dies. spawn("pppoe__pppd_wait", {}); # Wait for ip-pre-up. ip_pre_up_blocker->use(); # Grab the current state variables, so the user doesn't # see any unexpected changes. var(current_ifname) ifname; var(current_local_ip) local_ip; var(current_remote_ip) remote_ip; var(current_dns_servers) dns_servers; # Call pre-up callback template. call_with_caller_target(pre_up_template, {ifname, local_ip, remote_ip, dns_servers}, "_caller"); # Allow pre-up script to terminate. ip_pre_up_done_blocker->up(); # Wait for connection to go up. ip_up_blocker->use(); } template pppoe__pppd_wait { # Wait for pppd to die. _caller.pppd->wait(); # Retry. _caller.retry_point->go(); } template pppoe__write_secrets { alias("_arg0") file_path; alias("_arg1") username; alias("_arg2") password; # Escape username and password. regex_replace(username, {"\""}, {"\\\""}) username_esc; regex_replace(password, {"\""}, {"\\\""}) password_esc; # Write empty file and chmod it. file_write(file_path, ""); run({"/bin/chmod", "600", file_path}, {}); # Build contents. concat("\"", username_esc, "\" * \"", password_esc, "\"\n") contents; # Write file. file_write(file_path, contents); } template pppoe__write_script { alias("_arg0") event; alias("_arg1") script_path; # This string is an NCD script which will be run by pppd. # When run, it will contact us via the request server, # and the requests will be processed in pppoe__request_handler. var("#!<NCD_INTERPRETER_PATH> process main { # Hardcoded strings. var(\"<EVENT>\") hardcoded_event; var(\"<SOCKET>\") hardcoded_socket; # Start timeout to kill us after some time if we don't manage # to contact the server. spawn(\"timeout_process\", {}); # Build event data map. getargs() args; value([\"EVENT\":hardcoded_event, \"ARGS\":args]) msg_map; var({\"DEVICE\", \"IFNAME\", \"IPLOCAL\", \"IPREMOTE\", \"PEERNAME\", \"LOCALNAME\", \"SPEED\", \"ORIG_UID\", \"PPPLOGNAME\", \"CONNECT_TIME\", \"BYTES_SENT\", \"BYTES_RCVD\", \"LINKNAME\", \"DNS1\", \"DNS2\", \"WINS1\", \"WINS2\"}) var_names; Foreach (var_names As var_name) { getenv(var_name) env; If (env.exists) { msg_map->insert(var_name, env); }; }; # Connect to socket. sys.request_client({\"unix\", hardcoded_socket}) client; # Send request. client->request(msg_map, \"reply_handler\", \"finished_handler\", {}); } template reply_handler { print(); } template finished_handler { # Request was received by server, exit now. exit(\"0\"); } template timeout_process { # Sleep some time. sleep(\"5000\"); # Timed out, exit now. exit(\"1\"); } " ) script_contents_template; # Replace some constants in the script with the right values. regex_replace(script_contents_template, {"<NCD_INTERPRETER_PATH>", "<EVENT>", "<SOCKET>"}, {_caller.ncd_interpreter_path, event, _caller.socket_path} ) script_contents; # Write the script. file_write(script_path, script_contents); # Make it executable. run({"/bin/chmod", "+x", script_path}, {}); } template pppoe__request_handler { alias("_caller") pppoe; # Get event type from request. value( request; request->get("EVENT") event; # Match to known types. val_equal(event, "ip-down") is_ip_down; val_equal(event, "ip-pre-up") is_ip_pre_up; val_equal(event, "ip-up") is_ip_up; If (is_ip_down) { # Set state. pppoe.state->set("down"); # Set blockers down. pppoe.ip_up_blocker->down(); pppoe.ip_pre_up_done_blocker->down(); pppoe.ip_pre_up_blocker->down(); } Elif (is_ip_pre_up) { # Expecting to be in "down" state here. val_different(pppoe.state, "down") state_is_wrong; If (state_is_wrong) { pppoe.retry_point->go(); _request->finish(); }; # Get variables from request. request->get("IFNAME") ifname; request->get("IPLOCAL") local_ip; request->get("IPREMOTE") remote_ip; request->try_get("DNS1") dns1; request->try_get("DNS2") dns2; # Write variables. pppoe.current_ifname->set(ifname); pppoe.current_local_ip->set(local_ip); pppoe.current_remote_ip->set(remote_ip); pppoe.current_dns_servers->reset({}); If (dns1.exists) { pppoe.current_dns_servers->insert(pppoe.current_dns_servers.length, dns1); }; If (dns2.exists) { pppoe.current_dns_servers->insert(pppoe.current_dns_servers.length, dns2); }; # Set state. pppoe.state->set("pre-up"); # Set ip-pre-up blocker up. pppoe.ip_pre_up_blocker->up(); # Wait for pre-up to be finished. This causes the script contacting # us to not return until then, and effectively delays pppd in setting # the device up and calling the ip-up script. pppoe.ip_pre_up_done_blocker->use(); } Elif(is_ip_up) { # Expecting to be in "pre-up" state here. val_different(pppoe.state, "pre-up") state_is_wrong; If (state_is_wrong) { pppoe.retry_point->go(); _request->finish(); }; # Set state. pppoe.state->set("up"); # Set ip-up blocker up. pppoe.ip_up_blocker->up(); }; # Finish request. _request->finish(); } template pppoe__escapeshellarg { alias("_arg0") input; regex_replace(input, {"'"}, {"\\'"}) replaced; concat("'", replaced, "'") result; }