# Makefile for converting pdnsd html documentation to text files.
# This file was based on a Makefile originally written by Thomas Moestl
# and adapted by Paul Rombouts.

HTML2TXT=w3m -dump -cols 80 -T text/html

doc: intro.txt manual.txt faq.txt
.PHONY: doc clean

intro.txt: ../html/index.html
	sed -e 's/<!--\(nodoc\|notext\)(-->/<!--/g' -e 's/<!--)\(nodoc\|notext\)-->/-->/g' ../html/index.html | $(HTML2TXT) | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+$$//' > intro.txt

manual.txt: ../html/doc.html
	sed -e 's/<!--\(nodoc\|notext\)(-->/<!--/g' -e 's/<!--)\(nodoc\|notext\)-->/-->/g' ../html/doc.html | $(HTML2TXT) | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+$$//' > manual.txt

faq.txt: ../html/faq.html
	sed -e 's/<!--\(nodoc\|notext\)(-->/<!--/g' -e 's/<!--)\(nodoc\|notext\)-->/-->/g' ../html/faq.html | $(HTML2TXT) | sed -e 's/[[:blank:]]\+$$//' > faq.txt

	@rm -fv intro.txt manual.txt faq.txt