/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, Orbot / The Guardian Project - http://openideals.com/guardian */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ package org.torproject.android.service; public interface TorServiceConstants { public final static String TAG = "TOR_SERVICE"; //home directory of Android application public final static String TOR_HOME = "/data/data/org.torproject.android/"; //name of the tor C binary public final static String TOR_BINARY_ASSET_KEY = "tor"; public final static String TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH = TOR_HOME + TOR_BINARY_ASSET_KEY; //path to install the Tor binary too public final static String TOR_BINARY_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + TOR_BINARY_ASSET_KEY;//key of the tor binary in the Zip file //torrc (tor config file) public final static String TORRC_ASSET_KEY = "torrc"; public final static String TORRC_INSTALL_PATH = TOR_HOME + TORRC_ASSET_KEY; //path to install torrc to within the android app data folder public final static String TORRC_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + TORRC_ASSET_KEY; //key of the torrc file in the Zip file //how to launch tor public final static String TOR_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS = "-f " + TORRC_INSTALL_PATH + " || exit\n"; //privoxy public final static String PRIVOXY_ASSET_KEY = "privoxy"; public final static String PRIVOXY_INSTALL_PATH = TOR_HOME + PRIVOXY_ASSET_KEY; //path to install privoxy to within the android app data folder public final static String PRIVOXY_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + PRIVOXY_ASSET_KEY; //key of the privoxy file in the Zip file //privoxy.config public final static String PRIVOXYCONFIG_ASSET_KEY = "privoxy.config"; public final static String PRIVOXYCONFIG_INSTALL_PATH = TOR_HOME + PRIVOXYCONFIG_ASSET_KEY; //path to install privoxy to within the android app data folder public final static String PRIVOXYCONFIG_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + PRIVOXYCONFIG_ASSET_KEY; //key of the privoxy file in the Zip file //how to launch privoxy public final static String PRIVOXY_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS = ' ' + PRIVOXYCONFIG_INSTALL_PATH + " || exit\n"; //where to send the notices log public final static String TOR_LOG_PATH = TOR_HOME + "notices.log"; //control port cookie path public final static String TOR_CONTROL_AUTH_COOKIE = TOR_HOME + "data/control_auth_cookie"; //various console cmds public final static String SHELL_CMD_CHMOD = "chmod"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_KILL = "kill"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_RM = "rm"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_PS = "ps"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_PIDOF = "pidof"; public final static String CHMOD_EXE_VALUE = "777"; //path of the installed APK file public final static String APK_PATH = "/data/app/org.torproject.android.apk"; public final static String APK_PATH_BASE = "/data/app/org.torproject.android"; public final static int FILE_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048; //HTTP Proxy server port public final static int PORT_HTTP = 8118; //just like Privoxy! //Socks port client connects to, server is the Tor binary public final static int PORT_SOCKS = 9050; //what is says! public final static String IP_LOCALHOST = ""; public final static int TOR_CONTROL_PORT = 9051; public final static int UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 1000; //path to check Tor against public final static String URL_TOR_CHECK = "http://check.torproject.org"; //IPTABLES // public final static String CMD_IPTABLES_PREROUTING = "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to || exit\n"; //public final static String CMD_IPTABLES_PREROUTING_FLUSH = "iptables -t nat -F || exit\n"; //control port public final static String TOR_CONTROL_PORT_MSG_BOOTSTRAP_DONE = "Bootstrapped 100%"; public final static int STATUS_OFF = -1; public final static int STATUS_READY = 0; public final static int STATUS_ON = 1; public final static int STATUS_CONNECTING = 2; public final static int PROFILE_OFF = -1; public final static int PROFILE_ON = 1; }