/** * @file dostest-attacker.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak <ambrop7@gmail.com> * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <misc/debug.h> #include <misc/version.h> #include <misc/offset.h> #include <misc/open_standard_streams.h> #include <misc/balloc.h> #include <misc/loglevel.h> #include <misc/minmax.h> #include <structure/LinkedList1.h> #include <base/BLog.h> #include <system/BAddr.h> #include <system/BReactor.h> #include <system/BNetwork.h> #include <system/BConnection.h> #include <system/BSignal.h> #include <generated/blog_channel_dostest_attacker.h> #define PROGRAM_NAME "dostest-attacker" // connection structure struct connection { int connected; BConnector connector; BConnection con; StreamRecvInterface *recv_if; uint8_t buf[512]; LinkedList1Node connections_list_node; }; // command-line options static struct { int help; int version; char *connect_addr; int max_connections; int max_connecting; int loglevel; int loglevels[BLOG_NUM_CHANNELS]; } options; // connect address static BAddr connect_addr; // reactor static BReactor reactor; // connections static LinkedList1 connections_list; static int num_connections; static int num_connecting; // timer for scheduling creation of more connections static BTimer make_connections_timer; static void print_help (const char *name); static void print_version (void); static int parse_arguments (int argc, char *argv[]); static int process_arguments (void); static void signal_handler (void *unused); static int connection_new (void); static void connection_free (struct connection *conn); static void connection_logfunc (struct connection *conn); static void connection_log (struct connection *conn, int level, const char *fmt, ...); static void connection_connector_handler (struct connection *conn, int is_error); static void connection_connection_handler (struct connection *conn, int event); static void connection_recv_handler_done (struct connection *conn, int data_len); static void make_connections_timer_handler (void *unused); int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc <= 0) { return 1; } // open standard streams open_standard_streams(); // parse command-line arguments if (!parse_arguments(argc, argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse arguments\n"); print_help(argv[0]); goto fail0; } // handle --help and --version if (options.help) { print_version(); print_help(argv[0]); return 0; } if (options.version) { print_version(); return 0; } // init loger BLog_InitStderr(); // configure logger channels for (int i = 0; i < BLOG_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { if (options.loglevels[i] >= 0) { BLog_SetChannelLoglevel(i, options.loglevels[i]); } else if (options.loglevel >= 0) { BLog_SetChannelLoglevel(i, options.loglevel); } } BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "initializing "GLOBAL_PRODUCT_NAME" "PROGRAM_NAME" "GLOBAL_VERSION); // initialize network if (!BNetwork_GlobalInit()) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BNetwork_GlobalInit failed"); goto fail1; } // process arguments if (!process_arguments()) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "Failed to process arguments"); goto fail1; } // init time BTime_Init(); // init reactor if (!BReactor_Init(&reactor)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BReactor_Init failed"); goto fail1; } // setup signal handler if (!BSignal_Init(&reactor, signal_handler, NULL)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BSignal_Init failed"); goto fail2; } // init connections list LinkedList1_Init(&connections_list); num_connections = 0; num_connecting = 0; // init make connections timer BTimer_Init(&make_connections_timer, 0, make_connections_timer_handler, NULL); BReactor_SetTimer(&reactor, &make_connections_timer); // enter event loop BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "entering event loop"); BReactor_Exec(&reactor); // free connections while (!LinkedList1_IsEmpty(&connections_list)) { struct connection *conn = UPPER_OBJECT(LinkedList1_GetFirst(&connections_list), struct connection, connections_list_node); connection_free(conn); } // free make connections timer BReactor_RemoveTimer(&reactor, &make_connections_timer); // free signal BSignal_Finish(); fail2: // free reactor BReactor_Free(&reactor); fail1: // free logger BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "exiting"); BLog_Free(); fail0: // finish debug objects DebugObjectGlobal_Finish(); return 1; } void print_help (const char *name) { printf( "Usage:\n" " %s\n" " [--help]\n" " [--version]\n" " --connect-addr <addr>\n" " --max-connections <number>\n" " --max-connecting <number>\n" " [--loglevel <0-5/none/error/warning/notice/info/debug>]\n" " [--channel-loglevel <channel-name> <0-5/none/error/warning/notice/info/debug>] ...\n" "Address format is a.b.c.d:port (IPv4) or [addr]:port (IPv6).\n", name ); } void print_version (void) { printf(GLOBAL_PRODUCT_NAME" "PROGRAM_NAME" "GLOBAL_VERSION"\n"GLOBAL_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE"\n"); } int parse_arguments (int argc, char *argv[]) { options.help = 0; options.version = 0; options.connect_addr = NULL; options.max_connections = -1; options.max_connecting = -1; options.loglevel = -1; for (int i = 0; i < BLOG_NUM_CHANNELS; i++) { options.loglevels[i] = -1; } int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg = argv[i]; if (!strcmp(arg, "--help")) { options.help = 1; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--version")) { options.version = 1; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--connect-addr")) { if (1 >= argc - i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires an argument\n", arg); return 0; } options.connect_addr = argv[i + 1]; i++; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--max-connections")) { if (1 >= argc - i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires an argument\n", arg); return 0; } if ((options.max_connections = atoi(argv[i + 1])) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong argument\n", arg); return 0; } i++; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--max-connecting")) { if (1 >= argc - i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires an argument\n", arg); return 0; } if ((options.max_connecting = atoi(argv[i + 1])) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong argument\n", arg); return 0; } i++; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--loglevel")) { if (1 >= argc - i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires an argument\n", arg); return 0; } if ((options.loglevel = parse_loglevel(argv[i + 1])) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong argument\n", arg); return 0; } i++; } else if (!strcmp(arg, "--channel-loglevel")) { if (2 >= argc - i) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: requires two arguments\n", arg); return 0; } int channel = BLogGlobal_GetChannelByName(argv[i + 1]); if (channel < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong channel argument\n", arg); return 0; } int loglevel = parse_loglevel(argv[i + 2]); if (loglevel < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: wrong loglevel argument\n", arg); return 0; } options.loglevels[channel] = loglevel; i += 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", arg); return 0; } } if (options.help || options.version) { return 1; } if (!options.connect_addr) { fprintf(stderr, "--connect-addr missing\n"); return 0; } if (options.max_connections == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "--max-connections missing\n"); return 0; } if (options.max_connecting == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "--max-connecting missing\n"); return 0; } return 1; } int process_arguments (void) { // resolve listen address if (!BAddr_Parse(&connect_addr, options.connect_addr, NULL, 0)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "connect addr: BAddr_Parse failed"); return 0; } return 1; } void signal_handler (void *unused) { BLog(BLOG_NOTICE, "termination requested"); // exit event loop BReactor_Quit(&reactor, 1); } int connection_new (void) { // allocate structure struct connection *conn = (struct connection *)malloc(sizeof(*conn)); if (!conn) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "malloc failed"); goto fail0; } // set not connected conn->connected = 0; // init connector if (!BConnector_Init(&conn->connector, connect_addr, &reactor, conn, (BConnector_handler)connection_connector_handler)) { BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "BConnector_Init failed"); goto fail1; } // add to connections list LinkedList1_Append(&connections_list, &conn->connections_list_node); num_connections++; num_connecting++; return 1; fail1: free(conn); fail0: return 0; } void connection_free (struct connection *conn) { // remove from connections list LinkedList1_Remove(&connections_list, &conn->connections_list_node); num_connections--; if (!conn->connected) { num_connecting--; } if (conn->connected) { // free receive interface BConnection_RecvAsync_Free(&conn->con); // free connection BConnection_Free(&conn->con); } // free connector BConnector_Free(&conn->connector); // free structure free(conn); } void connection_logfunc (struct connection *conn) { BLog_Append("%d connection (%p): ", num_connecting, (void *)conn); } void connection_log (struct connection *conn, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); BLog_LogViaFuncVarArg((BLog_logfunc)connection_logfunc, conn, BLOG_CURRENT_CHANNEL, level, fmt, vl); va_end(vl); } void connection_connector_handler (struct connection *conn, int is_error) { ASSERT(!conn->connected) // check for connection error if (is_error) { connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "failed to connect"); goto fail0; } // init connection from connector if (!BConnection_Init(&conn->con, BConnection_source_connector(&conn->connector), &reactor, conn, (BConnection_handler)connection_connection_handler)) { connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "BConnection_Init failed"); goto fail0; } // init receive interface BConnection_RecvAsync_Init(&conn->con); conn->recv_if = BConnection_RecvAsync_GetIf(&conn->con); StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Init(conn->recv_if, (StreamRecvInterface_handler_done)connection_recv_handler_done, conn); // start receiving StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Recv(conn->recv_if, conn->buf, sizeof(conn->buf)); // no longer connecting conn->connected = 1; num_connecting--; connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "connected"); // schedule making connections (because of connecting limit) BReactor_SetTimer(&reactor, &make_connections_timer); return; fail0: // free connection connection_free(conn); // schedule making connections BReactor_SetTimer(&reactor, &make_connections_timer); } void connection_connection_handler (struct connection *conn, int event) { ASSERT(conn->connected) if (event == BCONNECTION_EVENT_RECVCLOSED) { connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "connection closed"); } else { connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "connection error"); } // free connection connection_free(conn); // schedule making connections BReactor_SetTimer(&reactor, &make_connections_timer); } void connection_recv_handler_done (struct connection *conn, int data_len) { ASSERT(conn->connected) // receive more StreamRecvInterface_Receiver_Recv(conn->recv_if, conn->buf, sizeof(conn->buf)); connection_log(conn, BLOG_INFO, "received %d bytes", data_len); } void make_connections_timer_handler (void *unused) { int make_num = bmin_int(options.max_connections - num_connections, options.max_connecting - num_connecting); if (make_num <= 0) { return; } BLog(BLOG_INFO, "making %d connections", make_num); for (int i = 0; i < make_num; i++) { if (!connection_new()) { // can happen if fd limit is reached BLog(BLOG_ERROR, "failed to make connection, waiting"); BReactor_SetTimerAfter(&reactor, &make_connections_timer, 10); return; } } }