/** * @file NCDConfigParser.y * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ %include { #include #include #include #include #include struct parser_out { int out_of_memory; int syntax_error; int have_ast; NCDProgram ast; }; struct token { char *str; size_t len; }; struct program { int have; NCDProgram v; }; struct block { int have; NCDBlock v; }; struct statement { int have; NCDStatement v; }; struct ifblock { int have; NCDIfBlock v; }; struct value { int have; NCDValue v; }; static void free_token (struct token o) { free(o.str); } static void free_program (struct program o) { if (o.have) NCDProgram_Free(&o.v); } static void free_block (struct block o) { if (o.have) NCDBlock_Free(&o.v); } static void free_statement (struct statement o) { if (o.have) NCDStatement_Free(&o.v); } static void free_ifblock (struct ifblock o) { if (o.have) NCDIfBlock_Free(&o.v); } static void free_value (struct value o) { if (o.have) NCDValue_Free(&o.v); } } %extra_argument { struct parser_out *parser_out } %token_type { struct token } %token_destructor { free_token($$); } %type processes { struct program } %type statement { struct statement } %type elif_maybe { struct ifblock } %type elif { struct ifblock } %type else_maybe { struct block } %type statements { struct block } %type dotted_name { char * } %type statement_args_maybe { struct value } %type list_contents { struct value } %type list { struct value } %type map_contents { struct value } %type map { struct value } %type value { struct value } %type name_maybe { char * } %type process_or_template { int } // mention parser_out in some destructor to a void unused variable warning %destructor processes { (void)parser_out; free_program($$); } %destructor statement { free_statement($$); } %destructor elif_maybe { free_ifblock($$); } %destructor elif { free_ifblock($$); } %destructor else_maybe { free_block($$); } %destructor statements { free_block($$); } %destructor dotted_name { free($$); } %destructor statement_args_maybe { free_value($$); } %destructor list_contents { free_value($$); } %destructor list { free_value($$); } %destructor map_contents { free_value($$); } %destructor map { free_value($$); } %destructor value { free_value($$); } %destructor name_maybe { free($$); } %stack_size 0 %syntax_error { parser_out->syntax_error = 1; } // workaroud Lemon bug: if the stack overflows, the token that caused the overflow will be leaked %stack_overflow { if (yypMinor) { free_token(yypMinor->yy0); } } input ::= processes(A). { ASSERT(!parser_out->have_ast) if (A.have) { parser_out->have_ast = 1; parser_out->ast = A.v; } } processes(R) ::= . { NCDProgram prog; NCDProgram_Init(&prog); R.have = 1; R.v = prog; } processes(R) ::= INCLUDE STRING(A) processes(N). { ASSERT(A.str) if (!N.have) { goto failA0; } NCDProgramElem elem; if (!NCDProgramElem_InitInclude(&elem, A.str, A.len)) { goto failA0; } if (!NCDProgram_PrependElem(&N.v, elem)) { goto failA1; } R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneA; failA1: NCDProgramElem_Free(&elem); failA0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneA: free_token(A); free_program(N); } processes(R) ::= INCLUDE_GUARD STRING(A) processes(N). { ASSERT(A.str) if (!N.have) { goto failZ0; } NCDProgramElem elem; if (!NCDProgramElem_InitIncludeGuard(&elem, A.str, A.len)) { goto failZ0; } if (!NCDProgram_PrependElem(&N.v, elem)) { goto failZ1; } R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneZ; failZ1: NCDProgramElem_Free(&elem); failZ0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneZ: free_token(A); free_program(N); } processes(R) ::= process_or_template(T) NAME(A) CURLY_OPEN statements(B) CURLY_CLOSE processes(N). { ASSERT(A.str) if (!B.have || !N.have) { goto failB0; } NCDProcess proc; if (!NCDProcess_Init(&proc, T, A.str, B.v)) { goto failB0; } B.have = 0; NCDProgramElem elem; NCDProgramElem_InitProcess(&elem, proc); if (!NCDProgram_PrependElem(&N.v, elem)) { goto failB1; } R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneB; failB1: NCDProgramElem_Free(&elem); failB0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneB: free_token(A); free_block(B); free_program(N); } statement(R) ::= dotted_name(A) ROUND_OPEN statement_args_maybe(B) ROUND_CLOSE name_maybe(C) SEMICOLON. { if (!A || !B.have) { goto failC0; } if (!NCDStatement_InitReg(&R.v, C, NULL, A, B.v)) { goto failC0; } B.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneC; failC0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneC: free(A); free_value(B); free(C); } statement(R) ::= dotted_name(M) ARROW dotted_name(A) ROUND_OPEN statement_args_maybe(B) ROUND_CLOSE name_maybe(C) SEMICOLON. { if (!M || !A || !B.have) { goto failD0; } if (!NCDStatement_InitReg(&R.v, C, M, A, B.v)) { goto failD0; } B.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneD; failD0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneD: free(M); free(A); free_value(B); free(C); } statement(R) ::= IF ROUND_OPEN value(A) ROUND_CLOSE CURLY_OPEN statements(B) CURLY_CLOSE elif_maybe(I) else_maybe(E) name_maybe(C) SEMICOLON. { if (!A.have || !B.have || !I.have) { goto failE0; } NCDIf ifc; NCDIf_Init(&ifc, A.v, B.v); A.have = 0; B.have = 0; if (!NCDIfBlock_PrependIf(&I.v, ifc)) { NCDIf_Free(&ifc); goto failE0; } if (!NCDStatement_InitIf(&R.v, C, I.v)) { goto failE0; } I.have = 0; if (E.have) { NCDStatement_IfAddElse(&R.v, E.v); E.have = 0; } R.have = 1; goto doneE; failE0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneE: free_value(A); free_block(B); free_ifblock(I); free_block(E); free(C); } statement(R) ::= FOREACH ROUND_OPEN value(A) AS NAME(B) ROUND_CLOSE CURLY_OPEN statements(S) CURLY_CLOSE name_maybe(N) SEMICOLON. { if (!A.have || !B.str || !S.have) { goto failEA0; } if (!NCDStatement_InitForeach(&R.v, N, A.v, B.str, NULL, S.v)) { goto failEA0; } A.have = 0; S.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneEA0; failEA0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneEA0: free_value(A); free_token(B); free_block(S); free(N); } statement(R) ::= FOREACH ROUND_OPEN value(A) AS NAME(B) COLON NAME(C) ROUND_CLOSE CURLY_OPEN statements(S) CURLY_CLOSE name_maybe(N) SEMICOLON. { if (!A.have || !B.str || !C.str || !S.have) { goto failEB0; } if (!NCDStatement_InitForeach(&R.v, N, A.v, B.str, C.str, S.v)) { goto failEB0; } A.have = 0; S.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneEB0; failEB0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneEB0: free_value(A); free_token(B); free_token(C); free_block(S); free(N); } elif_maybe(R) ::= . { NCDIfBlock_Init(&R.v); R.have = 1; } elif_maybe(R) ::= elif(A). { R = A; } elif(R) ::= ELIF ROUND_OPEN value(A) ROUND_CLOSE CURLY_OPEN statements(B) CURLY_CLOSE. { if (!A.have || !B.have) { goto failF0; } NCDIfBlock_Init(&R.v); NCDIf ifc; NCDIf_Init(&ifc, A.v, B.v); A.have = 0; B.have = 0; if (!NCDIfBlock_PrependIf(&R.v, ifc)) { goto failF1; } R.have = 1; goto doneF0; failF1: NCDIf_Free(&ifc); NCDIfBlock_Free(&R.v); failF0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneF0: free_value(A); free_block(B); } elif(R) ::= ELIF ROUND_OPEN value(A) ROUND_CLOSE CURLY_OPEN statements(B) CURLY_CLOSE elif(N). { if (!A.have || !B.have || !N.have) { goto failG0; } NCDIf ifc; NCDIf_Init(&ifc, A.v, B.v); A.have = 0; B.have = 0; if (!NCDIfBlock_PrependIf(&N.v, ifc)) { goto failG1; } R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneG0; failG1: NCDIf_Free(&ifc); failG0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneG0: free_value(A); free_block(B); free_ifblock(N); } else_maybe(R) ::= . { R.have = 0; } else_maybe(R) ::= ELSE CURLY_OPEN statements(B) CURLY_CLOSE. { R = B; } statements(R) ::= statement(A). { if (!A.have) { goto failH0; } NCDBlock_Init(&R.v); if (!NCDBlock_PrependStatement(&R.v, A.v)) { goto failH1; } A.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneH; failH1: NCDBlock_Free(&R.v); failH0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneH: free_statement(A); } statements(R) ::= statement(A) statements(N). { if (!A.have || !N.have) { goto failI0; } if (!NCDBlock_PrependStatement(&N.v, A.v)) { goto failI1; } A.have = 0; R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneI; failI1: NCDBlock_Free(&R.v); failI0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneI: free_statement(A); free_block(N); } dotted_name(R) ::= NAME(A). { ASSERT(A.str) R = A.str; } dotted_name(R) ::= NAME(A) DOT dotted_name(N). { ASSERT(A.str) if (!N) { goto failJ0; } if (!(R = concat_strings(3, A.str, ".", N))) { goto failJ0; } goto doneJ; failJ0: R = NULL; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneJ: free_token(A); free(N); } statement_args_maybe(R) ::= . { R.have = 1; NCDValue_InitList(&R.v); } statement_args_maybe(R) ::= list_contents(A). { R = A; } list_contents(R) ::= value(A). { if (!A.have) { goto failL0; } NCDValue_InitList(&R.v); if (!NCDValue_ListPrepend(&R.v, A.v)) { goto failL1; } A.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneL; failL1: NCDValue_Free(&R.v); failL0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneL: free_value(A); } list_contents(R) ::= value(A) COMMA list_contents(N). { if (!A.have || !N.have) { goto failM0; } if (!NCDValue_ListPrepend(&N.v, A.v)) { goto failM0; } A.have = 0; R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneM; failM0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneM: free_value(A); free_value(N); } list(R) ::= CURLY_OPEN CURLY_CLOSE. { R.have = 1; NCDValue_InitList(&R.v); } list(R) ::= CURLY_OPEN list_contents(A) CURLY_CLOSE. { R = A; } map_contents(R) ::= value(A) COLON value(B). { if (!A.have || !B.have) { goto failS0; } NCDValue_InitMap(&R.v); if (!NCDValue_MapPrepend(&R.v, A.v, B.v)) { goto failS1; } A.have = 0; B.have = 0; R.have = 1; goto doneS; failS1: NCDValue_Free(&R.v); failS0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneS: free_value(A); free_value(B); } map_contents(R) ::= value(A) COLON value(B) COMMA map_contents(N). { if (!A.have || !B.have || !N.have) { goto failT0; } if (!NCDValue_MapPrepend(&N.v, A.v, B.v)) { goto failT0; } A.have = 0; B.have = 0; R.have = 1; R.v = N.v; N.have = 0; goto doneT; failT0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneT: free_value(A); free_value(B); free_value(N); } map(R) ::= BRACKET_OPEN BRACKET_CLOSE. { R.have = 1; NCDValue_InitMap(&R.v); } map(R) ::= BRACKET_OPEN map_contents(A) BRACKET_CLOSE. { R = A; } value(R) ::= STRING(A). { ASSERT(A.str) if (!NCDValue_InitStringBin(&R.v, (uint8_t *)A.str, A.len)) { goto failU0; } R.have = 1; goto doneU; failU0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneU: free_token(A); } value(R) ::= dotted_name(A). { if (!A) { goto failV0; } if (!NCDValue_InitVar(&R.v, A)) { goto failV0; } R.have = 1; goto doneV; failV0: R.have = 0; parser_out->out_of_memory = 1; doneV: free(A); } value(R) ::= list(A). { R = A; } value(R) ::= map(A). { R = A; } name_maybe(R) ::= . { R = NULL; } name_maybe(R) ::= NAME(A). { ASSERT(A.str) R = A.str; } process_or_template(R) ::= PROCESS. { R = 0; } process_or_template(R) ::= TEMPLATE. { R = 1; }