/** * @file ncdval_test.c * @author Ambroz Bizjak * * @section LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FORCE(cmd) if (!(cmd)) { fprintf(stderr, "failed\n"); exit(1); } struct composed_string { BRefTarget ref_target; size_t length; size_t chunk_size; char **chunks; }; static void composed_string_ref_target_func_release (BRefTarget *ref_target) { struct composed_string *cs = UPPER_OBJECT(ref_target, struct composed_string, ref_target); size_t num_chunks = cs->length / cs->chunk_size; if (cs->length % cs->chunk_size) { num_chunks++; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { BFree(cs->chunks[i]); } BFree(cs->chunks); BFree(cs); } static void composed_string_func_getptr (void *user, size_t offset, const char **out_data, size_t *out_length) { struct composed_string *cs = user; ASSERT(offset < cs->length) *out_data = cs->chunks[offset / cs->chunk_size] + (offset % cs->chunk_size); *out_length = cs->chunk_size - (offset % cs->chunk_size); } static NCDValRef build_composed_string (NCDValMem *mem, const char *data, size_t length, size_t chunk_size) { ASSERT(chunk_size > 0) struct composed_string *cs = BAlloc(sizeof(*cs)); if (!cs) { goto fail0; } cs->length = length; cs->chunk_size = chunk_size; size_t num_chunks = cs->length / cs->chunk_size; if (cs->length % cs->chunk_size) { num_chunks++; } cs->chunks = BAllocArray(num_chunks, sizeof(cs->chunks[0])); if (!cs->chunk_size) { goto fail1; } size_t i; for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++) { cs->chunks[i] = BAlloc(cs->chunk_size); if (!cs->chunks[i]) { goto fail2; } size_t to_copy = length; if (to_copy > cs->chunk_size) { to_copy = cs->chunk_size; } memcpy(cs->chunks[i], data, to_copy); data += to_copy; length -= to_copy; } BRefTarget_Init(&cs->ref_target, composed_string_ref_target_func_release); NCDValComposedStringResource resource; resource.func_getptr = composed_string_func_getptr; resource.user = cs; resource.ref_target = &cs->ref_target; NCDValRef val = NCDVal_NewComposedString(mem, resource, 0, cs->length); BRefTarget_Deref(&cs->ref_target); return val; fail2: while (i-- > 0) { BFree(cs->chunks[i]); } BFree(cs->chunks); fail1: BFree(cs); fail0: return NCDVal_NewInvalid(); } static void test_string (NCDValRef str, const char *data, size_t length) { FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(str) ) FORCE( NCDVal_IsString(str) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringLength(str) == length ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringHasNulls(str) == !!memchr(data, '\0', length) ) FORCE( NCDVal_IsStringNoNulls(str) == !memchr(data, '\0', length) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringRegionEquals(str, 0, length, data) ) b_cstring cstr = NCDVal_StringCstring(str); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { size_t chunk_length; const char *chunk_data = b_cstring_get(cstr, i, length - i, &chunk_length); FORCE( chunk_length > 0 ) FORCE( chunk_length <= length - i ) FORCE( !memcmp(chunk_data, data + i, chunk_length) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringRegionEquals(str, i, chunk_length, data + i) ) FORCE( b_cstring_memcmp(cstr, b_cstring_make_buf(data, length), i, i, chunk_length) == 0 ) FORCE( b_cstring_memcmp(cstr, b_cstring_make_buf(data + i, length - i), i, 0, chunk_length) == 0 ) } } static void print_indent (int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { printf(" "); } } static void print_value (NCDValRef val, unsigned int indent) { switch (NCDVal_Type(val)) { case NCDVAL_STRING: { NCDValNullTermString nts; FORCE( NCDVal_StringNullTerminate(val, &nts) ) print_indent(indent); printf("string(%zu) %s\n", NCDVal_StringLength(val), nts.data); NCDValNullTermString_Free(&nts); } break; case NCDVAL_LIST: { size_t count = NCDVal_ListCount(val); print_indent(indent); printf("list(%zu)\n", NCDVal_ListCount(val)); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { NCDValRef elem_val = NCDVal_ListGet(val, i); print_value(elem_val, indent + 1); } } break; case NCDVAL_MAP: { print_indent(indent); printf("map(%zu)\n", NCDVal_MapCount(val)); for (NCDValMapElem e = NCDVal_MapOrderedFirst(val); !NCDVal_MapElemInvalid(e); e = NCDVal_MapOrderedNext(val, e)) { NCDValRef ekey = NCDVal_MapElemKey(val, e); NCDValRef eval = NCDVal_MapElemVal(val, e); print_indent(indent + 1); printf("key=\n"); print_value(ekey, indent + 2); print_indent(indent + 1); printf("val=\n"); print_value(eval, indent + 2); } } break; } } int main () { int res; BLog_InitStdout(); NCDStringIndex string_index; FORCE( NCDStringIndex_Init(&string_index) ) // Some basic usage of values. NCDValMem mem; NCDValMem_Init(&mem); NCDValRef s1 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "Hello World"); test_string(s1, "Hello World", 11); ASSERT( NCDVal_IsString(s1) ) ASSERT( !NCDVal_IsIdString(s1) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_Type(s1) == NCDVAL_STRING ) NCDValRef s2 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "This is reeeeeeeeeeeeeallllllllyyyyy fun!"); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(s2) ) NCDValRef l1 = NCDVal_NewList(&mem, 10); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(l1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListAppend(l1, s1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListAppend(l1, s2) ) print_value(s1, 0); print_value(s2, 0); print_value(l1, 0); NCDValRef k1 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "K1"); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(k1) ) NCDValRef v1 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "V1"); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(v1) ) NCDValRef k2 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "K2"); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(k2) ) NCDValRef v2 = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "V2"); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(v2) ) NCDValRef m1 = NCDVal_NewMap(&mem, 3); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(m1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_MapInsert(m1, k1, v1, &res) && res ) FORCE( NCDVal_MapInsert(m1, k2, v2, &res) && res ) ASSERT( NCDVal_MapGetValue(m1, "K1").idx == v1.idx ) ASSERT( NCDVal_MapGetValue(m1, "K2").idx == v2.idx ) ASSERT( NCDVal_IsInvalid(NCDVal_MapGetValue(m1, "K3")) ) NCDValRef ids1 = NCDVal_NewIdString(&mem, NCD_STRING_ARG1, &string_index); test_string(ids1, "_arg1", 5); ASSERT( !memcmp(NCDVal_StringData(ids1), "_arg1", 5) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringLength(ids1) == 5 ) ASSERT( !NCDVal_StringHasNulls(ids1) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringEquals(ids1, "_arg1") ) ASSERT( NCDVal_Type(ids1) == NCDVAL_STRING ) ASSERT( NCDVal_IsIdString(ids1) ) NCDValRef ids2 = NCDVal_NewIdString(&mem, NCD_STRING_ARG2, &string_index); test_string(ids2, "_arg2", 5); ASSERT( !memcmp(NCDVal_StringData(ids2), "_arg2", 5) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringLength(ids2) == 5 ) ASSERT( !NCDVal_StringHasNulls(ids2) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringEquals(ids2, "_arg2") ) ASSERT( NCDVal_Type(ids2) == NCDVAL_STRING ) ASSERT( NCDVal_IsIdString(ids2) ) FORCE( NCDVal_MapInsert(m1, ids1, ids2, &res) && res ) ASSERT( NCDVal_MapGetValue(m1, "_arg1").idx == ids2.idx ) print_value(m1, 0); NCDValRef copy = NCDVal_NewCopy(&mem, m1); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(copy) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_Compare(copy, m1) == 0 ) NCDValMem_Free(&mem); // Try to make copies of a string within the same memory object. // This is an evil test because we cannot simply copy a string using e.g. // NCDVal_NewStringBin() - it requires that the buffer passed // be outside the memory object of the new string. // We use NCDVal_NewCopy(), which takes care of this by creating // an uninitialized string using NCDVal_NewStringUninitialized() and // then copyng the data. NCDValMem_Init(&mem); NCDValRef s[100]; s[0] = NCDVal_NewString(&mem, "Eeeeeeeeeeeevil."); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(s[0]) ) for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { s[i] = NCDVal_NewCopy(&mem, s[i - 1]); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(s[i]) ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringEquals(s[i - 1], "Eeeeeeeeeeeevil.") ) ASSERT( NCDVal_StringEquals(s[i], "Eeeeeeeeeeeevil.") ) } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ASSERT( NCDVal_StringEquals(s[i], "Eeeeeeeeeeeevil.") ) } NCDValMem_Free(&mem); NCDValMem_Init(&mem); NCDValRef cstr1 = build_composed_string(&mem, "Hello World", 11, 3); test_string(cstr1, "Hello World", 11); FORCE( NCDVal_IsComposedString(cstr1) ) FORCE( !NCDVal_IsContinuousString(cstr1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr1, "Hello World") ) FORCE( !NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr1, "Hello World ") ) FORCE( !NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr1, "Hello WorlD") ) NCDValRef cstr2 = build_composed_string(&mem, "GoodBye", 7, 1); test_string(cstr2, "GoodBye", 7); FORCE( NCDVal_IsComposedString(cstr2) ) FORCE( !NCDVal_IsContinuousString(cstr2) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr2, "GoodBye") ) FORCE( !NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr2, " GoodBye") ) FORCE( !NCDVal_StringEquals(cstr2, "goodBye") ) NCDValRef cstr3 = build_composed_string(&mem, "Bad\x00String", 10, 4); test_string(cstr3, "Bad\x00String", 10); FORCE( NCDVal_IsComposedString(cstr3) ) FORCE( !NCDVal_IsContinuousString(cstr3) ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringMemCmp(cstr1, cstr2, 1, 2, 3) < 0 ) FORCE( NCDVal_StringMemCmp(cstr1, cstr2, 7, 1, 4) > 0 ) char buf[10]; NCDVal_StringCopyOut(cstr1, 1, 10, buf); FORCE( !memcmp(buf, "ello World", 10) ) NCDValRef clist1 = NCDVal_NewList(&mem, 3); FORCE( !NCDVal_IsInvalid(clist1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListAppend(clist1, cstr1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListAppend(clist1, cstr2) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListAppend(clist1, cstr3) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListCount(clist1) == 3 ) FORCE( NCDValMem_ConvertNonContinuousStrings(&mem, &clist1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_ListCount(clist1) == 3 ) NCDValRef fixed_str1 = NCDVal_ListGet(clist1, 0); NCDValRef fixed_str2 = NCDVal_ListGet(clist1, 1); NCDValRef fixed_str3 = NCDVal_ListGet(clist1, 2); FORCE( NCDVal_IsContinuousString(fixed_str1) ) FORCE( NCDVal_IsContinuousString(fixed_str2) ) FORCE( NCDVal_IsContinuousString(fixed_str3) ) test_string(fixed_str1, "Hello World", 11); test_string(fixed_str2, "GoodBye", 7); test_string(fixed_str3, "Bad\x00String", 10); NCDValMem_Free(&mem); NCDStringIndex_Free(&string_index); return 0; }