/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, Orbot / The Guardian Project - http://openideals.com/guardian */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ package org.torproject.android.service; import android.content.Intent; public interface TorServiceConstants { public final static String TOR_APP_USERNAME = "org.torproject.android"; public final static String BROWSER_APP_USERNAME = "info.guardianproject.orfox"; public final static String DIRECTORY_TOR_BINARY = "bin"; public final static String DIRECTORY_TOR_DATA = "data"; //name of the tor C binary public final static String TOR_ASSET_KEY = "tor"; //torrc (tor config file) public final static String TORRC_ASSET_KEY = "torrc"; public final static String TORRCDIAG_ASSET_KEY = "torrcdiag"; public final static String TORRC_TETHER_KEY = "torrctether"; public final static String TOR_CONTROL_COOKIE = "control_auth_cookie"; //privoxy public final static String POLIPO_ASSET_KEY = "polipo"; //privoxy.config public final static String POLIPOCONFIG_ASSET_KEY = "torpolipo.conf"; //geoip data file asset key public final static String GEOIP_ASSET_KEY = "geoip"; public final static String GEOIP6_ASSET_KEY = "geoip6"; //various console cmds public final static String SHELL_CMD_CHMOD = "chmod"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_KILL = "kill -9"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_RM = "rm"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_PS = "toolbox ps"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_PS_ALT = "ps"; //public final static String SHELL_CMD_PIDOF = "pidof"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_LINK = "ln -s"; public final static String SHELL_CMD_CP = "cp"; public final static String CHMOD_EXE_VALUE = "770"; public final static int FILE_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; public final static String IP_LOCALHOST = ""; public final static int UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 1000; public final static int TOR_TRANSPROXY_PORT_DEFAULT = 9040; public final static int STANDARD_DNS_PORT = 53; public final static int TOR_DNS_PORT_DEFAULT = 5400; public final static String TOR_VPN_DNS_LISTEN_ADDRESS = ""; public final static int CONTROL_PORT_DEFAULT = 9051; public final static int HTTP_PROXY_PORT_DEFAULT = 8118; // like Privoxy! public final static int SOCKS_PROXY_PORT_DEFAULT = 9050; //path to check Tor against public final static String URL_TOR_CHECK = "https://check.torproject.org"; //control port public final static String TOR_CONTROL_PORT_MSG_BOOTSTRAP_DONE = "Bootstrapped 100%"; public final static String LOG_NOTICE_HEADER = "NOTICE"; public final static String LOG_NOTICE_BOOTSTRAPPED = "Bootstrapped"; /** * A request to Orbot to transparently start Tor services */ public final static String ACTION_START = "org.torproject.android.intent.action.START"; /** * {@link Intent} send by Orbot with {@code ON/OFF/STARTING/STOPPING} status */ public final static String ACTION_STATUS = "org.torproject.android.intent.action.STATUS"; /** * {@code String} that contains a status constant: {@link #STATUS_ON}, * {@link #STATUS_OFF}, {@link #STATUS_STARTING}, or * {@link #STATUS_STOPPING} */ public final static String EXTRA_STATUS = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.STATUS"; /** * A {@link String} {@code packageName} for Orbot to direct its status reply * to, used in {@link #ACTION_START} {@link Intent}s sent to Orbot */ public final static String EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.PACKAGE_NAME"; /** * The SOCKS proxy settings in URL form. */ public final static String EXTRA_SOCKS_PROXY = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.SOCKS_PROXY"; public final static String EXTRA_SOCKS_PROXY_HOST = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.SOCKS_PROXY_HOST"; public final static String EXTRA_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.SOCKS_PROXY_PORT"; /** * The HTTP proxy settings in URL form. */ public final static String EXTRA_HTTP_PROXY = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.HTTP_PROXY"; public final static String EXTRA_HTTP_PROXY_HOST = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.HTTP_PROXY_HOST"; public final static String EXTRA_HTTP_PROXY_PORT = "org.torproject.android.intent.extra.HTTP_PROXY_PORT"; public final static String LOCAL_ACTION_LOG = "log"; public final static String LOCAL_ACTION_BANDWIDTH = "bandwidth"; public final static String LOCAL_EXTRA_LOG = "log"; /** * All tor-related services and daemons are stopped */ public final static String STATUS_OFF = "OFF"; /** * All tor-related services and daemons have completed starting */ public final static String STATUS_ON = "ON"; public final static String STATUS_STARTING = "STARTING"; public final static String STATUS_STOPPING = "STOPPING"; /** * The user has disabled the ability for background starts triggered by * apps. Fallback to the old Intent that brings up Orbot. */ public final static String STATUS_STARTS_DISABLED = "STARTS_DISABLED"; // actions for internal command Intents public static final String CMD_SIGNAL_HUP = "signal_hup"; public static final String CMD_STATUS = "status"; public static final String CMD_FLUSH = "flush"; public static final String CMD_NEWNYM = "newnym"; public static final String CMD_VPN = "vpn"; public static final String CMD_VPN_CLEAR = "vpnclear"; public static final String CMD_UPDATE_TRANS_PROXY = "update"; public static final String CMD_SET_EXIT = "setexit"; public static final String BINARY_TOR_VERSION = ""; public static final String PREF_BINARY_TOR_VERSION_INSTALLED = "BINARY_TOR_VERSION_INSTALLED"; //obfsproxy public static final String OBFSCLIENT_ASSET_KEY = "obfs4proxy"; // public static final String MEEK_ASSET_KEY = "meek-client"; //name of the iptables binary public final static String IPTABLES_ASSET_KEY = "xtables"; //DNS daemon for TCP DNS over TOr public final static String PDNSD_ASSET_KEY = "pdnsd"; //EXIT COUNTRY CODES public final static String[] COUNTRY_CODES = {"DE","AT","SE","CH","IS","CA","US","ES","FR","BG","PL","AU","BR","CZ","DK","FI","GB","HU","NL","JP","RO","RU","SG","SK"}; //MEEK BRIDGEs public final static String[] BRIDGES_MEEK = { "meek_lite url=https://meek-reflect.appspot.com/ front=www.google.com", "meek_lite url=https://d2zfqthxsdq309.cloudfront.net/ front=a0.awsstatic.com", "meek_lite url=https://az668014.vo.msecnd.net/ front=ajax.aspnetcdn.com" }; }