From 1b587ab9d10c3344e16b2756bd07be168ae023b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nathan Freitas Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 16:40:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] removed duplicated java files from /bin directory svn:r21067 --- src/org/torproject/android/ | 639 ------------------ src/org/torproject/android/ | 129 ---- .../android/ | 160 ----- src/org/torproject/android/ | 75 -- .../torproject/android/ | 587 ---------------- src/org/torproject/android/ | 617 ----------------- 6 files changed, 2207 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ delete mode 100644 src/org/torproject/android/ diff --git a/src/org/torproject/android/ b/src/org/torproject/android/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1da7c719..00000000 --- a/src/org/torproject/android/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,639 +0,0 @@ -package; -/*
- * This is a simple multi-threaded Java proxy server
- * for HTTP requests (HTTPS doesn't seem to work, because
- * the CONNECT requests aren't always handled properly).
- * I implemented the class as a thread so you can call it 
- * from other programs and kill it, if necessary (by using 
- * the closeSocket() method).
- *
- * We'll call this the 1.1 version of this class. All I 
- * changed was to separate the HTTP header elements with
- * \r\n instead of just \n, to comply with the official
- * HTTP specification.
- *  
- * This can be used either as a direct proxy to other
- * servers, or as a forwarding proxy to another proxy
- * server. This makes it useful if you want to monitor
- * traffic going to and from a proxy server (for example,
- * you can run this on your local machine and set the
- * fwdServer and fwdPort to a real proxy server, and then
- * tell your browser to use "localhost" as the proxy, and
- * you can watch the browser traffic going in and out).
- *
- * One limitation of this implementation is that it doesn't 
- * close the ProxyThread socket if the client disconnects
- * or the server never responds, so you could end up with
- * a bunch of loose threads running amuck and waiting for
- * connections. As a band-aid, you can set the server socket
- * to timeout after a certain amount of time (use the
- * setTimeout() method in the ProxyThread class), although
- * this can cause false timeouts if a remote server is simply
- * slow to respond.
- *
- * Another thing is that it doesn't limit the number of
- * socket threads it will create, so if you use this on a
- * really busy machine that processed a bunch of requests,
- * you may have problems. You should use thread pools if
- * you're going to try something like this in a "real"
- * application.
- *
- * Note that if you're using the "main" method to run this
- * by itself and you don't need the debug output, it will
- * run a bit faster if you pipe the std output to 'nul'.
- *
- * You may use this code as you wish, just don't pretend 
- * that you wrote it yourself, and don't hold me liable for 
- * anything that it does or doesn't do. If you're feeling 
- * especially honest, please include a link to
- * along with the code. Thanks, and good luck.
- *
- * Julian Robichaux --
- */
-import java.lang.reflect.Array;
-import net.sourceforge.jsocks.socks.Socks5Proxy;
-import net.sourceforge.jsocks.socks.SocksSocket;
-public class HttpProxy extends Thread
-	public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 8888;
-	private ServerSocket server = null;
-	private int thisPort = DEFAULT_PORT;
-	private String fwdServer = "";
-	private int fwdPort = 0;
-	private int ptTimeout = ProxyThread.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
-	private int debugLevel = 1;
-	private PrintStream debugOut = System.out;
-	private boolean keepRunning = true;
-	private boolean doSocks = false;
-	private Socks5Proxy sProxy = null;
-	/**
-	 * @return the doSocks
-	 */
-	public boolean isDoSocks() {
-		return doSocks;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param doSocks the doSocks to set
-	 */
-	public void setDoSocks(boolean doSocks) {
-		this.doSocks = doSocks;
-	}
-	/* here's a main method, in case you want to run this by itself */
-	public static void main (String args[])
-	{
-		int port = 0;
-		String fwdProxyServer = "";
-		int fwdProxyPort = 0;
-		if (args.length == 0)
-		{
-			System.err.println("USAGE: java jProxy  [ ]");
-			System.err.println("     the port this service listens on");
-			System.err.println("       optional proxy server to forward requests to");
-			System.err.println("        the port that the optional proxy server is on");
-			System.err.println("\nHINT: if you don't want to see all the debug information flying by,");
-			System.err.println("you can pipe the output to a file or to 'nul' using \">\". For example:");
-			System.err.println("  to send output to the file prox.txt: java jProxy 8080 > prox.txt");
-			System.err.println("  to make the output go away: java jProxy 8080 > nul");
-			return;
-		}
-		// get the command-line parameters
-		port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
-		if (args.length > 2)
-		{
-			fwdProxyServer = args[1];
-			fwdProxyPort = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
-		}
-		// create and start the jProxy thread, using a 20 second timeout
-		// value to keep the threads from piling up too much
-		System.err.println("  **  Starting jProxy on port " + port + ". Press CTRL-C to end.  **\n");
-		HttpProxy jp = new HttpProxy(port, fwdProxyServer, fwdProxyPort, 20);
-		jp.setDebug(1, System.out);		// or set the debug level to 2 for tons of output
-		jp.start();
-		// run forever; if you were calling this class from another
-		// program and you wanted to stop the jProxy thread at some
-		// point, you could write a loop that waits for a certain
-		// condition and then calls jProxy.closeSocket() to kill
-		// the running jProxy thread
-		while (true)
-		{
-			try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (Exception e) {}
-		}
-		// if we ever had a condition that stopped the loop above,
-		// we'd want to do this to kill the running thread
-		//jp.closeSocket();
-		//return;
-	}
-	/* the proxy server just listens for connections and creates
-	 * a new thread for each connection attempt (the ProxyThread
-	 * class really does all the work)
-	 */
-	public HttpProxy (int port)
-	{
-		thisPort = port;
-		try {
-			sProxy = new Socks5Proxy(TorConstants.IP_LOCALHOST,TorConstants.PORT_SOCKS);
-		} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
-			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		sProxy.resolveAddrLocally(false);
-	}
-	public HttpProxy (int port, String proxyServer, int proxyPort)
-	{
-		thisPort = port;
-		fwdServer = proxyServer;
-		fwdPort = proxyPort;
-	}
-	public HttpProxy (int port, String proxyServer, int proxyPort, int timeout)
-	{
-		thisPort = port;
-		fwdServer = proxyServer;
-		fwdPort = proxyPort;
-		ptTimeout = timeout;
-	}
-	/* allow the user to decide whether or not to send debug
-	 * output to the console or some other PrintStream
-	 */
-	public void setDebug (int level, PrintStream out)
-	{
-		debugLevel = level;
-		debugOut = out;
-	}
-	/* get the port that we're supposed to be listening on
-	 */
-	public int getPort ()
-	{
-		return thisPort;
-	}
-	/* return whether or not the socket is currently open
-	 */
-	public boolean isRunning ()
-	{
-		if (server == null)
-			return false;
-		else
-			return true;
-	}
-	/* closeSocket will close the open ServerSocket; use this
-	 * to halt a running jProxy thread
-	 */
-	public void closeSocket ()
-	{
-		try {
-			keepRunning = false;
-			// close the open server socket
-			server.close();
-			// send it a message to make it stop waiting immediately
-			// (not really necessary)
-			/*Socket s = new Socket("localhost", thisPort);
-			OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream();
-			os.write((byte)0);
-			os.close();
-			s.close();*/
-		}  catch(Exception e)  { 
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-				debugOut.println(e);
-		}
-		server = null;
-	}
-	public void run()
-	{
-		try {
-			// create a server socket, and loop forever listening for
-			// client connections
-			server = new ServerSocket(thisPort);
-			while (keepRunning)
-			{
-				Socket client = server.accept();
-				ProxyThread t = new ProxyThread(client, doSocks, sProxy);
-				//t.setDebug(debugLevel, debugOut);
-				//t.setTimeout(ptTimeout);
-				t.start();
-			}
-		}  catch (Exception e)  {
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-				debugOut.println("jProxy Thread error: " + e);
-		}
-		closeSocket();
-	}
- * The ProxyThread will take an HTTP request from the client
- * socket and send it to either the server that the client is
- * trying to contact, or another proxy server
- */
-class ProxyThread extends Thread
-	private Socket pSocket;
-	private String fwdServer = "";
-	private int fwdPort = 0;
-	private int debugLevel = 0;
-	private PrintStream debugOut = System.out;
-	// the socketTimeout is used to time out the connection to
-	// the remote server after a certain period of inactivity;
-	// the value is in milliseconds -- use zero if you don't want 
-	// a timeout
-	public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000;
-	private int socketTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
-	private boolean doSocks = false;
-	private static Socks5Proxy sProxy = null;
-	public ProxyThread(Socket s, boolean doSocks, Socks5Proxy sProxy)
-	{
-		pSocket = s;
-		this.sProxy = sProxy;
-		this.doSocks = doSocks;
-	}
-	public ProxyThread(Socket s, String proxy, int port)
-	{
-		pSocket = s;
-		fwdServer = proxy;
-		fwdPort = port;
-	}
-	public void setTimeout (int timeout)
-	{
-		// assume that the user will pass the timeout value
-		// in seconds (because that's just more intuitive)
-		socketTimeout = timeout * 1000;
-	}
-	public void setDebug (int level, PrintStream out)
-	{
-		debugLevel = level;
-		debugOut = out;
-	}
-	public void run()
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-			// client streams (make sure you're using streams that use
-			// byte arrays, so things like GIF and JPEG files and file
-			// downloads will transfer properly)
-			BufferedInputStream clientIn = new BufferedInputStream(pSocket.getInputStream());
-			BufferedOutputStream clientOut = new BufferedOutputStream(pSocket.getOutputStream());
-			// the socket to the remote server
-			Socket server = null;
-			// other variables
-			byte[] request = null;
-			byte[] response = null;
-			int requestLength = 0;
-			int responseLength = 0;
-			int pos = -1;
-			StringBuffer host = new StringBuffer("");
-			String hostName = "";
-			int hostPort = 80;
-			// get the header info (the web browser won't disconnect after
-			// it's sent a request, so make sure the waitForDisconnect
-			// parameter is false)
-			request = getHTTPData(clientIn, host, false);
-			requestLength = Array.getLength(request);
-			// separate the host name from the host port, if necessary
-			// (like if it's "servername:8000")
-			hostName = host.toString();
-			pos = hostName.indexOf(":");
-			if (pos > 0)
-			{
-				try { hostPort = Integer.parseInt(hostName.substring(pos + 1)); 
-					}  catch (Exception e)  { }
-				hostName = hostName.substring(0, pos);
-			}
-			// either forward this request to another proxy server or
-			// send it straight to the Host
-			try
-			{
-				if (!doSocks)
-				{
-					if ((fwdServer.length() > 0) && (fwdPort > 0))
-					{
-						server = new Socket(fwdServer, fwdPort);
-					}  else  {
-						server = new Socket(hostName, hostPort);
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					server =  new SocksSocket(sProxy,hostName, hostPort);
-				}
-			}  catch (Exception e)  {
-				// tell the client there was an error
-				String errMsg = "HTTP/1.0 500\nContent Type: text/plain\n\n" + 
-								"Error connecting to the server:\n" + e + "\n";
-				clientOut.write(errMsg.getBytes(), 0, errMsg.length());
-			}
-			if (server != null)
-			{
-				server.setSoTimeout(socketTimeout);
-				BufferedInputStream serverIn = new BufferedInputStream(server.getInputStream());
-				BufferedOutputStream serverOut = new BufferedOutputStream(server.getOutputStream());
-				// send the request out
-				serverOut.write(request, 0, requestLength);
-				serverOut.flush();
-				// and get the response; if we're not at a debug level that
-				// requires us to return the data in the response, just stream
-				// it back to the client to save ourselves from having to
-				// create and destroy an unnecessary byte array. Also, we
-				// should set the waitForDisconnect parameter to 'true',
-				// because some servers (like Google) don't always set the
-				// Content-Length header field, so we have to listen until
-				// they decide to disconnect (or the connection times out).
-				if (debugLevel > 1)
-				{
-					response = getHTTPData(serverIn, true);
-					responseLength = Array.getLength(response);
-				}  else  {
-					responseLength = streamHTTPData(serverIn, clientOut, true);
-				}
-				serverIn.close();
-				serverOut.close();
-			}
-			// send the response back to the client, if we haven't already
-			if (debugLevel > 1)
-				clientOut.write(response, 0, responseLength);
-			// if the user wants debug info, send them debug info; however,
-			// keep in mind that because we're using threads, the output won't
-			// necessarily be synchronous
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-			{
-				long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
-				debugOut.println("Request from " + pSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + 
-									" on Port " + pSocket.getLocalPort() + 
-									" to host " + hostName + ":" + hostPort + 
-									"\n  (" + requestLength + " bytes sent, " + 
-									responseLength + " bytes returned, " + 
-									Long.toString(endTime - startTime) + " ms elapsed)");
-				debugOut.flush();
-			}
-			if (debugLevel > 1)
-			{
-				debugOut.println("REQUEST:\n" + (new String(request)));
-				debugOut.println("RESPONSE:\n" + (new String(response)));
-				debugOut.flush();
-			}
-			// close all the client streams so we can listen again
-			clientOut.close();
-			clientIn.close();
-			pSocket.close();
-		}  catch (Exception e)  {
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-				debugOut.println("Error in ProxyThread: " + e);
-			//e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-	}
-	private byte[] getHTTPData (InputStream in, boolean waitForDisconnect)
-	{
-		// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and return it as
-		// a byte array
-		// the waitForDisconnect parameter tells us what to do in case
-		// the HTTP header doesn't specify the Content-Length of the
-		// transmission
-		StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer("");
-		return getHTTPData(in, foo, waitForDisconnect);
-	}
-	private byte[] getHTTPData (InputStream in, StringBuffer host, boolean waitForDisconnect)
-	{
-		// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and return it as
-		// a byte array, and also return the Host entry in the header,
-		// if it's specified -- note that we have to use a StringBuffer
-		// for the 'host' variable, because a String won't return any
-		// information when it's used as a parameter like that
-		ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-		streamHTTPData(in, bs, host, waitForDisconnect);
-		return bs.toByteArray();
-	}
-	private int streamHTTPData (InputStream in, OutputStream out, boolean waitForDisconnect)
-	{
-		StringBuffer foo = new StringBuffer("");
-		return streamHTTPData(in, out, foo, waitForDisconnect);
-	}
-	private int streamHTTPData (InputStream in, OutputStream out, 
-									StringBuffer host, boolean waitForDisconnect)
-	{
-		// get the HTTP data from an InputStream, and send it to
-		// the designated OutputStream
-		StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer("");
-		String data = "";
-		int responseCode = 200;
-		int contentLength = 0;
-		int pos = -1;
-		int byteCount = 0;
-		try
-		{
-			// get the first line of the header, so we know the response code
-			data = readLine(in);
-			if (data != null)
-			{
-				header.append(data + "\r\n");
-				pos = data.indexOf(" ");
-				if ((data.toLowerCase().startsWith("http")) && 
-					(pos >= 0) && (data.indexOf(" ", pos+1) >= 0))
-				{
-					String rcString = data.substring(pos+1, data.indexOf(" ", pos+1));
-					try
-					{
-						responseCode = Integer.parseInt(rcString);
-					}  catch (Exception e)  {
-						if (debugLevel > 0)
-							debugOut.println("Error parsing response code " + rcString);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// get the rest of the header info
-			while ((data = readLine(in)) != null)
-			{
-				// the header ends at the first blank line
-				if (data.length() == 0)
-					break;
-				header.append(data + "\r\n");
-				// check for the Host header
-				pos = data.toLowerCase().indexOf("host:");
-				if (pos >= 0)
-				{
-					host.setLength(0);
-					host.append(data.substring(pos + 5).trim());
-				}
-				// check for the Content-Length header
-				pos = data.toLowerCase().indexOf("content-length:");
-				if (pos >= 0)
-					contentLength = Integer.parseInt(data.substring(pos + 15).trim());
-			}
-			// add a blank line to terminate the header info
-			header.append("\r\n");
-			// convert the header to a byte array, and write it to our stream
-			out.write(header.toString().getBytes(), 0, header.length());
-			// if the header indicated that this was not a 200 response,
-			// just return what we've got if there is no Content-Length,
-			// because we may not be getting anything else
-			if ((responseCode != 200) && (contentLength == 0))
-			{
-				out.flush();
-				return header.length();
-			}
-			// get the body, if any; we try to use the Content-Length header to
-			// determine how much data we're supposed to be getting, because 
-			// sometimes the client/server won't disconnect after sending us
-			// information...
-			if (contentLength > 0)
-				waitForDisconnect = false;
-			if ((contentLength > 0) || (waitForDisconnect))
-			{
-				try {
-					byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
-					int bytesIn = 0;
-					while ( ((byteCount < contentLength) || (waitForDisconnect)) 
-							&& ((bytesIn = >= 0) )
-					{
-						out.write(buf, 0, bytesIn);
-						byteCount += bytesIn;
-					}
-				}  catch (Exception e)  {
-					String errMsg = "Error getting HTTP body: " + e;
-					if (debugLevel > 0)
-						debugOut.println(errMsg);
-					//bs.write(errMsg.getBytes(), 0, errMsg.length());
-				}
-			}
-		}  catch (Exception e)  {
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-				debugOut.println("Error getting HTTP data: " + e);
-		}
-		//flush the OutputStream and return
-		try  {  out.flush();  }  catch (Exception e)  {}
-		return (header.length() + byteCount);
-	}
-	private String readLine (InputStream in)
-	{
-		// reads a line of text from an InputStream
-		StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer("");
-		int c;
-		try
-		{
-			// if we have nothing to read, just return null
-			in.mark(1);
-			if ( == -1)
-				return null;
-			else
-				in.reset();
-			while ((c = >= 0)
-			{
-				// check for an end-of-line character
-				if ((c == 0) || (c == 10) || (c == 13))
-					break;
-				else
-					data.append((char)c);
-			}
-			// deal with the case where the end-of-line terminator is \r\n
-			if (c == 13)
-			{
-				in.mark(1);
-				if ( != 10)
-					in.reset();
-			}
-		}  catch (Exception e)  {
-			if (debugLevel > 0)
-				debugOut.println("Error getting header: " + e);
-		}
-		// and return what we have
-		return data.toString();
-	}
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/android/ b/src/org/torproject/android/
deleted file mode 100644
index 188ebc1e..00000000
--- a/src/org/torproject/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project - */
-/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
-/** SOCKS aware echo client*/
-import net.sourceforge.jsocks.socks.*;
-public class SocksClient implements Runnable {
-   private int port;
-   private InetAddress hostIP;
-   private Socket ss;
-   private InputStream in;
-   private OutputStream out;
-   private static final int BUF_SIZE = 1024;
-   public SocksClient(String host,int port) 
-	  throws IOException,UnknownHostException,SocksException{
-      this.port = port;
-      ss = new SocksSocket(host, port);
-      out = ss.getOutputStream();
-      in  = ss.getInputStream();
-      System.out.println("Connected...");
-      System.out.println("TO: "+host+":"+port);
-      System.out.println("ViaProxy: "+ss.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress()
-                                 +":"+ss.getLocalPort());
-   }
-   public void close()throws IOException{
-     ss.close();
-   }
-   public void send(String s) throws IOException{
-      out.write(s.getBytes());
-   }
-   public void run(){
-      byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
-      int bytes_read;
-      try{
-	  while((bytes_read = > 0){
-	     System.out.write(buf,0,bytes_read);
-	  }
-      }catch(IOException io_ex){
-	 io_ex.printStackTrace();
-      }
-   }
-   public static void usage(){
-      System.err.print(
-      "Usage: java SocksTest host port [socksHost socksPort]\n");
-   }
-   public static void main(String args[]){
-      int port;
-      String host;
-      int proxyPort;
-      String proxyHost;
-      if(args.length > 1 && args.length < 5){
-	 try{
-	     host = args[0];
-	     port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
-	     proxyPort =(args.length > 3)? Integer.parseInt(args[3])	     
-	                                 : TorConstants.PORT_SOCKS;
-	     host = args[0];
-	     proxyHost =(args.length > 2)? args[2]
-	                                 : TorConstants.IP_LOCALHOST;
-	     Proxy.setDefaultProxy(proxyHost,proxyPort,"KOUKY001");
-	     //Proxy.setDefaultProxy(proxyHost,proxyPort);
-	     InetRange inetRange = new InetRange();
-	     inetRange.add(InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
-	     Proxy.getDefaultProxy().setDirect(inetRange);
-	     SocksClient st = new SocksClient(host,port);
-	     Thread thread = new Thread(st);
-	     thread.start();
-	     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
-				 new InputStreamReader(;
-             String s;
-             s = in.readLine();
-	     while(s != null){
-                st.send(s+"\r\n");
-		//try{
-		   //Thread.currentThread().sleep(10);
-		//}catch(InterruptedException i_ex){
-		//}
-                s = in.readLine();
-	     }
-	     st.close();
-	     System.exit(1);
-	 }catch(SocksException s_ex){
-	   System.err.println("SocksException:"+s_ex);
-	   s_ex.printStackTrace();
-	   System.exit(1); 
-	 }catch(IOException io_ex){
-	   io_ex.printStackTrace();
-	   System.exit(1);
-	 }catch(NumberFormatException num_ex){
-	   usage();
-	   num_ex.printStackTrace();
-	   System.exit(1);
-	 }
-      }else{
-	usage();
-      }
-   }
-}//End of class
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index e69af7b1..00000000
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-/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project - */
-/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
-import android.util.Log;
-public class TorBinaryInstaller implements TorConstants {
-	private final static String LOG_TAG = "Tor";
-	public TorBinaryInstaller ()
-	{
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Start the binary installation if the file doesn't exist or is forced
-	 */
-	public void start (boolean force)
-	{
-		boolean binaryExists = new File(TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH).exists();
-		Log.i(LOG_TAG,"Tor binary exists=" + binaryExists);
-		if (!binaryExists || force)
-			installFromZip ();
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Extract the Tor binary from the APK file using ZIP
-	 */
-	private void installFromZip ()
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(APK_PATH);
-			ZipEntry zipen = zip.getEntry(TOR_BINARY_ZIP_KEY);
-			streamToFile(zip.getInputStream(zipen),TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
-			zipen = zip.getEntry(TORRC_ZIP_KEY);
-			streamToFile(zip.getInputStream(zipen),TORRC_INSTALL_PATH);
-			zip.close();
-			Log.i(LOG_TAG,"SUCCESS: unzipped tor binary from apk");
-		}
-		catch (IOException ioe)
-		{
-			Log.i(LOG_TAG,"FAIL: unable to unzip tor binary from apk",ioe);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Write the inputstream contents to the file
-	 */
-    private static void streamToFile(InputStream stm, String targetFilename)
-    {
-        FileOutputStream stmOut = null;
-        byte[] buffer = new byte[FILE_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE];
-        int bytecount;
-        File outFile = new File(targetFilename);
-        try {
-            outFile.createNewFile();
-        	stmOut = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
-        }
-        catch ( e)
-        {
-        	Log.i(LOG_TAG,"Error opening output file " + targetFilename,e);
-        	return;
-        }
-        try
-        {
-            while ((bytecount = > 0)
-            {
-                stmOut.write(buffer, 0, bytecount);
-            }
-            stmOut.close();
-        }
-        catch ( e)
-        {
-            Log.i(LOG_TAG,"Error writing output file '" + targetFilename + "': " + e.toString());
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    //copy the file from inputstream to File output - alternative impl
-	public void copyFile (InputStream is, File outputFile)
-	{
-		try {
-			outputFile.createNewFile();
-			DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
-			DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(is);
-			int b;
-			byte[] data = new byte[1024];
-			while ((b = != -1) {
-				out.write(data);
-			}
-			//
-			out.flush();
-			out.close();
-			in.close();
-			// chmod?
-		} catch (IOException ex) {
-			Log.e(LOG_TAG, "error copying binary", ex);
-		}
-	}
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-/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project - */
-/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
-public interface TorConstants {
-	//home directory of Android application
-	public final static String TOR_HOME = "/data/data/";
-	//name of the tor C binary
-	public final static String TOR_BINARY_ASSET_KEY = "tor";	
-	//path to install the Tor binary too
-	//key of the tor binary in the Zip file
-	public final static String TOR_BINARY_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + TOR_BINARY_ASSET_KEY;
-	//torrc file name
-	public final static String TORRC_ASSET_KEY = "torrc";
-	//path to install torrc to within the android app data folder
-	public final static String TORRC_INSTALL_PATH = TOR_HOME + TORRC_ASSET_KEY;
-	//key of the torrc file in the Zip file
-	public final static String TORRC_ZIP_KEY = "assets/" + TORRC_ASSET_KEY;
-	//where to send the notices log
-	public final static String TOR_LOG_PATH = TOR_HOME + "notices.log";
-	//control port cookie path
-	public final static String TOR_CONTROL_AUTH_COOKIE = TOR_HOME + "data/control_auth_cookie";
-	//how to launch tor
-	public final static String TOR_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS = "-f " + TORRC_INSTALL_PATH;
-	//various console cmds
-	public final static String SHELL_CMD_CHMOD = "/system/bin/chmod";
-	public final static String SHELL_CMD_KILL = "/system/bin/kill";
-	public final static String SHELL_CMD_RM = "/system/bin/rm";
-	public final static String SHELL_CMD_PS = "ps";
-	public final static String CHMOD_EXE_VALUE = "777";
-	//path of the installed APK file
-	public final static String APK_PATH = "/data/app/";
-	//path to check Tor against
-	public final static String URL_TOR_CHECK = "";
-	public final static int FILE_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
-	//HTTP Proxy server port
-	public final static int PORT_HTTP = 8118; //just like Privoxy!
-	//Socks port client connects to, server is the Tor binary
-	public final static int PORT_SOCKS = 9050;
-	//what is says!
-	public final static String IP_LOCALHOST = "";
-	public final static int TOR_CONTROL_PORT = 9051;
-	public final static int UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 3000;
-	public final static String DEFAULT_HOME_PAGE = "file:///android_asset/help.html";// "";
-	//status to communicate state
-    public final static int STATUS_OFF = 0;
-    public final static int STATUS_ON = 1;
-    public final static int STATUS_STARTING_UP = 2;
-    public final static int STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN = 3;
-    //control port 
-    public final static String TOR_CONTROL_PORT_MSG_BOOTSTRAP_DONE = "Bootstrapped 100%";
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index 546cc00b..00000000
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-/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project - */
-/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
-import java.util.List;
-import net.freehaven.tor.control.EventHandler;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.os.Bundle;
-import android.os.Handler;
-import android.os.Message;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.view.KeyEvent;
-import android.view.Menu;
-import android.view.MenuItem;
-import android.view.View;
-import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
-import android.webkit.JsResult;
-import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
-import android.webkit.WebSettings;
-import android.webkit.WebView;
-import android.widget.Button;
-import android.widget.ImageView;
-import android.widget.TextView;
-import android.widget.Toast;
-public class TorControlPanel extends Activity implements OnClickListener, TorConstants, EventHandler
-	private final static String TAG = "Tor";
-	private static Intent torService = null;
-	private boolean updateLog = false;
-	private boolean updateStatus = false;
-	private TextView lblStatus = null;
-	private ImageView imgStatus = null;
-	private String txtStatus = "";
-	private int torStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-	private Thread threadStatus = null;
-    private WebView mWebView;
-	private int currentView = 0;
-    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
-    @Override
-    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
-        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
-    	setTheme(;
-        showMain();
-    }
-    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
-        super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
-        MenuItem mItem = menu.add(0, 1, Menu.NONE, "Home");
-        MenuItem mItem2 = menu.add(0, 2, Menu.NONE, "Settings");
-        MenuItem mItem3 = menu.add(0, 3, Menu.NONE, "Log");
-       MenuItem mItem4 = menu.add(0, 4, Menu.NONE, "Help");
-      mItem.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_home);
-       mItem2.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_register);
-       mItem3.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_reports);
-       mItem4.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_about);
-        return true;
-    }
-    /* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see, android.view.MenuItem)
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) {
-		super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item);
-		if (item.getItemId() == 1)
-		{
-			this.showMain();
-		}
-		else if (item.getItemId() == 2)
-		{
-			this.showSettings();
-		}
-		else if (item.getItemId() == 3)
-		{
-			this.showMessageLog();
-		}
-		else if (item.getItemId() == 4)
-		{
-			this.showWeb(DEFAULT_HOME_PAGE);
-		}
-        return true;
-	}
-	public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event){
-		if(keyCode==KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK){
-			if(currentView != R.layout.layout_main){
-					showMain ();
-					return true;
-			}
-			else{
-				return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
-			}
-		}
-		return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
-	}
-    /* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	protected void onPause() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onPause();
-		TorService.setStatus(torStatus);
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	protected void onResume() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onResume();
-		torStatus = TorService.getStatus();
-		updateStatus ();
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	protected void onStart() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onStart();
-		torStatus = TorService.getStatus();
-		updateStatus ();
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	protected void onStop() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onStop();
-		TorService.setStatus(torStatus);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Show the main form UI
-	 */
-	private void showMain ()
-    {
-		updateLog = false;
-		updateStatus = true;
-		currentView = R.layout.layout_main;
-    	setContentView(currentView);
-    	findViewById(;
-    	lblStatus = (TextView)findViewById(;
-    	imgStatus = (ImageView)findViewById(;
-    	updateStatus();
-    }
-	private void showWeb (String url)
-	{
-		currentView =R.layout.layout_web;
-		 setContentView(currentView);
-	        mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
-	        WebSettings webSettings = mWebView.getSettings();
-	        webSettings.setSavePassword(false);
-	        webSettings.setSaveFormData(false);
-	        webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
-	        mWebView.setWebChromeClient(new MyWebChromeClient());
-	        mWebView.loadUrl(url);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Show the message log UI
-	 */
-	private void showMessageLog ()
-	{
-		currentView = R.layout.layout_log;
-		setContentView(currentView);
-		((Button)findViewById(;
-		updateStatus = false;
-		updateLog = true;
-		Thread thread = new Thread ()
-		{
-			public void run ()
-			{
-				while (updateLog)
-				{
-					try {
-						Thread.sleep(UPDATE_TIMEOUT);
-					} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-						// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-						e.printStackTrace();
-					}
-					handler.sendEmptyMessage(0);
-				}
-			}
-		};
-		thread.start();
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Load the Tor log and display it in a text field
-	 */
-	private void updateMessageLog ()
-	{
-		TextView tvLog = (TextView)findViewById(;
-		if (tvLog != null)
-		{
-			String output = loadTextFile(TOR_LOG_PATH);
-			tvLog.setText(output);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Handle to reload Tor debug log every few seconds while viewing it
-	 */
-	private Handler handler = new Handler() {
-	        @Override
-		    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
-	        	updateMessageLog ();
-	        }
-	    };
-	    /*
-		 * Handle to reload Tor debug log every few seconds while viewing it
-		 */
-		private Handler handlerStatus = new Handler() {
-		        @Override
-			    public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
-		        	updateStatus();
-		        	// Toast.makeText(this,txtStatus, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
-		        }
-		    };
-    /*
-     * Load the basic settings application to display torrc
-     * TODO: these needs to be improved into an actual form GUI
-     */
-	private void showSettings ()
-	{
-		updateStatus = false;
-		updateLog = false;
-		currentView = R.layout.layout_settings;
-		setContentView(currentView);
-		String output = loadTextFile(TORRC_INSTALL_PATH);
-		TextView tvSettings = (TextView)findViewById(;
-    	((Button)findViewById(;
-		tvSettings.setText(output);
-	}
-    /*
-     * Set the state of the running/not running graphic and label
-     */
-    public void updateStatus ()
-    {
-    	if (imgStatus != null)
-    	{
-	    	if (torStatus == STATUS_ON)
-	    	{
-	    		imgStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.toron);
-	    		lblStatus.setText("ORbot is running\n- touch the bot to stop -");
-	    		updateStatus = false;
-	    	}
-	    	else if (torStatus == STATUS_STARTING_UP)
-	    	{
-	    		imgStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.torstarting);
-	    		lblStatus.setText("ORbot reports:\n\"" + txtStatus + "\"");
-	    	}
-	    	else if (torStatus == STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN)
-	    	{
-	    		imgStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.torstopping);
-	    		lblStatus.setText("ORbot is shutting down\nplease wait...");
-	    	}
-	    	else
-	    	{
-	    		imgStatus.setImageResource(R.drawable.toroff);
-	    		lblStatus.setText("ORbot is not running\n- touch the bot to start -");
-	    		updateStatus = false;
-	    	}
-    	}
-    }
-    /*
-     * (non-Javadoc)
-     * @see android.view.View.OnClickListener#onClick(android.view.View)
-     */
-	public void onClick(View view) {
-		// the start button
-		if (view.getId()
-		{
-			//if Tor binary is not running, then start the service up
-			if (TorService.getStatus()==STATUS_OFF)
-			{
-				torStatus = STATUS_STARTING_UP;
-				txtStatus = "Connecting to Tor...";
-				updateStatus();
-				startTorService ();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				torStatus = STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN;
-				updateStatus();
-				stopService(torService);
-				torStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-				updateStatus();
-			}
-		}
-		else if (view.getId()
-		{
-			saveTextFile(TOR_LOG_PATH,"");
-		}
-		else if (view.getId()
-		{
-			TextView tvSettings = (TextView)findViewById(;
-			String newSettings =  tvSettings.getText().toString();
-			saveTextFile(TORRC_INSTALL_PATH, newSettings);
-		}
-	}
-	private void startTorService ()
-	{
-		if (torService == null)
-		{
-			torService = new Intent(this, TorService.class);
-			//torService.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
-			TorService.setActivity(this);
-		}
-		startService(torService);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Load the log file text
-	 */
-	 public static String loadTextFile (String path)
-	    {
-	    	String line = null;
-	    	StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
-	    	try {
-		    	BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader((new FileReader(new File(path))));
-				while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
-				{
-					out.append(line);
-					out.append('\n');
-				}
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-				e.printStackTrace();
-			}
-			return out.toString();
-	    }
-		/*
-		 * Load the log file text
-		 */
-		 public static boolean saveTextFile (String path, String contents)
-		    {
-		    	try {
-		    		 FileWriter writer = new FileWriter( path, false );
-                     writer.write( contents );
-                     writer.close();
-		    		return true;
-				} catch (IOException e) {
-				//	Log.i(TAG, "error writing file: " + path, e);
-						e.printStackTrace();
-					return false;
-				}
-		    }
-	@Override
-	public void bandwidthUsed(long read, long written) {
-		Log.i(TAG,"BW Used: read=" + read + " written=" + written);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void circuitStatus(String status, String circID, String path) {
-		Log.i(TAG,"CircuitStatus=" + status + ": " + circID);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void message(String severity, String msg) {
-        	 // Log.println(priority, tag, msg)("["+severity+"] "+msg);
-              //Toast.makeText(, text, duration)
-        //      Toast.makeText(ACTIVITY, severity + ": " + msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
-              Log.i(TAG, "[Tor Control Port] " + severity + ": " + msg);
-              if (msg.indexOf(TOR_CONTROL_PORT_MSG_BOOTSTRAP_DONE)!=-1)
-              {
-            	  torStatus = STATUS_ON;
-            	  //setupWebProxy(true);
-              }
-              txtStatus = msg;
-              handlerStatus.sendEmptyMessage(0);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void newDescriptors(List orList) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void orConnStatus(String status, String orName) {
-		Log.i(TAG,"OrConnStatus=" + status + ": " + orName);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void streamStatus(String status, String streamID, String target) {
-		Log.i(TAG,"StreamStatus=" + status + ": " + streamID);
-	}
-	@Override
-	public void unrecognized(String type, String msg) {
-		Log.i(TAG,"unrecognized log=" + type + ": " + msg);
-	}
-	/**
-     * Provides a hook for calling "alert" from javascript. Useful for
-     * debugging your javascript.
-     */
-    final class MyWebChromeClient extends WebChromeClient {
-        @Override
-        public boolean onJsAlert(WebView view, String url, String message, JsResult result) {
-            Log.d(TAG, message);
-            result.confirm();
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index bb1cca97..00000000
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-/* Copyright (c) 2009, Nathan Freitas, The Guardian Project - */
-/* See LICENSE for licensing information */
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import java.util.Timer;
-import java.util.TimerTask;
-import net.freehaven.tor.control.EventHandler;
-import net.freehaven.tor.control.NullEventHandler;
-import net.freehaven.tor.control.TorControlConnection;
-import net.sourceforge.jsocks.socks.Proxy;
-import android.content.Intent;
-import android.os.IBinder;
-import android.util.Log;
-import android.widget.Toast;
-public class TorService extends Service implements TorConstants
-	private static TorControlPanel ACTIVITY = null;
-	private final static String TAG = "TorService";
-	private static HttpProxy webProxy = null;
-	private static int currentStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-	private TorControlConnection conn = null;
-	private Timer timer = new Timer ();
-	private final static int UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60000;
-    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
-    @Override
-    public void onCreate() {
-    	super.onCreate();
-    	Log.i(TAG,"TorService: onCreate");
-    	 timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(
-    		      new TimerTask() {
-    		        public void run() {
-    		        	//do nothing
-    		        //	Log.i(TAG,"TorService: task is running");
-    		        }
-    		      },
-    		      0,
-    		      UPDATE_INTERVAL);
-    	 int procId = findProcessId(TorConstants.TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
- 		if (procId != -1)
- 		{
- 			Log.i(TAG,"Found existing Tor process");
- 			try {
- 				currentStatus = STATUS_STARTING_UP;
- 				initControlConnection();
-				getTorStatus();
-				if (webProxy != null)
-				{
-					if (webProxy.isRunning())
-					{
-						//do nothing
-						Log.i(TAG, "Web Proxy is already running");
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//do nothing
-						Log.i(TAG, "killing Web Proxy");
-						webProxy.closeSocket();
-						setupWebProxy(true);
-					}
-				}
-				else  //do something
-				{
-					setupWebProxy(true);
-				}
-				currentStatus = STATUS_ON;
-			} catch (RuntimeException e) {
-				Log.i(TAG,"Unable to connect to existing Tor instance,",e);
-				currentStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-				this.stopTor();
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				Log.i(TAG,"Unable to connect to existing Tor instance,",e);
-				currentStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-				this.stopTor();
-			}
- 		}
-    }
-    /* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public void onLowMemory() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onLowMemory();
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		return super.onUnbind(intent);
-	}
-	public static int getStatus ()
-    {
-    	return currentStatus;
-    }
-	public static void setStatus (int newStatus)
-	{
-		currentStatus = newStatus;
-	}
-    /* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public void onRebind(Intent intent) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onRebind(intent);
-		  Log.i(TAG,"on rebind");
-	}
-	/* (non-Javadoc)
-	 * @see, int)
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		super.onStart(intent, startId);
-	     Log.i(TAG,"onStart called");
-		   initTor();
-		   setupWebProxy (true);
-	}
-    public void onDestroy ()
-    {
-    	super.onDestroy();
-    	Log.i(TAG,"onDestroy called");
-    	if (timer != null) timer.cancel();
-    	stopTor();
-    }
-    private void stopTor ()
-    {
-    	currentStatus = STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN;
-    	setupWebProxy(false);  
-		killTorProcess ();
-		currentStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-    }
-    public static void setActivity(TorControlPanel activity) {
-    	ACTIVITY = activity;
-    }
-    private void setupWebProxy (boolean enabled)
-    {
-    	if (enabled)
-    	{
-    		if (webProxy != null)
-    		{
-    			webProxy.closeSocket();
-    			webProxy = null;
-    		}
-	    	Log.i(TAG,"Starting up Web Proxy on port: " + PORT_HTTP);
-	    	//httpd s
-	    	webProxy = new HttpProxy(PORT_HTTP);
-	    	webProxy.setDoSocks(true);
-	    	webProxy.start();
-	    	//socks
-	    	try
-	    	{
-	    		Proxy.setDefaultProxy(IP_LOCALHOST,PORT_SOCKS);
-	    	}
-	    	catch (Exception e)
-	    	{
-	    		Log.w(TAG,e.getMessage());
-	    	}
-	    	Log.i(TAG,"Web Proxy enabled...");
-	    	//Settings.System.putString(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.HTTP_PROXY, proxySetting);//enable proxy
-	    	//	Settings.Secure.putString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.HTTP_PROXY, proxySetting);//enable proxy
-    	}
-    	else
-    	{
-	    	//Log.i(TAG,"Turning off Socks/Tor routing on Web Proxy");
-    		if (webProxy != null)
-    		{
-    			//logNotice("Tor is disabled - browsing is not anonymous!");
-    			//webProxy.setDoSocks(false);
-    			webProxy.closeSocket();
-    			webProxy = null;
-    			Log.i(TAG,"WebProxy ServerSocket closed");
-    		}
-    	}
-    }
-    public void reloadConfig ()
-    {
-    	try
-		{
-	    	if (conn == null)
-			{
-				initControlConnection ();
-			}
-			if (conn != null)
-			{
-				 conn.signal("RELOAD");
-			}
-		}
-    	catch (Exception e)
-    	{
-    		Log.i(TAG,"Unable to reload configuration",e);
-    	}
-    }
-    private void killTorProcess ()
-    {
-    	if (conn != null)
-		{
-			try {
-				Log.i(TAG,"sending SHUTDOWN signal");
-				conn.signal("SHUTDOWN");
-			} catch (IOException e) {
-				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-				Log.i(TAG,"error shutting down Tor via connection",e);
-			}
-			conn = null;
-		}
-    	try {
-			Thread.sleep(500);
-		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
-		}
-		int procId = findProcessId(TorConstants.TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
-		while (procId != -1)
-		{
-			Log.i(TAG,"Found Tor PID=" + procId + " - killing now...");
-			doCommand(SHELL_CMD_KILL, procId + "");
-			procId = findProcessId(TorConstants.TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
-		}
-    }
-    private static void logNotice (String msg)
-    {
-    	Log.i(TAG, msg);
-    }
-    private void checkBinary ()
-    {
-		boolean binaryExists = new File(TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH).exists();
-		if (!binaryExists)
-		{
-			killTorProcess ();
-			TorBinaryInstaller installer = new TorBinaryInstaller(); 
-			installer.start(true);
-			binaryExists = new File(TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH).exists();
-    		if (binaryExists)
-    		{
-    			logNotice("Tor binary installed!");
-    		}
-    		else
-    		{
-    			logNotice("Tor binary install FAILED!");
-    			return;
-    		}
-		}
-		Log.i(TAG,"Setting permission on Tor binary");
-    }
-    public void initTor ()
-    {
-    	try {
-    		currentStatus = STATUS_STARTING_UP;
-    		killTorProcess ();
-    		checkBinary ();
-    		doCommand(SHELL_CMD_RM,TOR_LOG_PATH);
-    		Log.i(TAG,"Starting tor process");
-    		int procId = findProcessId(TorConstants.TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
-    		if (procId == -1)
-    		{
-    			procId = findProcessId(TorConstants.TOR_BINARY_INSTALL_PATH);
-    		}
-    		Log.i(TAG,"Tor process id=" + procId);
-    		currentStatus = STATUS_STARTING_UP;
-    		logNotice("Tor is starting up...");
-			Thread.sleep(500);
-			initControlConnection ();
-    	} catch (Exception e) {
-			Log.w(TAG,"unable to start Tor Process",e);
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-    }
-    private static void logStream (InputStream is)
-    {
-    	BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
-    	String line = null;
-    	try {
-			while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
-			{
-				Log.i(TAG, line);
-			}
-		} catch (IOException e) {
-			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-    }
-	@Override
-	public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		return null;
-	}
-	public static int findProcessId(String command) 
-	{
-		int procId = -1;
-		Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
-		Process procPs = null;
-        try {
-            procPs = r.exec(SHELL_CMD_PS);
-            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(procPs.getInputStream()));
-            String line = null;
-            while ((line = reader.readLine())!=null)
-            {
-            	if (line.indexOf(command)!=-1)
-            	{
-            		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line," ");
-            		st.nextToken(); //proc owner
-            		procId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());
-            		break;
-            	}
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
-        }
-        return procId;
-	}
-	public static Process doCommand(String command, String arg1) 
-	{
-		Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
-		Process child = null;
-        try {
-            if(child != null) {
-            	child.destroy();
-            	child = null;
-            }
-            child = r.exec(command + ' ' + arg1);
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            Log.e(TAG, "error: " + e.getMessage());
-        }
-        return child;
-	}
-	public static String generateHashPassword ()
-	{
-		/*
-		PasswordDigest d = PasswordDigest.generateDigest();
-	      byte[] s = d.getSecret(); // pass this to authenticate
-	      String h = d.getHashedPassword(); // pass this to the Tor on startup.
-		return null;
-	}
-	public void initControlConnection () throws Exception, RuntimeException
-	{
-			for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
-			{
-				try
-				{
-					Log.i(TAG,"Connecting to control port: " + TOR_CONTROL_PORT);
-					Socket s = new Socket(IP_LOCALHOST, TOR_CONTROL_PORT);
-			        conn = TorControlConnection.getConnection(s);
-			      //  conn.authenticate(new byte[0]); // See section 3.2
-			        Log.i(TAG,"SUCCESS connected to control port");
-			        //
-			        File fileCookie = new File(TOR_CONTROL_AUTH_COOKIE);
-			        byte[] cookie = new byte[(int)fileCookie.length()];
-			        new FileInputStream(new File(TOR_CONTROL_AUTH_COOKIE)).read(cookie);
-			        conn.authenticate(cookie);
-			        Log.i(TAG,"SUCCESS authenticated to control port");
-			        addEventHandler();
-			        break; //don't need to retry
-				}
-				catch (ConnectException ce)
-				{
-					Log.i(TAG,"Attempt " + i + ": Error connecting to control port; retrying...");
-					Thread.sleep(1000);
-				}	
-			}
-	}
-	public void modifyConf () throws IOException
-	{
-	       // Get one configuration variable.
-	       List options = conn.getConf("contact");
-	       // Get a set of configuration variables.
-	      // List options = conn.getConf(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-	           //   "contact", "orport", "socksport"}));
-	       // Change a single configuration variable
-	       conn.setConf("BandwidthRate", "1 MB");
-	       // Change several configuration variables
-	       conn.setConf(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-	              "HiddenServiceDir /home/tor/service1",
-	              "HiddenServicePort 80",
-	       }));
-	       // Reset some variables to their defaults
-	       conn.resetConf(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-	              "contact", "socksport"
-	       }));
-	       // Flush the configuration to disk.
-	       conn.saveConf();
-	}
-	private void getTorStatus () throws IOException
-	{
-		try
-		{
-			if (conn != null)
-			{
-				 // get a single value.
-			       // get several values
-			       if (currentStatus == STATUS_STARTING_UP)
-			       {
-				       //Map vals = conn.getInfo(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-				         // "status/bootstrap-phase", "status","version"}));
-				       String bsPhase = conn.getInfo("status/bootstrap-phase");
-				    //   Log.i(TAG, "bootstrap-phase: " + bsPhase);
-				       if (bsPhase.indexOf("PROGRESS=100")!=-1)
-				       {
-				    	   currentStatus = STATUS_ON;
-				       }
-			       }
-			       else
-			       {
-			    	 //  String status = conn.getInfo("status/circuit-established");
-			    	 //  Log.i(TAG, "status/circuit-established=" + status);
-			       }
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				currentStatus = STATUS_OFF;
-			}
-		}
-		catch (Exception e)
-		{
-			Log.i(TAG, "Unable to get Tor status from control port");
-		}
-	}
-	public void addEventHandler () throws IOException
-	{
-	       // We extend NullEventHandler so that we don't need to provide empty
-	       // implementations for all the events we don't care about.
-	       // ...
-        Log.i(TAG,"adding control port event handler");
-		conn.setEventHandler(ACTIVITY);
-		conn.setEvents(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-	          "ORCONN", "CIRC", "NOTICE", "ERR"}));
-	      // conn.setEvents(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
-	        //  "DEBUG", "INFO", "NOTICE", "WARN", "ERR"}));
-	    Log.i(TAG,"SUCCESS added control port event handler");
-	}
\ No newline at end of file