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// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package datastore
import (
// Entities with more than this many indexed properties will not be saved.
const maxIndexedProperties = 20000
// []byte fields more than 1 megabyte long will not be loaded or saved.
const maxBlobLen = 1 << 20
// Property is a name/value pair plus some metadata. A datastore entity's
// contents are loaded and saved as a sequence of Properties. An entity can
// have multiple Properties with the same name, provided that p.Multiple is
// true on all of that entity's Properties with that name.
type Property struct {
// Name is the property name.
Name string
// Value is the property value. The valid types are:
// - int64
// - bool
// - string
// - float64
// - ByteString
// - *Key
// - time.Time
// - appengine.BlobKey
// - appengine.GeoPoint
// - []byte (up to 1 megabyte in length)
// - *Entity (representing a nested struct)
// This set is smaller than the set of valid struct field types that the
// datastore can load and save. A Property Value cannot be a slice (apart
// from []byte); use multiple Properties instead. Also, a Value's type
// must be explicitly on the list above; it is not sufficient for the
// underlying type to be on that list. For example, a Value of "type
// myInt64 int64" is invalid. Smaller-width integers and floats are also
// invalid. Again, this is more restrictive than the set of valid struct
// field types.
// A Value will have an opaque type when loading entities from an index,
// such as via a projection query. Load entities into a struct instead
// of a PropertyLoadSaver when using a projection query.
// A Value may also be the nil interface value; this is equivalent to
// Python's None but not directly representable by a Go struct. Loading
// a nil-valued property into a struct will set that field to the zero
// value.
Value interface{}
// NoIndex is whether the datastore cannot index this property.
NoIndex bool
// Multiple is whether the entity can have multiple properties with
// the same name. Even if a particular instance only has one property with
// a certain name, Multiple should be true if a struct would best represent
// it as a field of type []T instead of type T.
Multiple bool
// An Entity is the value type for a nested struct.
// This type is only used for a Property's Value.
type Entity struct {
Key *Key
Properties []Property
// ByteString is a short byte slice (up to 1500 bytes) that can be indexed.
type ByteString []byte
// PropertyLoadSaver can be converted from and to a slice of Properties.
type PropertyLoadSaver interface {
Load([]Property) error
Save() ([]Property, error)
// PropertyList converts a []Property to implement PropertyLoadSaver.
type PropertyList []Property
var (
typeOfPropertyLoadSaver = reflect.TypeOf((*PropertyLoadSaver)(nil)).Elem()
typeOfPropertyList = reflect.TypeOf(PropertyList(nil))
// Load loads all of the provided properties into l.
// It does not first reset *l to an empty slice.
func (l *PropertyList) Load(p []Property) error {
*l = append(*l, p...)
return nil
// Save saves all of l's properties as a slice or Properties.
func (l *PropertyList) Save() ([]Property, error) {
return *l, nil
// validPropertyName returns whether name consists of one or more valid Go
// identifiers joined by ".".
func validPropertyName(name string) bool {
if name == "" {
return false
for _, s := range strings.Split(name, ".") {
if s == "" {
return false
first := true
for _, c := range s {
if first {
first = false
if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) {
return false
} else {
if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
return false
return true
// structCodec describes how to convert a struct to and from a sequence of
// properties.
type structCodec struct {
// fields gives the field codec for the structTag with the given name.
fields map[string]fieldCodec
// hasSlice is whether a struct or any of its nested or embedded structs
// has a slice-typed field (other than []byte).
hasSlice bool
// keyField is the index of a *Key field with structTag __key__.
// This field is not relevant for the top level struct, only for
// nested structs.
keyField int
// complete is whether the structCodec is complete. An incomplete
// structCodec may be encountered when walking a recursive struct.
complete bool
// fieldCodec is a struct field's index and, if that struct field's type is
// itself a struct, that substruct's structCodec.
type fieldCodec struct {
// path is the index path to the field
path []int
noIndex bool
// structCodec is the codec fot the struct field at index 'path',
// or nil if the field is not a struct.
structCodec *structCodec
// structCodecs collects the structCodecs that have already been calculated.
var (
structCodecsMutex sync.Mutex
structCodecs = make(map[reflect.Type]*structCodec)
// getStructCodec returns the structCodec for the given struct type.
func getStructCodec(t reflect.Type) (*structCodec, error) {
defer structCodecsMutex.Unlock()
return getStructCodecLocked(t)
// getStructCodecLocked implements getStructCodec. The structCodecsMutex must
// be held when calling this function.
func getStructCodecLocked(t reflect.Type) (ret *structCodec, retErr error) {
c, ok := structCodecs[t]
if ok {
return c, nil
c = &structCodec{
fields: make(map[string]fieldCodec),
// We initialize keyField to -1 so that the zero-value is not
// misinterpreted as index 0.
keyField: -1,
// Add c to the structCodecs map before we are sure it is good. If t is
// a recursive type, it needs to find the incomplete entry for itself in
// the map.
structCodecs[t] = c
defer func() {
if retErr != nil {
delete(structCodecs, t)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
// Skip unexported fields.
// Note that if f is an anonymous, unexported struct field,
// we will not promote its fields. We will skip f entirely.
if f.PkgPath != "" {
tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("datastore"), ",")
name := tags[0]
opts := make(map[string]bool)
for _, t := range tags[1:] {
opts[t] = true
switch {
case name == "":
if !f.Anonymous {
name = f.Name
case name == "-":
case name == "__key__":
if f.Type != typeOfKeyPtr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: __key__ field on struct %v is not a *datastore.Key", t)
c.keyField = i
case !validPropertyName(name):
return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: struct tag has invalid property name: %q", name)
substructType, fIsSlice := reflect.Type(nil), false
switch f.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
substructType = f.Type
case reflect.Slice:
if f.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
substructType = f.Type.Elem()
fIsSlice = f.Type != typeOfByteSlice
c.hasSlice = c.hasSlice || fIsSlice
var sub *structCodec
if substructType != nil && substructType != typeOfTime && substructType != typeOfGeoPoint {
var err error
sub, err = getStructCodecLocked(substructType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !sub.complete {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: recursive struct: field %q", f.Name)
if fIsSlice && sub.hasSlice {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"datastore: flattening nested structs leads to a slice of slices: field %q", f.Name)
c.hasSlice = c.hasSlice || sub.hasSlice
// If name is empty at this point, f is an anonymous struct field.
// In this case, we promote the substruct's fields up to this level
// in the linked list of struct codecs.
if name == "" {
for subname, subfield := range sub.fields {
if _, ok := c.fields[subname]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: struct tag has repeated property name: %q", subname)
c.fields[subname] = fieldCodec{
path: append([]int{i}, subfield.path...),
noIndex: subfield.noIndex || opts["noindex"],
structCodec: subfield.structCodec,
if _, ok := c.fields[name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: struct tag has repeated property name: %q", name)
c.fields[name] = fieldCodec{
path: []int{i},
noIndex: opts["noindex"],
structCodec: sub,
c.complete = true
return c, nil
// structPLS adapts a struct to be a PropertyLoadSaver.
type structPLS struct {
v reflect.Value
codec *structCodec
// newStructPLS returns a structPLS, which implements the
// PropertyLoadSaver interface, for the struct pointer p.
func newStructPLS(p interface{}) (*structPLS, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(p)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil, ErrInvalidEntityType
v = v.Elem()
codec, err := getStructCodec(v.Type())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &structPLS{v, codec}, nil
// LoadStruct loads the properties from p to dst.
// dst must be a struct pointer.
func LoadStruct(dst interface{}, p []Property) error {
x, err := newStructPLS(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
return x.Load(p)
// SaveStruct returns the properties from src as a slice of Properties.
// src must be a struct pointer.
func SaveStruct(src interface{}) ([]Property, error) {
x, err := newStructPLS(src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return x.Save()