package core import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "strconv" "sync" "time" ) type ContactList struct { core *Ricochet mutex sync.RWMutex events *utils.Publisher contacts map[int]*Contact } func LoadContactList(core *Ricochet) (*ContactList, error) { list := &ContactList{ core: core, events: utils.CreatePublisher(), } config := core.Config.OpenRead() defer config.Close() list.contacts = make(map[int]*Contact, len(config.Contacts)) for idStr, data := range config.Contacts { id, err := strconv.Atoi(idStr) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid contact id '%s'", idStr) } if _, exists := list.contacts[id]; exists { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Duplicate contact id '%d'", id) } contact, err := ContactFromConfig(core, id, data, if err != nil { return nil, err } list.contacts[id] = contact } // XXX Requests aren't implemented return list, nil } func (this *ContactList) EventMonitor() utils.Subscribable { return } func (this *ContactList) Contacts() []*Contact { this.mutex.RLock() defer this.mutex.RUnlock() re := make([]*Contact, 0, len(this.contacts)) for _, contact := range this.contacts { re = append(re, contact) } return re } func (this *ContactList) ContactById(id int) *Contact { this.mutex.RLock() defer this.mutex.RUnlock() return this.contacts[id] } func (this *ContactList) ContactByAddress(address string) *Contact { this.mutex.RLock() defer this.mutex.RUnlock() for _, contact := range this.contacts { if contact.Address() == address { return contact } } return nil } func (this *ContactList) AddContactRequest(address, name, fromName, text string) (*Contact, error) { if !IsAddressValid(address) { return nil, errors.New("Invalid ricochet address") } if len(fromName) > 0 && !IsNicknameAcceptable(fromName) { return nil, errors.New("Invalid nickname") } if len(text) > 0 && !IsMessageAcceptable(text) { return nil, errors.New("Invalid message") } this.mutex.Lock() defer this.mutex.Unlock() for _, contact := range this.contacts { if contact.Address() == address { return nil, errors.New("Contact already exists with this address") } if contact.Nickname() == name { return nil, errors.New("Contact already exists with this nickname") } } // XXX check inbound requests // Write new contact into config config := this.core.Config.OpenWrite() maxContactId := 0 for idstr, _ := range config.Contacts { if id, err := strconv.Atoi(idstr); err == nil { if maxContactId < id { maxContactId = id } } } contactId := maxContactId + 1 onion, _ := OnionFromAddress(address) configContact := ConfigContact{ Hostname: onion, Nickname: name, WhenCreated: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), Request: ConfigContactRequest{ Pending: true, MyNickname: fromName, Message: text, }, } config.Contacts[strconv.Itoa(contactId)] = configContact if err := config.Save(); err != nil { return nil, err } // Create Contact contact, err := ContactFromConfig(this.core, contactId, configContact, if err != nil { return nil, err } this.contacts[contactId] = contact event := ricochet.ContactEvent{ Type: ricochet.ContactEvent_ADD, Subject: &ricochet.ContactEvent_Contact{ Contact: contact.Data(), }, } contact.StartConnection() return contact, nil } func (this *ContactList) RemoveContact(contact *Contact) error { this.mutex.Lock() defer this.mutex.Unlock() if this.contacts[contact.Id()] != contact { return errors.New("Not in contact list") } contact.StopConnection() config := this.core.Config.OpenWrite() delete(config.Contacts, strconv.Itoa(contact.Id())) if err := config.Save(); err != nil { return err } delete(this.contacts, contact.Id()) event := ricochet.ContactEvent{ Type: ricochet.ContactEvent_DELETE, Subject: &ricochet.ContactEvent_Contact{ Contact: &ricochet.Contact{ Id: int32(contact.Id()), Address: contact.Address(), }, }, } return nil } func (this *ContactList) StartConnections() { for _, contact := range this.Contacts() { contact.StartConnection() } } func (this *ContactList) StopConnections() { for _, contact := range this.Contacts() { contact.StopConnection() } }