
135 lines
4.4 KiB

package scans
import (
func StandardPageScan(scan Scanner, page string, status int, contents string, report *report.OnionScanReport, osc *config.OnionscanConfig) {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Scanning %s\n", page))
if status == 200 {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\tPage %s is Accessible\n", page))
hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(contents))
report.Hashes = append(report.Hashes, hex.EncodeToString(hash[:]))
report.Snapshot = contents
// Try resolve page title if present
isTitlePresent := strings.Contains(contents, "<title>")
if isTitlePresent {
var startIndex = strings.Index(contents, "<title>")
var endIndex = strings.Index(contents, "</title>")
var pageTitle = contents[startIndex+len("<title>") : endIndex]
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\tPage Title: %s\n", pageTitle))
report.PageTitle = pageTitle
new(PGPContentScan).ScanContent(contents, report)
//new(BitcoinContentScan).ScanContent(contents, report)
osc.LogInfo("\tScanning for Images\n")
var domains []string
var cssLinks []string
// parser based on http://schier.co/blog/2015/04/26/a-simple-web-scraper-in-go.html
z := html.NewTokenizer(strings.NewReader(contents))
for {
tt := z.Next()
if tt == html.ErrorToken {
t := z.Token()
// check for an href and src attributes
// TODO: don't crawl links with nofollow
if tt == html.StartTagToken {
// links
if t.Data == "a" {
linkUrl := utils.GetAttribute(t, "href")
if len(linkUrl) > 1 {
domains = append(domains, linkUrl)
// css <link>
if t.Data == "link" && utils.GetAttribute(t, "rel") == "stylesheet" {
cssLinks = append(cssLinks, utils.GetAttribute(t, "href"))
// images
if t.Data == "img" {
imageUrl := utils.GetAttribute(t, "src")
baseUrl, err := url.Parse(imageUrl)
if err == nil {
if utils.WithoutSubdomains(baseUrl.Host) == utils.WithoutSubdomains(report.HiddenService) {
scan.ScanPage(report.HiddenService, utils.WithoutProtocol(imageUrl), report, osc, CheckExif)
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\t Found internal image %s\n", imageUrl))
} else {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\t Not scanning remote image %s\n", imageUrl))
osc.LogInfo("\tScanning for CSS Fonts and Background Images\n")
for _, cssUrl := range cssLinks {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\tScanning CSS file: %s\n", cssUrl))
_, cssContents, _ := scan.ScrapePage(report.HiddenService, utils.WithoutProtocol(cssUrl))
domains = append(domains, utils.ExtractDomains(string(cssContents))[:]...)
osc.LogInfo("\tScanning for Links\n")
domains = append(domains, utils.ExtractDomains(contents)...)
for _, domain := range domains {
baseUrl, err := url.Parse(domain)
if err == nil {
if baseUrl.Host != "" && utils.WithoutSubdomains(baseUrl.Host) != utils.WithoutSubdomains(report.HiddenService) {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Found Related URL %s\n", domain))
// TODO: Lots of information here which needs to be processed.
// * Links to standard sites - google / bitpay etc.
// * Links to other onion sites
// * Links to obscure clearnet sites.
} else {
// * Process FQDN internal links
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("Found Internal URL %s\n", domain))
osc.LogInfo("\tScanning for Referenced Directories\n")
r := regexp.MustCompile("(src|href)=\"([^\"]*)\"")
foundPaths := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(contents), -1)
for _, regexpResults := range foundPaths {
path := regexpResults[2]
if (strings.HasPrefix(path, "http") || strings.HasPrefix(path, "//")) && !strings.Contains(path, utils.WithoutSubdomains(report.HiddenService)) {
term := strings.LastIndex(path, "/")
if term > 0 {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\t Found Referenced Directory %s\n", path[:term]))
} else if status == 403 {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\tPage %s%s is Forbidden\n", report.HiddenService, page))
} else if status == 404 {
osc.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("\tPage %s%s is Does Not Exist\n", report.HiddenService, page))