
115 lines
2.7 KiB

package main
import (
type header struct {
text string
printed bool
type processHandler struct {
File *os.File
totalCount, doneCount, pomodoroCount int
headers []header
func (ph *processHandler) Writeln(line string) {
ph.File.WriteString(line + "\n")
func (ph *processHandler) NewFile() {
ph.totalCount = 0
ph.doneCount = 0
ph.pomodoroCount = 0
ph.headers = []header{}
func (ph *processHandler) Eof() {
pomodoroStr := ""
if ph.pomodoroCount > 0 {
pomodoroStr = " - " + strconv.Itoa(ph.pomodoroCount) + " Pomodoros"
ph.Writeln(strconv.Itoa(ph.doneCount) + " / " + strconv.Itoa(ph.totalCount) + pomodoroStr)
func (ph *processHandler) handleHeaderPrint() {
for i, header := range ph.headers {
if !header.printed {
ph.Writeln("\t" + strings.Repeat("#", i+1) + " " + header.text)
ph.headers[i].printed = true
func (ph *processHandler) ProcessLine(line string, indentLevel int, indentString string, headerStack []string, lineStack []string, flags process.Flags) {
if strings.Trim(line, " \t\n\r") == "" {
if line[0] == '#' {
last := headerStack[len(headerStack)-1]
if len(headerStack) > len(ph.headers) {
ph.headers = append(ph.headers, header{last, false})
} else if len(headerStack) == len(ph.headers) {
ph.headers[len(ph.headers)-1] = header{last, false}
} else if len(headerStack) < len(ph.headers) {
ph.headers = ph.headers[:len(headerStack)]
ph.headers[len(ph.headers)-1] = header{last, false}
// inc count of todo items (rep tasks shouldnt count towards outstanding todo, unless done)
if flags.Todo && !flags.RepTask.Is {
ph.totalCount += 1
if flags.Done {
ph.doneCount += 1
repStr := ""
if flags.RepTask.Is {
repStr = strconv.Itoa(flags.RepTask.A*flags.RepTask.B) + " "
// inc todo count here since we did a thing, its done, and we dont want a higher done count than total
ph.totalCount += 1
ph.Writeln("\t\t" + repStr + strings.Join(lineStack, " / "))
ph.pomodoroCount += flags.Pomodoros
func main() {
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
fmt.Println("Markdown Bullet Journal version: " + process.Version)
ph := new(processHandler)
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
var err error
ph.File, err = os.Create("")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Cannot open ", err)
defer ph.File.Close()
} else {
ph.File = os.Stdout
files := process.GetFiles()
for _, file := range files {
process.ProcessFile(ph, file)
// If windows open