package main import ( "testing" "os" "" "strings" "math" "bytes" ) const EXPECTED = ` # Work Write tests / summary # Test Data nesting1 / nesting 2 / nesting 3 / nesting 4 / nesting 5 not nested # Nested Header ## With something done a partly done thing / the one done thing # Repetition 25 things 20 category / nested rep # Pomodoros completed 7 / 19 - 5 Pomodoros ` func TestSummary(t *testing.T) { ph := new(processHandler) r, w, err := os.Pipe() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ph.File = w files := process.GetFiles() for _, file := range files { ph.Writeln("") ph.Writeln(file) process.ProcessFile(ph, file) } w.Close() var result = make([]byte, 1000) n, _ := r.Read(result) //fmt.Printf("n:%v len(res):%v len(EXP):%v\n", n, len(result), len(EXPECTED)) if ! bytes.Equal(result[:n], []byte(EXPECTED)) { var diffLoc = 0 for i, ch := range EXPECTED { //fmt.Printf("%v/%v: %v %v\n", i, n, ch, result[i]) if i > n-1 || result[i] != byte(ch) { diffLoc = i break } } //fmt.Println(diffLoc) line := strings.Count(string(result[:diffLoc]), "\n") errorStr := string(result[int(math.Max(0, float64(diffLoc - 10))) : int(math.Min(float64(len(result)), float64(diffLoc + 10))) ]) t.Errorf("Summary results do not match expected:\nfirst difference at line %v\nexpected char: '%c'\nactual char: '%v'\nline: '%v'\n%v<---->\n%v\n", line, EXPECTED[diffLoc], string(result[diffLoc]), errorStr, string(result), EXPECTED) } }