package goricochet import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // MessageBuilder allows a client to construct specific data packets for the // ricochet protocol. type MessageBuilder struct { } // OpenChannel contructs a message which will request to open a channel for // chat on the given channelID. func (mb *MessageBuilder) OpenChannel(channelID int32, channelType string) ([]byte, error) { oc := &Protocol_Data_Control.OpenChannel{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), ChannelType: proto.String(channelType), } pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ OpenChannel: oc, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // AckOpenChannel constructs a message to acknowledge a previous open channel operation. func (mb *MessageBuilder) AckOpenChannel(channelID int32) ([]byte, error) { cr := &Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), Opened: proto.Bool(true), } pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ ChannelResult: cr, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // RejectOpenChannel constructs a channel result message, stating the channel failed to open and a reason func (mb *MessageBuilder) RejectOpenChannel(channelID int32, error string) ([]byte, error) { errorNum := Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult_CommonError_value[error] commonError := Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult_CommonError(errorNum) cr := &Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), Opened: proto.Bool(false), CommonError: &commonError, } pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ ChannelResult: cr, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // ConfirmAuthChannel constructs a message to acknowledge a previous open channel operation. func (mb *MessageBuilder) ConfirmAuthChannel(channelID int32, serverCookie [16]byte) ([]byte, error) { cr := &Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), Opened: proto.Bool(true), } err := proto.SetExtension(cr, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ServerCookie, serverCookie[:]) utils.CheckError(err) pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ ChannelResult: cr, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // OpenContactRequestChannel contructs a message which will reuqest to open a channel for // a contact request on the given channelID, with the given nick and message. func (mb *MessageBuilder) OpenContactRequestChannel(channelID int32, nick string, message string) ([]byte, error) { // Construct a Contact Request Channel oc := &Protocol_Data_Control.OpenChannel{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), ChannelType: proto.String(""), } contactRequest := &Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.ContactRequest{ Nickname: proto.String(nick), MessageText: proto.String(message), } err := proto.SetExtension(oc, Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_ContactRequest, contactRequest) utils.CheckError(err) pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ OpenChannel: oc, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // ReplyToContactRequestOnResponse constructs a message to acknowledge contact request func (mb *MessageBuilder) ReplyToContactRequestOnResponse(channelID int32, status string) ([]byte, error) { cr := &Protocol_Data_Control.ChannelResult{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), Opened: proto.Bool(true), } statusNum := Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response_Status_value[status] responseStatus := Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response_Status(statusNum) contactRequest := &Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response{ Status: &responseStatus, } err := proto.SetExtension(cr, Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_Response, contactRequest) utils.CheckError(err) pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ ChannelResult: cr, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // ReplyToContactRequest constructs a message to acknowledge a contact request func (mb *MessageBuilder) ReplyToContactRequest(channelID int32, status string) ([]byte, error) { statusNum := Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response_Status_value[status] responseStatus := Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response_Status(statusNum) contactRequest := &Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response{ Status: &responseStatus, } return proto.Marshal(contactRequest) } // OpenAuthenticationChannel constructs a message which will reuqest to open a channel for // authentication on the given channelID, with the given cookie func (mb *MessageBuilder) OpenAuthenticationChannel(channelID int32, clientCookie [16]byte) ([]byte, error) { oc := &Protocol_Data_Control.OpenChannel{ ChannelIdentifier: proto.Int32(channelID), ChannelType: proto.String("im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service"), } err := proto.SetExtension(oc, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ClientCookie, clientCookie[:]) utils.CheckError(err) pc := &Protocol_Data_Control.Packet{ OpenChannel: oc, } return proto.Marshal(pc) } // Proof constructs a proof message with the given public key and signature. func (mb *MessageBuilder) Proof(publicKeyBytes []byte, signatureBytes []byte) ([]byte, error) { proof := &Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Proof{ PublicKey: publicKeyBytes, Signature: signatureBytes, } ahsPacket := &Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Packet{ Proof: proof, Result: nil, } return proto.Marshal(ahsPacket) } // AuthResult constructs a response to a Proof func (mb *MessageBuilder) AuthResult(accepted bool, isKnownContact bool) ([]byte, error) { // Construct a Result Message result := &Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Result{ Accepted: proto.Bool(accepted), IsKnownContact: proto.Bool(isKnownContact), } ahsPacket := &Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Packet{ Proof: nil, Result: result, } return proto.Marshal(ahsPacket) } // ChatMessage constructs a chat message with the given content. func (mb *MessageBuilder) ChatMessage(message string, messageID int32) ([]byte, error) { cm := &Protocol_Data_Chat.ChatMessage{ MessageId: proto.Uint32(uint32(messageID)), MessageText: proto.String(message), } chatPacket := &Protocol_Data_Chat.Packet{ ChatMessage: cm, } return proto.Marshal(chatPacket) } // AckChatMessage constructs a chat message acknowledgement. func (mb *MessageBuilder) AckChatMessage(messageID int32) ([]byte, error) { cr := &Protocol_Data_Chat.ChatAcknowledge{ MessageId: proto.Uint32(uint32(messageID)), Accepted: proto.Bool(true), } pc := &Protocol_Data_Chat.Packet{ ChatAcknowledge: cr, } return proto.Marshal(pc) }