package goricochet import "testing" import "time" import "log" type TestBadUsageService struct { StandardRicochetService BadUsageErrorCount int UnknownTypeErrorCount int ChannelClosed int } type TestBadUsageConnection struct { StandardRicochetConnection Service *TestBadUsageService } func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) { ts.StandardRicochetService.OnNewConnection(oc) go oc.Process(&TestBadUsageConnection{Service: ts}) } func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnReady(oc *OpenConnection) { if oc.Client { oc.OpenChannel(17, "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service") // Fail because no Extension } tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnReady(oc) if oc.Client { oc.Authenticate(103) // Should Fail because cannot open more than one auth-hidden-service channel at once } } func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte) { tc.Conn.Authenticate(2) // Try to authenticate again...will fail servers don't auth tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(4, "test", "test") // Only clients can send contact requests tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationProof(channelID, publicKey, signature) tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(5) // Fail because server can only open even numbered channels tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Fail because already in use... } // OnContactRequest is called when a client sends a new contact request func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string) { tc.Conn.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Pending") // Done to keep the contact request channel open } func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) { tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, isKnownContact) tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Succeed tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Should fail as duplicate (channel already in use) tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(6) // Should fail because clients are not allowed to open even numbered channels tc.Conn.SendMessage(101, "test") // Should fail as 101 doesn't exist tc.Conn.Authenticate(1) // Try to authenticate again...will fail because we have already authenticated tc.Conn.OpenChannel(19, "") // Will Fail tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(11, "test", "test") // Succeed tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(13, "test", "test") // Trigger singleton contact request check tc.Conn.OpenChannel(15, "im.ricochet.not-a-real-type") // Fail UnknownType } // OnChannelClose is called when a client or server closes an existing channel func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnChannelClosed(channelID int32) { if channelID == 101 { log.Printf("Received Channel Closed: %v", channelID) tc.Service.ChannelClosed++ } } func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string) { log.Printf("Failed Channel Open %v %v", channelID, errorType) tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID, errorType) if errorType == "BadUsageError" { tc.Service.BadUsageErrorCount++ } else if errorType == "UnknownTypeError" { tc.Service.UnknownTypeErrorCount++ } } func TestBadUsageServer(t *testing.T) { ricochetService := new(TestBadUsageService) err := ricochetService.Init("./private_key") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Could not initate ricochet service: %v", err) } go ricochetService.Listen(ricochetService, 9884) time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) ricochetService2 := new(TestBadUsageService) err = ricochetService2.Init("./private_key") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Could not initate ricochet service: %v", err) } go ricochetService2.Listen(ricochetService2, 9885) oc, err := ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr") if err != nil { t.Errorf("Could not connect to ricochet service: %v", err) } go oc.Process(&TestBadUsageConnection{ Service: ricochetService2, StandardRicochetConnection: StandardRicochetConnection{ PrivateKey: ricochetService2.PrivateKey, }, }) time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) if ricochetService2.ChannelClosed != 1 || ricochetService2.BadUsageErrorCount != 7 || ricochetService.BadUsageErrorCount != 4 || ricochetService2.UnknownTypeErrorCount != 1 { t.Errorf("Invalid number of errors seen Closed:%v, Client Bad Usage:%v UnknownTypeErrorCount: %v, Server Bad Usage: %v ", ricochetService2.ChannelClosed, ricochetService2.BadUsageErrorCount, ricochetService2.UnknownTypeErrorCount, ricochetService.BadUsageErrorCount) } }