Rework the API around connection events

This is a rework of some parts of the API to make connection management
for applications more sane and reliable.

- The RicochetService interface is split into the ServiceHandler and
  ConnectionHandler interfaces. ServiceHandler is implemented by the
  application to handle inbound connections to a listener.
  ConnectionHandler is implemented to handle events for a single
  OpenConnection. Handler instances should no longer be shared for
  different listeners or connections.

- Instead of automatically starting a processConnection goroutine, the
  application is now responsible for calling OpenConnection.Process in a
  goroutine to act on the connection. This function blocks until the
  connection is closed. This change allows a better application pattern
  for setting the handler of a connection and reacting to connection

- It is no longer necessary to have started a listener in order to make
  outbound connections.

- The Ricochet type is removed, because it no longer served any purpose,
  and this avoids having any shared state between different listeners or
This commit is contained in:
John Brooks 2016-10-08 17:51:13 -07:00
parent 630efa186e
commit 860ae9a024
10 changed files with 614 additions and 504 deletions

View File

@ -11,27 +11,36 @@ type EchoBotService struct {
func (ebs *EchoBotService) OnNewConnection(oc *goricochet.OpenConnection) {
go oc.Process(&EchoBotConnection{})
type EchoBotConnection struct {
// IsKnownContact is configured to always accept Contact Requests
func (ebs *EchoBotService) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
func (ebc *EchoBotConnection) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return true
// OnContactRequest - we always accept new contact request.
func (ebs *EchoBotService) OnContactRequest(oc *goricochet.OpenConnection, channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnContactRequest(oc, channelID, nick, message)
oc.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Accepted")
func (ebc *EchoBotConnection) OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
ebc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnContactRequest(channelID, nick, message)
ebc.Conn.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Accepted")
// OnChatMessage we acknowledge the message, grab the message content and send it back - opening
// a new channel if necessary.
func (ebs *EchoBotService) OnChatMessage(oc *goricochet.OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
log.Printf("Received Message from %s: %s", oc.OtherHostname, message)
oc.AckChatMessage(channelID, messageID)
if oc.GetChannelType(6) == "none" {
func (ebc *EchoBotConnection) OnChatMessage(channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
log.Printf("Received Message from %s: %s", ebc.Conn.OtherHostname, message)
ebc.Conn.AckChatMessage(channelID, messageID)
if ebc.Conn.GetChannelType(6) == "none" {
oc.SendMessage(6, message)
ebc.Conn.SendMessage(6, message)
func main() {

handlers.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package goricochet
// ServiceHandler is the interface to handle events for an inbound connection listener
type ServiceHandler interface {
// OnNewConnection is called for inbound connections to the service after protocol
// version negotiation has completed successfully.
OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection)
// OnFailedConnection is called for inbound connections to the service which fail
// to successfully complete version negotiation for any reason.
OnFailedConnection(err error)
// ConnectionHandler is the interface to handle events for an open protocol connection,
// whether inbound or outbound. Each OpenConnection will need its own instance of an
// application type implementing ConnectionHandler, which could also be used to store
// application state related to the connection.
type ConnectionHandler interface {
// OnReady is called before OpenConnection.Process() begins from the connection
OnReady(oc *OpenConnection)
// OnDisconnect is called when the connection is closed, just before
// OpenConnection.Process() returns
// Authentication Management
OnAuthenticationRequest(channelID int32, clientCookie [16]byte)
OnAuthenticationChallenge(channelID int32, serverCookie [16]byte)
OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte)
OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool)
// Contact Management
IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool
OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string)
OnContactRequestAck(channelID int32, status string)
// Managing Channels
OnOpenChannelRequest(channelID int32, channelType string)
OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(channelID int32)
OnChannelClosed(channelID int32)
// Chat Messages
OnChatMessage(channelID int32, messageID int32, message string)
OnChatMessageAck(channelID int32, messageID int32)
// Handle Errors
OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string)
OnGenericError(channelID int32)
OnUnknownTypeError(channelID int32)
OnUnauthorizedError(channelID int32)
OnBadUsageError(channelID int32)
OnFailedError(channelID int32)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ import (
@ -298,3 +304,231 @@ func (oc *OpenConnection) SendMessage(channel int32, message string) {
oc.rni.SendRicochetPacket(oc.conn, channel, data)
// Process waits for new messages to arrive from the connection and uses the given
// ConnectionHandler to process them.
func (oc *OpenConnection) Process(handler ConnectionHandler) {
defer oc.Close()
defer handler.OnDisconnect()
for {
if oc.Closed {
packet, err := oc.rni.RecvRicochetPacket(oc.conn)
if err != nil {
if len(packet.Data) == 0 {
if packet.Channel == 0 {
res := new(Protocol_Data_Control.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
if err != nil {
if res.GetOpenChannel() != nil {
opm := res.GetOpenChannel()
if oc.GetChannelType(opm.GetChannelIdentifier()) != "none" {
// Channel is already in use.
// If I am a Client, the server can only open even numbered channels
if oc.Client && opm.GetChannelIdentifier()%2 != 0 {
// If I am a Server, the client can only open odd numbered channels
if !oc.Client && opm.GetChannelIdentifier()%2 != 1 {
switch opm.GetChannelType() {
case "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service":
if oc.Client {
// Servers are authed by default and can't auth with hidden-service
} else if oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't auth if already authed
} else if oc.HasChannel("im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service") {
// Can't open more than 1 auth channel
} else {
clientCookie, err := proto.GetExtension(opm, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ClientCookie)
if err == nil {
clientCookieB := [16]byte{}
copy(clientCookieB[:], clientCookie.([]byte)[:])
handler.OnAuthenticationRequest(opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), clientCookieB)
} else {
// Must include Client Cookie
case "":
if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't open chat channel if not authorized
} else if !handler.IsKnownContact(oc.OtherHostname) {
// Can't open chat channel if not a known contact
} else {
handler.OnOpenChannelRequest(opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), "")
case "":
if oc.Client {
// Servers are not allowed to send contact requests
} else if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't open a contact channel if not authed
} else if oc.HasChannel("") {
// Only 1 contact channel is allowed to be open at a time
} else {
contactRequestI, err := proto.GetExtension(opm, Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_ContactRequest)
if err == nil {
contactRequest, check := contactRequestI.(*Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.ContactRequest)
if check {
handler.OnContactRequest(opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), contactRequest.GetNickname(), contactRequest.GetMessageText())
} else if res.GetChannelResult() != nil {
crm := res.GetChannelResult()
if crm.GetOpened() {
switch oc.GetChannelType(crm.GetChannelIdentifier()) {
case "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service":
serverCookie, err := proto.GetExtension(crm, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ServerCookie)
if err == nil {
serverCookieB := [16]byte{}
copy(serverCookieB[:], serverCookie.([]byte)[:])
handler.OnAuthenticationChallenge(crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), serverCookieB)
} else {
case "":
case "":
responseI, err := proto.GetExtension(res.GetChannelResult(), Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_Response)
if err == nil {
response, check := responseI.(*Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response)
if check {
handler.OnContactRequestAck(crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), response.GetStatus().String())
} else {
if oc.GetChannelType(crm.GetChannelIdentifier()) != "none" {
handler.OnFailedChannelOpen(crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), crm.GetCommonError().String())
} else {
} else {
// Unknown Message
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service" {
res := new(Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
if err != nil {
if res.GetProof() != nil && !oc.Client { // Only Clients Send Proofs
handler.OnAuthenticationProof(packet.Channel, res.GetProof().GetPublicKey(), res.GetProof().GetSignature())
} else if res.GetResult() != nil && oc.Client { // Only Servers Send Results
handler.OnAuthenticationResult(packet.Channel, res.GetResult().GetAccepted(), res.GetResult().GetIsKnownContact())
} else {
// If neither of the above are satisfied we just close the connection
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "" {
// NOTE: These auth checks should be redundant, however they
// are included here for defense-in-depth if for some reason
// a previously authed connection becomes untrusted / not known and
// the state is not cleaned up.
if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't send chat messages if not authorized
} else if !handler.IsKnownContact(oc.OtherHostname) {
// Can't send chat message if not a known contact
} else {
res := new(Protocol_Data_Chat.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
if err != nil {
if res.GetChatMessage() != nil {
handler.OnChatMessage(packet.Channel, int32(res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageId()), res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageText())
} else if res.GetChatAcknowledge() != nil {
handler.OnChatMessageAck(packet.Channel, int32(res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageId()))
} else {
// If neither of the above are satisfied we just close the connection
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "" {
// NOTE: These auth checks should be redundant, however they
// are included here for defense-in-depth if for some reason
// a previously authed connection becomes untrusted / not known and
// the state is not cleaned up.
if !oc.Client {
// Clients are not allowed to send contact request responses
} else if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't send a contact request if not authed
} else {
res := new(Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
log.Printf("%v", res)
if err != nil {
handler.OnContactRequestAck(packet.Channel, res.GetStatus().String())
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "none" {
// Invalid Channel Assignment
} else {

View File

@ -2,344 +2,106 @@ package goricochet
import (
// Ricochet is a protocol to conducting anonymous IM.
type Ricochet struct {
newconns chan *OpenConnection
networkResolver utils.NetworkResolver
rni utils.RicochetNetworkInterface
// Init sets up the Ricochet object.
func (r *Ricochet) Init() {
r.newconns = make(chan *OpenConnection)
r.networkResolver = utils.NetworkResolver{}
r.rni = new(utils.RicochetNetwork)
// Connect sets up a client ricochet connection to host e.g. qn6uo4cmsrfv4kzq.onion. If this
// function finished successfully then the connection can be assumed to
// be open and authenticated.
// To specify a local port using the format "[port]|ricochet-id".
func (r *Ricochet) Connect(host string) (*OpenConnection, error) {
var err error
conn, host, err := r.networkResolver.Resolve(host)
func Connect(host string) (*OpenConnection, error) {
networkResolver := utils.NetworkResolver{}
conn, host, err := networkResolver.Resolve(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.ConnectOpen(conn, host)
return Open(conn, host)
// ConnectOpen attempts to open up a new connection to the given host. Returns a
// pointer to the OpenConnection or an error.
func (r *Ricochet) ConnectOpen(conn net.Conn, host string) (*OpenConnection, error) {
oc, err := r.negotiateVersion(conn, true)
// Open establishes a protocol session on an established net.Conn, and returns a new
// OpenConnection instance representing this connection. On error, the connection
// will be closed. This function blocks until version negotiation has completed.
// The application should call Process() on the returned OpenConnection to continue
// handling protocol messages.
func Open(conn net.Conn, remoteHostname string) (*OpenConnection, error) {
oc, err := negotiateVersion(conn, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
oc.OtherHostname = host
r.newconns <- oc
oc.OtherHostname = remoteHostname
return oc, nil
// Server launches a new server listening on port
func (r *Ricochet) Server(service RicochetService, port int) {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ""+strconv.Itoa(port))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Cannot Listen on Port %v", port)
// Serve accepts incoming connections on a net.Listener, negotiates protocol,
// and calls methods of the ServiceHandler to handle inbound connections. All
// calls to ServiceHandler happen on the caller's goroutine. The listener can
// be closed at any time to close the service.
func Serve(ln net.Listener, handler ServiceHandler) error {
defer ln.Close()
r.ServeListener(service, ln)
// ServeListener processes all messages given by the listener ln with the given
// RicochetService, service.
func (r *Ricochet) ServeListener(service RicochetService, ln net.Listener) {
go r.ProcessMessages(service)
for {
// accept connection on port
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
go r.processNewConnection(conn, service)
// processNewConnection sets up a new connection
func (r *Ricochet) processNewConnection(conn net.Conn, service RicochetService) {
oc, err := r.negotiateVersion(conn, false)
if err == nil {
r.newconns <- oc
// ProcessMessages is intended to be a background thread listening for all messages
// a client will send. The given RicochetService will be used to respond to messages.
// Prerequisites:
// * Must have previously issued a successful Connect()
func (r *Ricochet) ProcessMessages(service RicochetService) {
for {
oc := <-r.newconns
if oc == nil {
go r.processConnection(oc, service)
// RequestStopMessageLoop requests that the ProcessMessages loop is stopped after handling all currently
// queued new connections.
func (r *Ricochet) RequestStopMessageLoop() {
r.newconns <- nil
// ProcessConnection starts a blocking process loop which continually waits for
// new messages to arrive from the connection and uses the given RicochetService
// to process them.
func (r *Ricochet) processConnection(oc *OpenConnection, service RicochetService) {
defer service.OnDisconnect(oc)
for {
if oc.Closed {
packet, err := r.rni.RecvRicochetPacket(oc.conn)
if err != nil {
if len(packet.Data) == 0 {
service.OnChannelClosed(oc, packet.Channel)
if packet.Channel == 0 {
res := new(Protocol_Data_Control.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
connChannel := make(chan interface{})
listenErrorChannel := make(chan error)
go func() {
var pending sync.WaitGroup
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
service.OnGenericError(oc, packet.Channel)
// Wait for pending connections before returning an error; this
// prevents abandoned goroutines when the outer loop stops reading
// from connChannel.
listenErrorChannel <- err
if res.GetOpenChannel() != nil {
opm := res.GetOpenChannel()
if oc.GetChannelType(opm.GetChannelIdentifier()) != "none" {
// Channel is already in use.
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
// If I am a Client, the server can only open even numbered channels
if oc.Client && opm.GetChannelIdentifier()%2 != 0 {
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
// If I am a Server, the client can only open odd numbered channels
if !oc.Client && opm.GetChannelIdentifier()%2 != 1 {
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
switch opm.GetChannelType() {
case "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service":
if oc.Client {
// Servers are authed by default and can't auth with hidden-service
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't auth if already authed
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if oc.HasChannel("im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service") {
// Can't open more than 1 auth channel
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else {
clientCookie, err := proto.GetExtension(opm, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ClientCookie)
if err == nil {
clientCookieB := [16]byte{}
copy(clientCookieB[:], clientCookie.([]byte)[:])
service.OnAuthenticationRequest(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), clientCookieB)
} else {
// Must include Client Cookie
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
case "":
if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't open chat channel if not authorized
service.OnUnauthorizedError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if !service.IsKnownContact(oc.OtherHostname) {
// Can't open chat channel if not a known contact
service.OnUnauthorizedError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else {
service.OnOpenChannelRequest(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), "")
case "":
if oc.Client {
// Servers are not allowed to send contact requests
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't open a contact channel if not authed
service.OnUnauthorizedError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if oc.HasChannel("") {
// Only 1 contact channel is allowed to be open at a time
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else {
contactRequestI, err := proto.GetExtension(opm, Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_ContactRequest)
if err == nil {
contactRequest, check := contactRequestI.(*Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.ContactRequest)
if check {
service.OnContactRequest(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier(), contactRequest.GetNickname(), contactRequest.GetMessageText())
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
service.OnUnknownTypeError(oc, opm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else if res.GetChannelResult() != nil {
crm := res.GetChannelResult()
if crm.GetOpened() {
switch oc.GetChannelType(crm.GetChannelIdentifier()) {
case "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service":
serverCookie, err := proto.GetExtension(crm, Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.E_ServerCookie)
if err == nil {
serverCookieB := [16]byte{}
copy(serverCookieB[:], serverCookie.([]byte)[:])
service.OnAuthenticationChallenge(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), serverCookieB)
} else {
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier())
case "":
service.OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier())
case "":
responseI, err := proto.GetExtension(res.GetChannelResult(), Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.E_Response)
if err == nil {
response, check := responseI.(*Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response)
if check {
service.OnContactRequestAck(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), response.GetStatus().String())
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier())
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier())
} else {
if oc.GetChannelType(crm.GetChannelIdentifier()) != "none" {
service.OnFailedChannelOpen(oc, crm.GetChannelIdentifier(), crm.GetCommonError().String())
} else {
} else {
// Unknown Message
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service" {
res := new(Protocol_Data_AuthHiddenService.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
if err != nil {
if res.GetProof() != nil && !oc.Client { // Only Clients Send Proofs
service.OnAuthenticationProof(oc, packet.Channel, res.GetProof().GetPublicKey(), res.GetProof().GetSignature(), service.IsKnownContact(oc.OtherHostname))
} else if res.GetResult() != nil && oc.Client { // Only Servers Send Results
service.OnAuthenticationResult(oc, packet.Channel, res.GetResult().GetAccepted(), res.GetResult().GetIsKnownContact())
} else {
// If neither of the above are satisfied we just close the connection
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "" {
// NOTE: These auth checks should be redundant, however they
// are included here for defense-in-depth if for some reason
// a previously authed connection becomes untrusted / not known and
// the state is not cleaned up.
if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't send chat messages if not authorized
service.OnUnauthorizedError(oc, packet.Channel)
} else if !service.IsKnownContact(oc.OtherHostname) {
// Can't send chat message if not a known contact
service.OnUnauthorizedError(oc, packet.Channel)
} else {
res := new(Protocol_Data_Chat.Packet)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
oc, err := negotiateVersion(conn, false)
if err != nil {
if res.GetChatMessage() != nil {
service.OnChatMessage(oc, packet.Channel, int32(res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageId()), res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageText())
} else if res.GetChatAcknowledge() != nil {
service.OnChatMessageAck(oc, packet.Channel, int32(res.GetChatMessage().GetMessageId()))
connChannel <- err
} else {
// If neither of the above are satisfied we just close the connection
connChannel <- oc
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "" {
// NOTE: These auth checks should be redundant, however they
// are included here for defense-in-depth if for some reason
// a previously authed connection becomes untrusted / not known and
// the state is not cleaned up.
if !oc.Client {
// Clients are not allowed to send contact request responses
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, packet.Channel)
} else if !oc.IsAuthed {
// Can't send a contact request if not authed
service.OnBadUsageError(oc, packet.Channel)
} else {
res := new(Protocol_Data_ContactRequest.Response)
err := proto.Unmarshal(packet.Data[:], res)
log.Printf("%v", res)
if err != nil {
service.OnContactRequestAck(oc, packet.Channel, res.GetStatus().String())
var listenErr error
for {
select {
case err := <-listenErrorChannel:
// Remember error, wait for connChannel to close
listenErr = err
case result, ok := <-connChannel:
if !ok {
return listenErr
switch v := result.(type) {
case *OpenConnection:
case error:
} else if oc.GetChannelType(packet.Channel) == "none" {
// Invalid Channel Assignment
} else {
return nil
// Perform version negotiation on the connection, and create an OpenConnection if successful
func (r *Ricochet) negotiateVersion(conn net.Conn, outbound bool) (*OpenConnection, error) {
func negotiateVersion(conn net.Conn, outbound bool) (*OpenConnection, error) {
versions := []byte{0x49, 0x4D, 0x01, 0x01}
// Outbound side of the connection sends a list of supported versions

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package goricochet
// RicochetService provides an interface for building automated ricochet applications.
type RicochetService interface {
OnConnect(oc *OpenConnection)
OnDisconnect(oc *OpenConnection)
// Authentication Management
OnAuthenticationRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, clientCookie [16]byte)
OnAuthenticationChallenge(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, serverCookie [16]byte)
OnAuthenticationProof(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte, isKnownContact bool)
OnAuthenticationResult(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool)
// Contact Management
IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool
OnContactRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, nick string, message string)
OnContactRequestAck(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, status string)
// Managing Channels
OnOpenChannelRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, channelType string)
OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
OnChannelClosed(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
// Chat Messages
OnChatMessage(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32, message string)
OnChatMessageAck(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32)
// Handle Errors
OnFailedChannelOpen(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, errorType string)
OnGenericError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
OnUnknownTypeError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
OnUnauthorizedError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
OnBadUsageError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)
OnFailedError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32)

View File

@ -9,23 +9,30 @@ import (
// StandardRicochetService implements all the necessary flows to implement a
// minimal, protocol compliant Ricochet Service. It can be built on by other
// applications to produce automated riochet applications.
// applications to produce automated riochet applications, and is a useful
// example for other implementations.
type StandardRicochetService struct {
ricochet *Ricochet
privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
PrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
serverHostname string
// StandardRicochetConnection implements the ConnectionHandler interface
// to handle events on connections. An instance of StandardRicochetConnection
// is created for each OpenConnection by the HandleConnection method.
type StandardRicochetConnection struct {
Conn *OpenConnection
PrivateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
// Init initializes a StandardRicochetService with the cryptographic key given
// by filename.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Init(filename string) error {
srs.ricochet = new(Ricochet)
pemData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
@ -37,14 +44,14 @@ func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Init(filename string) error {
return errors.New("Could not setup ricochet service: no valid PEM data found")
srs.privateKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
srs.PrivateKey, err = x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Could not setup ricochet service: could not parse private key")
publicKeyBytes, _ := asn1.Marshal(rsa.PublicKey{
N: srs.privateKey.PublicKey.N,
E: srs.privateKey.PublicKey.E,
N: srs.PrivateKey.PublicKey.N,
E: srs.PrivateKey.PublicKey.E,
srs.serverHostname = utils.GetTorHostname(publicKeyBytes)
@ -53,130 +60,151 @@ func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Init(filename string) error {
return nil
// OnReady is called once a Server has been established (by calling Listen)
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnReady() {
// Listen starts the ricochet service. Listen must be called before any other method (apart from Init)
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Listen(service RicochetService, port int) {
srs.ricochet.Server(service, port)
// Connect can be called to initiate a new client connection to a server
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Connect(hostname string) error {
log.Printf("Connecting to...%s", hostname)
oc, err := srs.ricochet.Connect(hostname)
// Listen starts listening for service connections on localhost `port`.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Listen(handler ServiceHandler, port int) {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ""+strconv.Itoa(port))
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Could not connect to: " + hostname + " " + err.Error())
log.Printf("Cannot Listen on Port %v", port)
Serve(ln, handler)
// Connect initiates a new client connection to `hostname`, which must be in one
// of the forms accepted by the goricochet.Connect() method.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) Connect(hostname string) (*OpenConnection, error) {
log.Printf("Connecting to...%s", hostname)
oc, err := Connect(hostname)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Could not connect to: " + hostname + " " + err.Error())
oc.MyHostname = srs.serverHostname
return nil
return oc, nil
// OnConnect is called when a client or server successfully passes Version Negotiation.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnConnect(oc *OpenConnection) {
// OnNewConnection is called for new inbound connections to our service. This
// method implements the ServiceHandler interface.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) {
oc.MyHostname = srs.serverHostname
// OnFailedConnection is called for inbound connections that fail to successfully
// complete version negotiation for any reason. This method implements the
// ServiceHandler interface.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnFailedConnection(err error) {
log.Printf("Inbound connection failed: %s", err)
// ------
// OnReady is called when a client or server sucessfully passes Version Negotiation.
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnReady(oc *OpenConnection) {
src.Conn = oc
if oc.Client {
log.Printf("Sucessefully Connected to %s", oc.OtherHostname)
log.Printf("Successfully connected to %s", oc.OtherHostname)
oc.IsAuthed = true // Connections to Servers are Considered Authenticated by Default
} else {
oc.MyHostname = srs.serverHostname
log.Printf("Inbound connection received")
// OnDisconnect is called when a connection is closed
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnDisconnect(oc *OpenConnection) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnDisconnect() {
log.Printf("Disconnected from %s", src.Conn.OtherHostname)
// OnAuthenticationRequest is called when a client requests Authentication
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnAuthenticationRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, clientCookie [16]byte) {
oc.ConfirmAuthChannel(channelID, clientCookie)
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnAuthenticationRequest(channelID int32, clientCookie [16]byte) {
src.Conn.ConfirmAuthChannel(channelID, clientCookie)
// OnAuthenticationChallenge constructs a valid authentication challenge to the serverCookie
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnAuthenticationChallenge(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, serverCookie [16]byte) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnAuthenticationChallenge(channelID int32, serverCookie [16]byte) {
// DER Encode the Public Key
publickeyBytes, _ := asn1.Marshal(rsa.PublicKey{
N: srs.privateKey.PublicKey.N,
E: srs.privateKey.PublicKey.E,
N: src.PrivateKey.PublicKey.N,
E: src.PrivateKey.PublicKey.E,
oc.SendProof(1, serverCookie, publickeyBytes, srs.privateKey)
src.Conn.SendProof(1, serverCookie, publickeyBytes, src.PrivateKey)
// OnAuthenticationProof is called when a client sends Proof for an existing authentication challenge
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnAuthenticationProof(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte, isKnownContact bool) {
result := oc.ValidateProof(channelID, publicKey, signature)
oc.SendAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, isKnownContact)
oc.IsAuthed = result
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte) {
result := src.Conn.ValidateProof(channelID, publicKey, signature)
// This implementation always sends 'true', indicating that the contact is known
src.Conn.SendAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, true)
src.Conn.IsAuthed = result
// OnAuthenticationResult is called once a server has returned the result of the Proof Verification
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnAuthenticationResult(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
oc.IsAuthed = result
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
src.Conn.IsAuthed = result
// IsKnownContact allows a caller to determine if a hostname an authorized contact.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return false
// OnContactRequest is called when a client sends a new contact request
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnContactRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
// OnContactRequestAck is called when a server sends a reply to an existing contact request
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnContactRequestAck(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, status string) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnContactRequestAck(channelID int32, status string) {
// OnOpenChannelRequest is called when a client or server requests to open a new channel
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnOpenChannelRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, channelType string) {
oc.AckOpenChannel(channelID, channelType)
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnOpenChannelRequest(channelID int32, channelType string) {
src.Conn.AckOpenChannel(channelID, channelType)
// OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess is called when a client or server responds to an open channel request
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(channelID int32) {
// OnChannelClosed is called when a client or server closes an existing channel
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnChannelClosed(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnChannelClosed(channelID int32) {
// OnChatMessage is called when a new chat message is received.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnChatMessage(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
oc.AckChatMessage(channelID, messageID)
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnChatMessage(channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
src.Conn.AckChatMessage(channelID, messageID)
// OnChatMessageAck is called when a new chat message is ascknowledged.
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnChatMessageAck(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnChatMessageAck(channelID int32, messageID int32) {
// OnFailedChannelOpen is called when a server fails to open a channel
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnFailedChannelOpen(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, errorType string) {
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string) {
// OnGenericError is called when a generalized error is returned from the peer
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnGenericError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
oc.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "GenericError")
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnGenericError(channelID int32) {
src.Conn.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "GenericError")
//OnUnknownTypeError is called when an unknown type error is returned from the peer
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnUnknownTypeError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
oc.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "UnknownTypeError")
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnUnknownTypeError(channelID int32) {
src.Conn.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "UnknownTypeError")
// OnUnauthorizedError is called when an unathorized error is returned from the peer
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnUnauthorizedError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
oc.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "UnauthorizedError")
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnUnauthorizedError(channelID int32) {
src.Conn.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "UnauthorizedError")
// OnBadUsageError is called when a bad usage error is returned from the peer
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnBadUsageError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
oc.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "BadUsageError")
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnBadUsageError(channelID int32) {
src.Conn.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "BadUsageError")
// OnFailedError is called when a failed error is returned from the peer
func (srs *StandardRicochetService) OnFailedError(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
oc.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "FailedError")
func (src *StandardRicochetConnection) OnFailedError(channelID int32) {
src.Conn.RejectOpenChannel(channelID, "FailedError")

View File

@ -11,70 +11,76 @@ type TestBadUsageService struct {
ChannelClosed int
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnConnect(oc *OpenConnection) {
type TestBadUsageConnection struct {
Service *TestBadUsageService
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) {
go oc.Process(&TestBadUsageConnection{Service: ts})
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnReady(oc *OpenConnection) {
if oc.Client {
oc.OpenChannel(17, "im.ricochet.auth.hidden-service") // Fail because no Extension
if oc.Client {
oc.Authenticate(103) // Should Fail because cannot open more than one auth-hidden-service channel at once
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnAuthenticationProof(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte, isKnownContact bool) {
oc.Authenticate(2) // Try to authenticate again...will fail servers don't auth
oc.SendContactRequest(4, "test", "test") // Only clients can send contact requests
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnAuthenticationProof(oc, channelID, publicKey, signature, isKnownContact)
oc.OpenChatChannel(5) // Fail because server can only open even numbered channels
oc.OpenChatChannel(3) // Fail because already in use...
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey []byte, signature []byte) {
tc.Conn.Authenticate(2) // Try to authenticate again...will fail servers don't auth
tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(4, "test", "test") // Only clients can send contact requests
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationProof(channelID, publicKey, signature)
tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(5) // Fail because server can only open even numbered channels
tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Fail because already in use...
// OnContactRequest is called when a client sends a new contact request
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnContactRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
oc.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Pending") // Done to keep the contact request channel open
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
tc.Conn.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Pending") // Done to keep the contact request channel open
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnAuthenticationResult(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnAuthenticationResult(oc, channelID, result, isKnownContact)
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, isKnownContact)
oc.OpenChatChannel(3) // Succeed
oc.OpenChatChannel(3) // Should fail as duplicate (channel already in use)
tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Succeed
tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(3) // Should fail as duplicate (channel already in use)
oc.OpenChatChannel(6) // Should fail because clients are not allowed to open even numbered channels
tc.Conn.OpenChatChannel(6) // Should fail because clients are not allowed to open even numbered channels
oc.SendMessage(101, "test") // Should fail as 101 doesn't exist
tc.Conn.SendMessage(101, "test") // Should fail as 101 doesn't exist
oc.Authenticate(1) // Try to authenticate again...will fail because we have already authenticated
tc.Conn.Authenticate(1) // Try to authenticate again...will fail because we have already authenticated
oc.OpenChannel(19, "") // Will Fail
oc.SendContactRequest(11, "test", "test") // Succeed
oc.SendContactRequest(13, "test", "test") // Trigger singleton contact request check
tc.Conn.OpenChannel(19, "") // Will Fail
tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(11, "test", "test") // Succeed
tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(13, "test", "test") // Trigger singleton contact request check
oc.OpenChannel(15, "im.ricochet.not-a-real-type") // Fail UnknownType
tc.Conn.OpenChannel(15, "im.ricochet.not-a-real-type") // Fail UnknownType
// OnChannelClose is called when a client or server closes an existing channel
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnChannelClosed(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnChannelClosed(channelID int32) {
if channelID == 101 {
log.Printf("Received Channel Closed: %v", channelID)
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) OnFailedChannelOpen(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, errorType string) {
func (tc *TestBadUsageConnection) OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string) {
log.Printf("Failed Channel Open %v %v", channelID, errorType)
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnFailedChannelOpen(oc, channelID, errorType)
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID, errorType)
if errorType == "BadUsageError" {
} else if errorType == "UnknownTypeError" {
func (ts *TestBadUsageService) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return true
func TestBadUsageServer(t *testing.T) {
ricochetService := new(TestBadUsageService)
err := ricochetService.Init("./private_key")
@ -95,10 +101,16 @@ func TestBadUsageServer(t *testing.T) {
go ricochetService2.Listen(ricochetService2, 9885)
err = ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
oc, err := ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not connect to ricochet service: %v", err)
go oc.Process(&TestBadUsageConnection{
Service: ricochetService2,
StandardRicochetConnection: StandardRicochetConnection{
PrivateKey: ricochetService2.PrivateKey,
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
if ricochetService2.ChannelClosed != 1 || ricochetService2.BadUsageErrorCount != 7 || ricochetService.BadUsageErrorCount != 4 || ricochetService2.UnknownTypeErrorCount != 1 {

View File

@ -6,52 +6,69 @@ import "log"
type TestService struct {
ReceivedMessage bool
KnownContact bool // Mocking contact request
func (ts *TestService) OnAuthenticationResult(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnAuthenticationResult(oc, channelID, result, isKnownContact)
func (ts *TestService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) {
go oc.Process(&TestConnection{})
type TestConnection struct {
KnownContact bool // Mocking contact request
func (tc *TestConnection) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return tc.KnownContact
func (tc *TestConnection) OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey, signature []byte) {
result := tc.Conn.ValidateProof(channelID, publicKey, signature)
tc.Conn.SendAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, tc.KnownContact)
tc.Conn.IsAuthed = result
func (tc *TestConnection) OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, isKnownContact)
if !isKnownContact {
log.Printf("Sending Contact Request")
oc.SendContactRequest(3, "test", "test")
tc.Conn.SendContactRequest(3, "test", "test")
func (ts *TestService) OnContactRequest(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnContactRequest(oc, channelID, nick, message)
oc.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Pending")
oc.AckContactRequest(channelID, "Accepted")
ts.KnownContact = true
func (tc *TestConnection) OnContactRequest(channelID int32, nick string, message string) {
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnContactRequest(channelID, nick, message)
tc.Conn.AckContactRequestOnResponse(channelID, "Pending")
tc.Conn.AckContactRequest(channelID, "Accepted")
tc.KnownContact = true
func (ts *TestService) OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(oc, channelID)
oc.SendMessage(channelID, "TEST MESSAGE")
func (tc *TestConnection) OnOpenChannelRequestSuccess(channelID int32) {
tc.Conn.SendMessage(channelID, "TEST MESSAGE")
func (ts *TestService) OnContactRequestAck(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, status string) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnContactRequestAck(oc, channelID, status)
func (tc *TestConnection) OnContactRequestAck(channelID int32, status string) {
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnContactRequestAck(channelID, status)
if status == "Accepted" {
log.Printf("Got accepted contact request")
ts.KnownContact = true
tc.KnownContact = true
} else if status == "Pending" {
log.Printf("Got pending contact request")
func (ts *TestService) OnChatMessage(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnChatMessage(oc, channelID, messageID, message)
func (tc *TestConnection) OnChatMessage(channelID int32, messageID int32, message string) {
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnChatMessage(channelID, messageID, message)
if message == "TEST MESSAGE" {
ts.ReceivedMessage = true
receivedMessage = true
func (ts *TestService) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return ts.KnownContact
var receivedMessage bool
func TestServer(t *testing.T) {
ricochetService := new(TestService)
@ -73,16 +90,21 @@ func TestServer(t *testing.T) {
go ricochetService2.Listen(ricochetService2, 9879)
err = ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
oc, err := ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not connect to ricochet service: %v", err)
testClient := &TestConnection{
StandardRicochetConnection: StandardRicochetConnection{
PrivateKey: ricochetService2.PrivateKey,
go oc.Process(testClient)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // Wait a bit longer
if !ricochetService.ReceivedMessage {
if !receivedMessage {
t.Errorf("Test server did not receive message")
func TestServerInvalidKey(t *testing.T) {
@ -100,7 +122,7 @@ func TestServerCouldNotConnect(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not initate ricochet service: %v", err)
err = ricochetService.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
_, err = ricochetService.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Should not have been been able to connect to|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")

View File

@ -10,10 +10,19 @@ import "log"
type TestUnauthorizedService struct {
func (ts *TestUnauthorizedService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) {
go oc.Process(&StandardRicochetConnection{})
type TestUnauthorizedConnection struct {
FailedToOpen int
func (ts *TestUnauthorizedService) OnConnect(oc *OpenConnection) {
func (tc *TestUnauthorizedConnection) OnReady(oc *OpenConnection) {
if oc.Client {
log.Printf("Attempting Authentication Not Authorized")
oc.IsAuthed = true // Connections to Servers are Considered Authenticated by Default
@ -23,10 +32,10 @@ func (ts *TestUnauthorizedService) OnConnect(oc *OpenConnection) {
func (ts *TestUnauthorizedService) OnFailedChannelOpen(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, errorType string) {
func (tc *TestUnauthorizedConnection) OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string) {
if errorType == "UnauthorizedError" {
@ -50,13 +59,19 @@ func TestUnauthorizedClientReject(t *testing.T) {
go ricochetService2.Listen(ricochetService2, 9881)
err = ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
oc, err := ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not connect to ricochet service: %v", err)
connectionHandler := &TestUnauthorizedConnection{
StandardRicochetConnection: StandardRicochetConnection{
PrivateKey: ricochetService2.PrivateKey,
go oc.Process(connectionHandler)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
if ricochetService2.FailedToOpen != 2 {
if connectionHandler.FailedToOpen != 2 {
t.Errorf("Test server did not reject open channels with unauthorized error")

View File

@ -6,29 +6,44 @@ import "log"
type TestUnknownContactService struct {
func (ts *TestUnknownContactService) OnNewConnection(oc *OpenConnection) {
go oc.Process(&TestUnknownContactConnection{})
type TestUnknownContactConnection struct {
FailedToOpen bool
func (ts *TestUnknownContactService) OnAuthenticationResult(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
log.Printf("Authentication Result")
ts.StandardRicochetService.OnAuthenticationResult(oc, channelID, result, isKnownContact)
func (ts *TestUnknownContactService) OnFailedChannelOpen(oc *OpenConnection, channelID int32, errorType string) {
log.Printf("Failed Channel Open %v", errorType)
if errorType == "UnauthorizedError" {
ts.FailedToOpen = true
func (ts *TestUnknownContactService) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
func (tc *TestUnknownContactConnection) IsKnownContact(hostname string) bool {
return false
func (tc *TestUnknownContactConnection) OnAuthenticationProof(channelID int32, publicKey, signature []byte) {
result := tc.Conn.ValidateProof(channelID, publicKey, signature)
tc.Conn.SendAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, false)
tc.Conn.IsAuthed = result
func (tc *TestUnknownContactConnection) OnAuthenticationResult(channelID int32, result bool, isKnownContact bool) {
log.Printf("Authentication Result")
tc.StandardRicochetConnection.OnAuthenticationResult(channelID, result, isKnownContact)
func (tc *TestUnknownContactConnection) OnFailedChannelOpen(channelID int32, errorType string) {
log.Printf("Failed Channel Open %v", errorType)
if errorType == "UnauthorizedError" {
tc.FailedToOpen = true
func TestUnknownContactServer(t *testing.T) {
ricochetService := new(StandardRicochetService)
ricochetService := new(TestUnknownContactService)
err := ricochetService.Init("./private_key")
if err != nil {
@ -39,21 +54,19 @@ func TestUnknownContactServer(t *testing.T) {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
ricochetService2 := new(TestUnknownContactService)
err = ricochetService2.Init("./private_key")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not initate ricochet service: %v", err)
go ricochetService2.Listen(ricochetService2, 9883)
err = ricochetService2.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
oc, err := ricochetService.Connect("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not connect to ricochet service: %v", err)
connectionHandler := &TestUnknownContactConnection{
StandardRicochetConnection: StandardRicochetConnection{
PrivateKey: ricochetService.PrivateKey,
go oc.Process(connectionHandler)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
if !ricochetService2.FailedToOpen {
if !connectionHandler.FailedToOpen {
t.Errorf("Test server did receive message should have failed")