started work on accelerator class. added circle accel. readded velocity mod coord code to phys-step, made objects orbint in slowly greater eccentric circles only on zx plane :/.....
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,13 +27,39 @@
(setf (aref arr i) (make-array w :initial-contents (car rest-list))))
(defclass accelerator () nil)
(defclass circle-accel (accelerator)
((origin :initarg :origin :accessor origin :initform (vector 0 0 0))))
(defgeneric accel (accelerator motion time)
(:documentation "apply some modifications to a motion class based on some rules"))
(defmethod accel ((accelerator accelerator) entity time)
(defmethod accel ((accelerator circle-accel) entity time)
(format t "(circle-accel::accel)~%")
(let* ((o-vector (vector
(- (aref (origin accelerator) 0) (aref (coords entity) 0))
(- (aref (origin accelerator) 1) (aref (coords entity) 1))
(- (aref (origin accelerator) 2) (aref (coords entity) 2))))
(t-vector (rotate* (make-rotation-matrix (/ pi 2) (/ pi 2) (/ pi 2)) o-vector)))
(setf (velocities (motion entity)) t-vector)))
; (setf (aref (velocities (motion entity) 0) (* time (aref t-vector 0)))
; (setf (aref (velocities (motion entity)) 0) (* time (aref t-vector 0)))
; (setf (aref (velocities (motion entity)) 0) (* time (aref t-vector 0)))))
(defclass model ()
((vertices :initarg :vertices :accessor vertices :initform (vector))
(faces :initarg :faces :accessor faces :initform (vector))))
(defclass motion ()
((velocities :initarg :velocities :accessor velocities :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(angles :initarg :angles :accessor angles :initform (vector 0 0 0))))
(angles :initarg :angles :accessor angles :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(accelerator :initarg :accelerator :accessor accelerator :initform (make-instance 'accelerator))
(defclass game-object ()
@ -153,6 +179,7 @@
(defun draw-triangle (tri time)
(let ((time (- (wall-time) *start-time*)))
(gl:with-primitive :triangles
(multiple-value-bind (red green blue) (shift-color time)
(gl:color red green blue))
@ -167,7 +194,7 @@
(multiple-value-bind (blue green red) (shift-color time)
(gl:color red green blue))
(let ((v (aref tri 2)))
(gl:vertex (aref v 0) (aref v 1) (aref v 2)))))
(gl:vertex (aref v 0) (aref v 1) (aref v 2))))))
(defun draw (time)
;; clear the buffer
@ -203,6 +230,12 @@
(defun phys-step (time)
(loop for entity across *world* do
(accel (accelerator (motion entity)) entity time)
(let ((velocities (velocities (motion entity)))
(coords (coords entity)))
(incf (aref coords 0) (* time (aref velocities 0)))
(incf (aref coords 1) (* time (aref velocities 1)))
(incf (aref coords 2) (* time (aref velocities 2))))
(let ((v-angles (angles (motion entity)))
(angles (angles entity)))
(incf (aref angles 0) (* time (aref v-angles 0)))
@ -276,7 +309,8 @@
:angles (vector
(- (random 620) 310)
(- (random 620) 310)
(- (random 620) 310))))))))
(- (random 620) 310))
:accelerator (make-instance 'circle-accel :origin (vector 0 0 0))))))))
@ -293,7 +327,7 @@
(defun main-loop ()
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:window 320 240 :flags sdl:sdl-opengl)
(sdl:window 640 480 :flags sdl:sdl-opengl)
;; cl-opengl needs platform specific support to be able to load GL
;; extensions, so we need to tell it how to do so in lispbuilder-sdl
Reference in New Issue