most of physics for moving

This commit is contained in:
Dan Ballard 2011-08-13 08:10:01 -07:00
parent 32fa1cd3e0
commit 5ec1bdf8ba
6 changed files with 62 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
(defclass engine-object (game-object)
((start-time :initarg :start-time :accessor start-time :initform 0)
;; time till fully active
(activation-time :initarg :activation-time :accessor activation-time :initform 0)))
(activation-time :initarg :activation-time :accessor activation-time :initform 0)
(force :initarg :force :accessor force :initform (make-instance 'force))))
(defmethod activate ((object engine-object) start-time)
@ -37,9 +38,9 @@
(0.0 0.0 (0 1 2))))
(defparameter *thruster-colors*
'(((16 64 2) (0 132 2) (32 164 2))
((16 64 2) (0 132 2) (32 164 2))
((16 64 2) (0 132 2) (32 164 2))
'(((32 64 2) (32 132 2) (32 164 2))
((32 64 2) (32 132 2) (32 164 2))
((32 64 2) (32 132 2) (32 164 2))
((0 255 2) (0 255 2) (64 255 2))))
@ -49,3 +50,24 @@
(defmethod phys-act ((src engine-object) (target game-object) time)
(let* ((scalar-proj (scalar-proj (vector-scale-1 (direction (force (src)))) (vector-scale-1 (position src))))
(accel (/ (newtons (force src)) (mass (body target))))
(accel-vec (scale-vector scalar-proj accel)))
; time is time elapsed in seconds (with decimal for sub seconds)
;(defmethod time-step ((engine engine) object time)
; ; f = ma
; (let ((accel (/ (force engine) (mass object))))
; ; x = x +v*t + 1/2 * a * t^2
; (dotimes (i 3) (progn
; (incf (aref (coords motion) i)
; (+ (* (aref (velocity motion) i) time) (* .5 (aref (acceleration motion) i) (expt time 2))))
; (incf (aref (velocity motion) i)
; (* time (aref (acceleration motion) i))))))

View File

@ -5,67 +5,6 @@
;;; "flight-sim" goes here. Hacks and glory await!
;(defclass engine-object (game-object)
; ((active :initarg :active :reader active :initform nil)
; (start-time :initarg :start-time :reader start-time :initform nil)
; (forces :initarg :forces :accessor forces :initform '())))
;(defgeneric activate-engine (object engine-sym))
;(defmethod activate-engine ((object powered-object) engine-sym)
; (push :engine-sym (getf (engines object) :active))
; (engine-start (getf (getf (engines object) :engines) engine-sym) (wall-time)))
;(defgeneric engine-start (engine time))
;(defmethod engine-start ((engine engine-object) time)
; (setf (slot-value engine 'active) t)
; (setf (slot-value engine 'start-time) time))
;(defgeneric engine-stop (engine))
;(defmethod engine-stop ((engine engine-object))
; (setf (slot-value engine 'active) nil))
; take 2 seconds to fully fire
;(defmethod engine-genmodel ((engine engine-object))
; (let ((time (- (wall-time) (start-time engine))))
; (setf (model engine)
; (make-model-3pyramid (make-2d-array 4 3
; `((0.0 0.5 0.0) (-2.0 -0.5 0.0) (2.0 -0.5 0.0)
; ; z goes from 0 to 1 in 2 seconds
; (0.0 0.0 ,(converge 0 1 2 time))))
; :point-colors (make-2d-array 4 3 `(
; (,(converge 16 64 2 time) ,(converge 0 132 2 time) ,(converge 32 164 2 time))
; (,(converge 16 64 2 time) ,(converge 0 132 2 time) ,(converge 32 164 2 time))
; (,(converge 16 64 2 time) ,(converge 0 132 2 time) ,(converge 32 164 2 time))
; (,(converge 0 255 2 time) ,(converge 0 255 2 time) ,(converge 64 255 2 time))))))))
;(defclass powered-object (game-object)
; ;; plist :: ( :objects (plist models) :active (list symbols))
; ((engines :initarg :engines :accessor engines :initform '(:engines () :active ()))))
;; ((engine :initarg :engine :accessor engine :initform nil)))
; ;(attachments :initarg :attachments :accessor attachments :initform nil)))
; time is time elapsed in seconds (with decimal for sub seconds)
;(defmethod time-step ((engine engine) object time)
; ; f = ma
; (let ((accel (/ (force engine) (mass object))))
; ; x = x +v*t + 1/2 * a * t^2
; (dotimes (i 3) (progn
; (incf (aref (coords motion) i)
; (+ (* (aref (velocity motion) i) time) (* .5 (aref (acceleration motion) i) (expt time 2))))
; (incf (aref (velocity motion) i)
; (* time (aref (acceleration motion) i))))))
;(defmethod time-step ((object powered-object) time)
; (loop for engine in (loop for engine-sym in (getf (engines object) :active) collecting (getf (engines engines) engine-sym)) do
; (time-step engine object time)))
@ -73,18 +12,6 @@
;(defclass engine ()
; (
; (make-instance 'model
; :vertices (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 0 0) (0 1 3) (-2 0 3) (2 0 3)))
; :faces (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 1 3) (0 2 1) (0 3 2) (1 2 3)))
; :colors (make-2d-array 2 3 '((196 196 196) (32 32 32)))
; :face-colors (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (1 1 1)))))
(defparameter *world* nil)
(defparameter *self* nil)
@ -101,17 +28,6 @@
(defparameter *num-frames* 0)
;(defmethod object-draw ((object powered-object))
; (draw-entity object)
; (if (eql (active (engine object)) t)
; (progn
; (setf (model (engine object)) (engine-genmodel (engine object)))
; (gl:translate 0 0 0)
; (object-draw (engine object)))))
(defun draw-world (start-time)
;; clear the buffer
(gl:clear :color-buffer-bit :depth-buffer-bit)
@ -186,6 +102,10 @@
(setf (aref (acceleration (motion *self*)) 1) 0))
(otherwise (format t "~a~%" key))))
(defun phys-step (time)
(loop for sym in (active-attachments *self*) do
(phys-act (getf (attachments *self*) sym) *self* time)))
(defun sim-step ()
"draw a frame"
@ -193,7 +113,7 @@
(time (- start-time *last-time*)))
; (phys-step time)
(phys-step time)
(draw-world start-time)
@ -264,9 +184,10 @@
:template-colors *thruster-colors*
:faces (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 1 3) (0 2 1) (0 3 2) (1 2 3)))
:face-colors (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 1 3) (0 2 1) (0 3 2) (1 2 3))))
:force (make-instance 'force :newtons 10 :direction (vector 0 0 1))
:body (make-instance 'body
:coords (vector 0 0.5 3))))))
:coords (vector 0 0.5 1.5))))))
;:engines (list :engines (list :thrust
; (make-instance 'engine-object
; :motion (make-instance 'motion :coords (vector 0 0.5 3.0))

View File

@ -53,3 +53,27 @@
(defun rotate-triangle (tri m)
(make-array (length tri) :initial-contents
(loop for v across tri collecting (rotate* m v))))
(defun scale-vector (v a)
(make-array (length v) :initial-contents (loop for i across v collecting (* i a))))
; returns a vector with all elemts scaled to biggest 1 which is scaled to 1
; e.x. (scale-vector (8 4 2)) -> (1 .5 .25)
(defun scale-vector-1 (v)
(let ((max (loop for i across v maximize i into result finally (return result))))
(make-array (length v) :initial-contents (loop for i across v collecting (float (/ i max))))))
(defun dot (v1 v2)
(loop for i from 0 to (1- (length v1)) summing (* (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i))))
(defun vector-length (v)
(sqrt (dot v v)))
(defun scalar-proj (vector direction)
(let ((length (vector-length direction)))
(if (eql 0 length)
(/ (dot vector direction) length))))
(defun vector- (v1 v2)
(make-array (length v1) :initial-contents (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length v1)) collecting (- (aref v1 i) (aref v2 i)))))

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@ -65,6 +65,6 @@
(make-2d-array 4 3 '((0 1 3) (0 2 1) (0 3 2) (1 2 3))))))
(defparameter *ship-model*
(make-model-3pyramid (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0.0 0.0 0.0) (0.0 1.0 3.0) (-2.0 0.0 3.0) (2.0 0.0 3.0)))
(make-model-3pyramid (make-2d-array 4 3 '((0.0 -0.5 -1.5) (0.0 0.5 1.5) (-2.0 -0.5 1.5) (2.0 -0.5 1.5)))
:face-colors (make-2d-array 4 3 '((196 196 196) (196 196 196) (196 196 196) (32 32 32)))))

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@ -39,3 +39,6 @@
(draw (model object) time)
(loop for a in (active-attachments object) do
(draw (getf (attachments object) a) time)))
(defgeneric phys-act (src target time))

View File

@ -16,3 +16,4 @@
(defclass force ()
((newtons :initarg :newtons :accessor newtons :initform 0)
(direction :initarg :direction :accessor direction :initform (vector))))