Complete redo of motion, now with high school physics, now only for

self, not objects
This commit is contained in:
Dan Ballard 2011-07-19 23:02:19 -07:00
parent e4765f3682
commit 44062f0247
2 changed files with 68 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "flight-sim")))
(:file "flight-sim")
(:file "physics")))

View File

@ -56,16 +56,23 @@
(faces :initarg :faces :accessor faces :initform (vector))))
(defclass motion ()
((velocities :initarg :velocities :accessor velocities :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(angles :initarg :angles :accessor angles :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(accelerator :initarg :accelerator :accessor accelerator :initform (make-instance 'accelerator))
((coords :initarg :coords :accessor coords :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(velocity :initarg :velocity :accessor velocity :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(acceleration :initarg :acceleration :accessor acceleration :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(jerk :initarg :jerk :accessor jerk :initform (vector 0 0 0))))
;; time is time elapsed in seconds (with decimal for sub seconds)
(defmethod motion-step ((motion motion) time)
; x = x +v*t + 1/2 * a * t^2
(dotimes (i 3) (progn
(incf (aref (coords motion) i)
(+ (* (aref (velocity motion) i) time) (* .5 (aref (acceleration motion) i) (expt time 2))))
(incf (aref (velocity motion) i)
(* time (aref (acceleration motion) i))))))
(defclass game-object ()
((model :initarg :model :accessor model :initform (make-instance 'model))
(motion :initarg :motion :accessor motion :initform (make-instance 'motion))
(coords :initarg :coords :accessor coords :initform (vector 0 0 0))
(angles :initarg :angles :accessor angles :initform (vector 0 0 0))))
@ -78,18 +85,14 @@
(defparameter *diamond*
(make-instance 'game-object
:model *diamond-model*
:coords (vector 0 0 -3)
:angles (vector 0 0 0)))
(defparameter *world* nil)
(defparameter *origin* (vector 0 0 -7))
(defparameter *self* nil) ; (make-instance 'motion :coords (vector 0 0 -11)))
(defparameter *orientation* (vector 0 1 0))
(defparameter *velocity* 2) ; 1 unit / second
(defparameter *acceleration* 2) ; 1 unit /second
(defparameter *controls-active* '())
(let ((time-units (/ 1.0 internal-time-units-per-second)))
@ -200,12 +203,12 @@
;; clear the buffer
(gl:clear :color-buffer-bit :depth-buffer-bit)
;; move to eye position
(gl:translate (aref *origin* 0) (aref *origin* 1) (aref *origin* 2)) ;; eye
(gl:translate (aref (coords *self*) 0) (aref (coords *self*) 1) (aref (coords *self*) 2)) ;; eye
(loop for entity across *world* do
;(let ((entity (aref *world* i)))
(gl:translate (aref (coords entity) 0) (aref (coords entity) 1) (aref (coords entity) 2))
(gl:translate (aref (coords (motion entity)) 0) (aref (coords (motion entity)) 1) (aref (coords (motion entity)) 2))
(gl:rotate (aref (angles entity) 0) 1 0 0)
(gl:rotate (aref (angles entity) 1) 0 1 0)
(gl:rotate (aref (angles entity) 2) 0 0 1)
@ -229,31 +232,55 @@
(defun phys-step (time)
(loop for entity across *world* do
(accel (accelerator (motion entity)) entity time)
(let ((velocities (velocities (motion entity)))
(coords (coords entity)))
(incf (aref coords 0) (* time (aref velocities 0)))
(incf (aref coords 1) (* time (aref velocities 1)))
(incf (aref coords 2) (* time (aref velocities 2))))
(let ((v-angles (angles (motion entity)))
(angles (angles entity)))
(incf (aref angles 0) (* time (aref v-angles 0)))
(incf (aref angles 1) (* time (aref v-angles 1)))
(incf (aref angles 2) (* time (aref v-angles 2))))))
(motion-step *self* time)
(format t "z-position: ~a z-velocity: ~a z-acceleration: ~a~%" (aref (coords *self*) 2) (aref (velocity *self*) 2) (aref (acceleration *self*) 2)))
;(loop for entity across *world* do
; (motion-step (motion entity) time)))
; (accel (accelerator (motion entity)) entity time)
; (let ((velocities (velocities (motion entity)))
; (coords (coords (motion entity))))
; (incf (aref coords 0) (* time (aref velocities 0)))
; (incf (aref coords 1) (* time (aref velocities 1)))
; (incf (aref coords 2) (* time (aref velocities 2))))))
(defun thruster-on (key)
(case key
((:sdl-key-w) ; + z
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 2) *acceleration*))
((:sdl-key-s) ; - z
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 2) (- *acceleration*)))
((:sdl-key-q) ; + x
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 0) *acceleration*))
((:sdl-key-a) ; - x
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 0) (- *acceleration*)))
((:sdl-key-d) ; + y
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 1) *acceleration*))
((:sdl-key-e) ; - y
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 1) (- *acceleration*)))
(otherwise (format t "~a~%" key))))
(defun thruster-off (key)
(case key
((:sdl-key-w) ; + z
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 2) 0))
((:sdl-key-s) ; - z
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 2) 0))
((:sdl-key-q) ; + q
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 0) 0))
((:sdl-key-a) ; - a
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 0) 0))
((:sdl-key-e) ; + e
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 1) 0))
((:sdl-key-d) ; - d
(setf (aref (acceleration *self*) 1) 0))
(otherwise (format t "~a~%" key))))
(defun sim-step ()
"draw a frame"
(let* ((start-time (wall-time))
(time (- start-time *last-time*)))
(loop for key in *controls-active* do
(case key
((:sdl-key-w) ; + z
(incf (aref *origin* 2) (* time *velocity*)))
((:sdl-key-s) ; - z
(decf (aref *origin* 2) (* time *velocity*)))
(otherwise (format t "~a~%" key))))
(phys-step time)
(draw time)
@ -285,7 +312,7 @@
(glu:perspective 50; 45 ;; FOV
1.0 ;; aspect ratio(/ width (max height 1))
1/10 ;; z near
100 ;; z far
1000 ;; z far
(gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
@ -303,14 +330,11 @@
(loop for i from 0 to 9 collecting
(make-instance 'game-object
:model *diamond-model*
:coords (vector (- (random 10) 5) (- (random 10) 5) (- (random 10) 5))
:angles (vector (random 360) (random 360) (random 360))
:motion (make-instance 'motion
:angles (vector
(- (random 620) 310)
(- (random 620) 310)
(- (random 620) 310))
:accelerator (make-instance 'circle-accel :origin (vector 0 0 0))))))))
:coords (vector (- (random 10) 5) (- (random 10) 5) (- (random 10) 5))))))))
@ -320,6 +344,7 @@
(setf *num-frames* 0)
(setf *last-time* *start-time*)
(setf *controls-active* '())
(setf *self* (make-instance 'motion :coords (vector 0 0 -11)))
; (reshape)
@ -334,8 +359,8 @@
(setf cl-opengl-bindings:*gl-get-proc-address* #'sdl-cffi::sdl-gl-get-proc-address)
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quit-event () t)
(:key-down-event (:key key) (push key *controls-active*))
(:key-up-event (:key key) (setf *controls-active* (remove key *controls-active*)))
(:key-down-event (:key key) (thruster-on key)) ;(push key *controls-active*))
(:key-up-event (:key key) (thruster-off key)) ;(setf *controls-active* (remove key *controls-active*)))
(:idle ()
;; this lets slime keep working while the main loop is running