(in-package :netpipe) (defun nslookup (hostname) "Performs a DNS look up for HOSTNAME and returns the address as a four element array, suitable for socket-connect. If HOSTNAME is not found, a host-not-found-error condition is thrown." (if hostname (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name hostname)) nil)) (defun tcp-connect (server port); &optional (timeout 10)) (handler-case (let ((socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket (nslookup server) port) socket) (sb-bsd-sockets:CONNECTION-REFUSED-ERROR () (progn (format t "Error: Connection refused~%") nil)))) (defun tcp-print-raw (socket line) (when (and socket line) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-send socket line nil))) (defun tcp-print (socket line) (tcp-print-raw socket (concatenate 'string (format nil "~04d" (length line)) line))) (defun tcp-read-raw (socket &key (maxsize 65536)); (timeout 10)) (when socket (values (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-receive socket nil maxsize)))) ;(if-timeout (timeout (format t "socket-receive timed out after ~A seconds.~%" timeout) (force-output) nil) (defun tcp-read (socket) (when socket (let ((len (parse-integer (tcp-read-raw socket :maxsize 4 )))) (tcp-read-raw socket :maxsize len))))