(in-package :liberty-board) (defclass liberty-board (basic-board) ((liberty-board :initform nil :accessor liberty-board) (black-liberties :initform 0 :initarg black-liberties :accessor black-liberties) (white-liberties :initform 0 :initarg white-liberties :accessor white-liberties))) (defun set-symetric-edge (board index stone max) (let ((coords `( (0 ,index) (,index 0) (,max ,index) (,index ,max)))) (loop for coord in coords do (set-2d-stone (liberty-board board) coord stone)))) (defun set-symetric-corner (board stone max) (let ((coords `( (0 0) (,max 0) (0 ,max) (,max ,max)))) (loop for coord in coords do (set-2d-stone (liberty-board board) coord stone)))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((board liberty-board) &key from-board) ; (format t "init liberty-board~%") (if (eql from-board nil) (progn (setf (liberty-board board) (make-2d-board (boardsize board) 4)) ; set up walled edges to have less liberty (loop for i from 1 to (1- (boardsize board)) do (set-symetric-edge board i 3 (1- (boardsize board)))) (set-symetric-corner board 2 (1- (boardsize board)))) (progn (setf (liberty-board board) (copy-2d-board (liberty-board from-board))) (copy-slots (black-liberties white-liberties) board from-board)))) (defgeneric inc-liberties (board coords delta)) (defmethod inc-liberties ((board liberty-board) coords delta) (let ((player (get-stone board coords))) (if (eql player #\B) (incf (black-liberties board) delta) (if (eql player #\W) (incf (white-liberties board) delta))))) (defmacro dec-liberty (board coords) `(progn (set-2d-stone (liberty-board ,board) ,coords (1- (get-2d-stone (liberty-board ,board) ,coords))) (inc-liberties ,board ,coords -1))) (defmethod set-stone :after ((board liberty-board) coords val) (inc-liberties board coords (get-2d-stone (liberty-board board) coords)) (do-over-adjacent (coords-var board coords) (dec-liberty board coords-var))) (defmethod score + ((board liberty-board) player) (if (eql player #\B) (- (black-liberties board) (white-liberties board)) (- (white-liberties board) (black-liberties board)))) (defun liberty-to-analyze (board) (concatenate 'string (board-to-analyze (liberty-board board)) '(#\newline) "TEXT Black Liberties: " (write-to-string (black-liberties board)) " and White Liberties: " (write-to-string (white-liberties board))))