package main import ( "encoding/json" "flag" //"fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) const MaxLength = 8192 const SameCookieTimeLimitMins = 10 const blocklistFile = "blocklist.json" type Ip2LastSeen map[string]time.Time var cookiesToIps map[string]Ip2LastSeen // map [ cookie string] Ip2LastSeen var cookiesLock sync.Mutex var blocklistedIps map[string]bool var blocklistLock sync.Mutex var counter *Counter func main() { var listenPort = flag.Int("listenPort", 5999, "port to listen on for incoming HTTP connections") var proxyPort = flag.Int("proxyPort", 6000, "port to forward connections to that pass the filter") var logLevel = flag.String("logLevel", "warn", "debug, info, warn, or err") flag.Parse() if *logLevel == "debug" { log.SetLevel(log.LevelDebug) } else if *logLevel == "info" { log.SetLevel(log.LevelInfo) } else if *logLevel == "warn" { log.SetLevel(log.LevelWarn) } else if *logLevel == "err" { log.SetLevel(log.LevelError) } log.Infof("Starting ddosFilter on %v -> %v...\n", *listenPort, *proxyPort) cookiesToIps = map[string]Ip2LastSeen{} blocklistedIps = map[string]bool{} load() counter = NewCounter() go logger() go save() listen(*listenPort, *proxyPort) } func load() { _, err := os.Stat(blocklistFile) if os.IsNotExist(err) { log.Warnf("No blocklistFile: %V\n", err) return } bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(blocklistFile) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Couldn't read blocklist file: %v\n", err) return } err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &blocklistedIps) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Couldn't unmarshal blocklisted IPs: %v\n", err) } return } func save() { for { time.Sleep(1*time.Minute) blocklistLock.Lock() bytes, err := json.Marshal(blocklistedIps) blocklistLock.Unlock() if err != nil { log.Error("Could not marshal blockedIPlist: %v\n", err) continue } ioutil.WriteFile(blocklistFile, bytes, 0600) } } func logger() { for { time.Sleep(5*time.Second) log.Infof("Thread count: %v\n", counter.String()) } } func listen(listenPort, proxyPort int) { http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { counter.Add(); filter(w, r, listenPort, proxyPort); counter.Sub()}) addr := "" + strconv.Itoa(listenPort) err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil) if err != nil { log.Errorf("ListenAndServe on %v failed: %v\n", addr, err) return } } func filter(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, listenPort, proxyPort int) { ip := req.RemoteAddr // requires // proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; // in nginx server config if realIp := req.Header.Get("X-Real-IP"); realIp != "" { ip = realIp } blocklistLock.Lock() blocked, ok := blocklistedIps[ip] blocklistLock.Unlock() if ok && blocked { log.Debugln("blocked ip, 404ing") http.Redirect(res, req, "http://gitopcybr57ris5iuivfz62gdwe2qk5pinnt2wplpwzicaybw73stjqd.onion", http.StatusSeeOther) //res.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) //fmt.Fprint(res, "404 - suspected botnet") return } cookieObj, err := req.Cookie("i_like_gogits") log.Debugf("ip: %v cookie: %v\n", ip, cookieObj) if err != nil { pass(res, req, listenPort, proxyPort) return } cookie := cookieObj.Value var mostRecent string = "" var ipList = []string{} cookiesLock.Lock() /**** Inside cookies Lock *****/ ipsForCookie, foundIpsForCookie := cookiesToIps[cookie] if !foundIpsForCookie { ips := Ip2LastSeen{ip: time.Now()} cookiesToIps[cookie] = ips } else { for ip, lastSeen := range ipsForCookie { ipList = append(ipList, ip) if mostRecent == "" || lastSeen.After(ipsForCookie[mostRecent]) { mostRecent = ip } } ipsForCookie[ip] = time.Now() cookiesToIps[cookie] = ipsForCookie } cookiesLock.Unlock() /***** End Cookies Lock *****/ if !foundIpsForCookie { pass(res, req, listenPort, proxyPort) return } if mostRecent == "" || mostRecent == ip { pass(res, req, listenPort, proxyPort) return } timeDiff := time.Now().Sub(ipsForCookie[mostRecent]) if timeDiff.Minutes() > SameCookieTimeLimitMins { pass(res, req, listenPort, proxyPort) return } log.Infof("different IP in the last %v minutes, 404ing\n", SameCookieTimeLimitMins) blocklistLock.Lock() for _, ip := range ipList { blocklistedIps[ip] = true } blocklistLock.Unlock() http.Redirect(res, req, "http://gitopcybr57ris5iuivfz62gdwe2qk5pinnt2wplpwzicaybw73stjqd.onion", http.StatusSeeOther) // res.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) //fmt.Fprint(res, "404 - suspected botnet") } // /*func copyHeader(dst, src *http.Header) { for k, vv := range src { for _, v := range vv { dst.Add(k, v) } } }*/ // func copyHeader(source http.Header, dest *http.Header){ for n, v := range source { for _, vv := range v { dest.Add(n, vv) } } } func pass(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, listenPort, proxyPort int) { //log.Debugf("Request pass to proxy") //log.Infof("orig: %v\n", req.Host) req.Host = strings.Replace(req.Host, strconv.Itoa(listenPort), strconv.Itoa(proxyPort), 1) //req.Host = "" req.URL.Host = req.Host //"" req.URL.Scheme = "http" //log.Infof("req: %v\n", req) var transport http.Transport resp, err := transport.RoundTrip(req) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error fetching: %v\n", err.Error()) http.Error(res, err.Error(), http.StatusServiceUnavailable) return } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { log.Error(err) return } dH := res.Header() copyHeader(resp.Header, &dH) dH.Add("Requested-Host", req.Host) res.WriteHeader(resp.StatusCode) /*n, err := */ res.Write(body) //log.Infof("res.write n: %v err: %v\n", n, err) }