
215 lines
8.7 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; ******************************************************
;;;; Name: tests.lisp
;;;; Purpose: Tests for CL-PACK
;;;; Author: Dan Ballard <>
;;;; Created: May 2009
;;;; License: BSD
;;;; Description: CL-PACK supplies perl/php/ruby compatible
;;;; pack() and unpack() functions to allow
;;;; easy use of binary protocols with the above
;;;; mentioned languages and C.
(in-package :common-lisp)
(defpackage :cl-pack-test
(:use #:common-lisp #:cl-pack)
(:export #:test))
(in-package :cl-pack-test)
;;;; ***** Shamelessly ripped from Practical Common Lisp *****
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
`(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))
(defvar *test-name* nil)
(defmacro deftest (name parameters &body body)
"Define a test function. Within a test function we can call
other test functions or use 'check' to run individual test
`(defun ,name ,parameters
(let ((*test-name* (append *test-name* (list ',name))))
(defmacro check (&body forms)
"Run each expression in 'forms' as a test case."
,@(loop for f in forms collect `(report-result ,f ',f))))
(defmacro combine-results (&body forms)
"Combine the results (as booleans) of evaluating 'forms' in order."
(with-gensyms (result pass-count total-count res pas tot)
`(let ((,result t)
(,pass-count 0)
(,total-count 0))
,@(loop for f in forms collect
`(multiple-value-bind (,res ,pas ,tot) ,f
(incf ,total-count (if ,tot ,tot 1))
(incf ,pass-count (if ,pas ,pas (if ,res 1 0)))
(if (not ,res) (setf ,result nil))))
(format t "~a ~d/~d passed~%" *test-name* ,pass-count ,total-count)
(values ,result ,pass-count ,total-count))))
(defun report-result (result form)
"Report the results of a single test case. Called by 'check'."
(format t "~:[FAIL~;pass~] ... ~a: ~a~%" result *test-name* form)
;;;; **********************************************************
(deftest test ()
(defun gen-null-string (len)
(apply #'concatenate 'string (loop for i from 0 to (1- len) collecting (string #\null))))
(deftest pack-numbers ()
(string= (pack "n" #x4142) "AB")
(string= (pack "v" #x4142) "BA")
(string= (pack "N" #x41424344) "ABCD")
(string= (pack "V" #x41424344) "DCBA")
(string= (pack "g" 15) (concatenate 'string "Ap" (string #\null) (string #\null)))
(string= (pack "e" 15) (concatenate 'string (string #\null) (string #\null) "pA"))
(string= (pack "G" 25) (concatenate 'string "@9" (gen-null-string 6)))
(string= (pack "E" 25) (concatenate 'string (gen-null-string 6) "9@"))
(string= (pack "x") (string #\null))
(string= (pack "w" 193) (coerce `(,(code-char 129) #\A) 'string))
(deftest pack-combinations ()
(string= (pack "c2" #x41 #x42 #x43) "AB") ;; basic repeater (with extra data dropped)
(string= (pack "c*" #x41 #x42 #x43) "ABC") ;; basic * repeater
(string= (pack "c3" #x41 #x42) "AB") ;; only use avail data -- ! should ERROR be raised?
(string= (pack "c2N" #x41 #x42 #x43444546) "ABCDEF") ;; pick up after repeater
(string= (pack "NX2" #x41424344) "AB") ;delete chars
(deftest pack-strings ()
(string= (pack "a*" "Test String") "Test String") ;; * repeater with string data
(string= (pack "a5" "1234") (concatenate 'string "1234" (string #\null))) ;; test null of 'a'
(string= (pack "A10" "Test") "Test ") ;; numeric repeater with string data and padding
(string= (pack "a*N" "String" #x41424344) "StringABCD") ;; pick up after string/*
(string= (pack "A10V" "Test" #x41424344) "Test DCBA") ;; pick up after string/#
(string= (pack "c2xa*" #x41 #x42 "Test") (concatenate 'string "AB" (string #\null) "Test")) ;; non consuming 'x' plays nicely with others
(string= (pack "B*" "010000010100001001000011") "ABC") ;; binary string
(string= (pack "B16" "010000010100001001000011") "AB") ;; binary string only consumes what's asked of it
(string= (pack "B*" "010000010100001") "AB") ;; AB string short a bit
(string= (pack "b*" "100000101000010") "A!") ;; AB string short a bit
(string= (pack "H4" "414243") "AB") ;; basic hex string (ignoring extra chars)
(string= (pack "H*" "414") "A@") ;; padding right?
(string= (pack "h*" "1424") "AB") ;; other byte ordering
(string= (pack "Z*" "dan") (concatenate 'string "dan" (string #\null))) ;; null padded string *
(string= (pack "Z5" "dan") (concatenate 'string "dan" (string #\null) (string #\null))) ;; padding of Z
(string= (pack "Z3" "dan") (concatenate 'string "da" (string #\null))) ;; proper ending in NULL for under length string
(deftest unpack-numbers ()
(= (unpack "N" "ABCD") #x41424344)
(= (unpack "V" "DCBA") #x41424344)
(= (unpack "n" "AB") #x4142)
(= (unpack "v" "BA") #x4142)
(= (unpack "g" (concatenate 'string "Ap" (string #\null) (string #\null))) 15)
(= (unpack "e" (concatenate 'string (string #\null) (string #\null) "pA")) 15)
(= (unpack "G" (concatenate 'string "@9" (gen-null-string 6))) 25)
(= (unpack "E" (concatenate 'string (gen-null-string 6) "9@")) 25)
(= (unpack "w" (coerce `(,(code-char 129) #\A) 'string)) 193)
(deftest unpack-combinations ()
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "c2" "ABC")) '(#x41 #x42)) ;; basic repeater (with extra data dropped)
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "c*" "ABC")) '(#x41 #x42 #x43)) ;; basic * repeater
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "c3" "AB")) '(#x41 #x42)) ;; only use avail data -- ! should ERROR be raised?
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "c2N" "ABCDEF")) '(#x41 #x42 #x43444546)) ;; pick up after repeater
(deftest unpack-strings ()
(string= (unpack "a*" "Test String") "Test String") ;; * repeater with string data
(string= (unpack "a5" (concatenate 'string "1234" (string #\null))) (concatenate 'string "1234" (string #\null))) ;; test null of 'a'
(string= (unpack "A10" "Test ") "Test");; numeric repeater with string data and padding
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "A*N" "String ABCD ")) '("String ABCD")) ;; it doesn't pick up after string/*
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "A10V" "Test DCBA")) '("Test" #x41424344)) ;; pick up after string/#
(equal (multiple-value-list (unpack "c2xa*" (concatenate 'string "AB" (string #\null) "Test"))) '(#x41 #x42 "Test")) ;; non consuming 'x' plays nicely with others
(string= (unpack "B*" "ABC") "010000010100001001000011") ;; binary string
(string= (unpack "B15" "ABC") "010000010100001") ;; binary string only consumes what's asked of it
(string= (unpack "b*" "AB") "1000001001000010") ;; other ordering
(string= (unpack "B9" "A") "01000001") ;; Not enough data
(string= (unpack "H3" "AB") "414") ;; basic hex string (ignoring extra chars)
(string= (unpack "H*" "A@") "4140") ;; padding right?
(string= (unpack "h*" "AB") "1424") ;; other byte ordering
(string= (unpack "H3" "A") "41") ;; not enough data
(string= (unpack "Z*" (concatenate 'string "dan" (string #\null))) (concatenate 'string "dan" (string #\null))) ;; null padded string *
;; Apparently in perl land 1 byte and 2 byte values overflow and wrap arround
;; but 4 byte values don't. This is inconsistent and hard to match perfectly.
;; So cl-pack prevents all overflow and underflow pegging numbers at their
;; highest or lowest possible value as per perl's 4 byte behaviour
(deftest pack-signed ()
(string= (unpack "B*" (pack "c" 255)) "11111111")
(string= (unpack "B*" (pack "c" 256)) "11111111")
(string= (unpack "B*" (pack "c" -128)) "10000000")
(string= (unpack "B*" (pack "c" -129)) "10000000")))
(deftest unpack-signed ()
(= (unpack "c" (pack "c" -1)) -1)
(= (unpack "c" (pack "c" -129)) -128)
(= (unpack "c" (pack "c" 127)) 127)
(= (unpack "c" (pack "c" 128)) -128)))
;;; Test that weird things in form are still handled ok
(deftest pack-form ()
(string= (pack "Kc" #x41 #x42) "A"))) ; unknown character
(deftest unpack-form ()
(= (unpack "Kc" "AB") #x41))) ; unknown character
(deftest mod-! ()
(= (unpack "n!" (pack "n" -1)) -1) ; n! is signed
(deftest mod-<> ()
(string= (pack "l>" #x41424344) "ABCD")
(string= (pack "l<" #x41424344) "DCBA")
(= (unpack "l<" (pack "V" #x41424344)) #x41424344)
(= (unpack "l>" (pack "N" #x41424344)) #x41424344)